Reference list: Earthworm Bioluminescence and Related Topics


Cormier, M. J. (1969), in "Chemical Zoology," (M. Florkin & B. Scheer, eds.) Academic Press, N. Y., vol IV, p. 467.

Harvey, E. N. (1952), in "Bioluminescence," Academic Press, NY, p. 233-241.

Herring, P. J. (1978), in "Bioluminescence in Action" (P. J. Herring, ed.) Academic Press, NY. p. 215.

Jamieson, B. G. M. (1981), in "The Ultrastructure of the Oligochaeta," Academic Press, N.Y. p. 112-116.

Mager, H. I. X., and S-C. Tu (1995) "Chemical aspects of bioluminescence," Photochem. Photobiol. 62, 607-614.

Wampler, J. E. "Measurements and Physical Characteristics of Luminescence." IN: Bioluminescence in Action (P. J. Herring, ed.), Academic Press, London, pp. l-48 (l978).

Wampler, J. E. "Earthworm Bioluminescence". IN: Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence, (M. Deluca and W. D. McElroy, eds.), Academic Press, NY (l98l) 249-256.

Other papers:
Atkinson, G. F. (1887) "A remarkable case of phosphorescence in an earthworm," Am. Nat. 21, 773-774.

Backousky, J. M., J. Komarek and K. Wenig (1939) "Attempt to explain the mechanisms of luminescence in Vejdovsky's earthworm," Vestn. Csl Zool. Spolecn. 7, 10.

Bellisario, R. L. (1971) "Studies on the bioluminescent earthworm Diplocardia longa," Ph.D. dissertation, University of Georgia.

Bellisario, R., and M. J. Cormier (1971) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 43, 800.

Bellisario, R., T.; E. Spencer and M. J. Cormier (1972), "Isolation and properties of luciferase, a non-heme peroxidase from the bioluminescent earthworm Diplocardia longa," Biochem. 11, 2256-2266.

Benham, W. B. (1899) "Phosphorescent earthworms," Nature 60, 591.

Bersis, D. S. (1977) "Zur Biolumineszenz Des Erdwurmes Microscolex phosphoreus," Fol. Biochim. Biol. Graece 14, 5-15.

Cormier, M.J., P. Kreiss and P. M. Prichard (1966) in "Bioluminescence in Progress," (F. Johnson and Y. Haneda, eds.) Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ., p. 363.

Dyne, G. R. (1979) "A new species of bioluminescent earthworm from North Queensland belonging to the subgenus Diplotrema," Mem. Qld. Mus. 19, 373.

Gates, G. E. (1925), "Note on luminescence in the earthworms of Rangoon," Rec. Indian Mus. 27, 471-473.

Gates, G. E. (1944) "Notes on luminescence in som Allahabad earthworms," Curr. Sci. (Bangalore) 13, 131-132.

Gilchrist, J. D. F. (1918-19) "Luminosity and it origin in a Southe African Earthworm (Chilota Sp.)," Trans. R. Soc. South Africa 7, 203-212, + 1 plate.

Jamieson, B. G. M.(1977), "Bioluminescent Autralian earthworms. Digaster brunneus keasti subsp. Nov., (Megascolecidae), the first record of an oligochaete from Frazer Island," Proc. Roy. Soc. Qd. 88,83-88.

Jamieson, B. G. M., and J. E. Wampler. "Bioluminescent Australian Earthworms. w. The Genera Spenceriella, Fletcherodrilus and Pantodrilus", Australian Journal of Zoology, 27, 637-669 (l979).

Jamieson, B. G., J. E. Wampler and M. C. Schultz. "Preliminary Ultrastructural Description of Coelomocytes of the Luminescent Oligochaete, Pontodrilus Bermudensis (Annelida)", IN: Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence (M. DeLuca and W. D. McElroy, eds.) Academic Press, NY, pp. 543-560 (l98l).

Johnson, F. H., Shimomura, O., and Haneda, Y (1966) "A note on the large luminescent earthworm, Octochaetus multiporus, fo New Zealand," in "Bioluminescence in Progress," (F. Johnson and Y. Haneda, eds) Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ p. 385.

Komarek, J. (1934) "Luminescence of Carpathian Worms and its causes," Bull. Int. Acad. Sci Boheme 1934, 1-2.

Komarek, J., and K. Wenig (1938) Die eigenschaften des leuchtens der Eisenia submonanta vejd. (Vermes-olig) und die bedeulung der bioluminesenz im Tierreich," Vestn csl Spolec nauk (aritcl 12) 1-12.

Lloyd-Bozward, J. (1897) "A colony of highly phosphorescent earthworms," Nature (Lond.) 56, 544.

McDermott, F. A., and H. S. Barber (1914) "Luminous earthworms in Washington, D. C.," Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 27, 147-148.

Mulkerrin, M. G., and J. E. Wampler. "Assaying Hydrogen Peroxide Using the Earthworm Bioluminescence System." Methodsin Enzymology LVII 375-38l (l978).

Ohtsuka, H., N. G. Rudie and J. E. Wampler. Structural Identification and Synthesis of Luciferin from the Bioluminescent Earthworm, Diplocardia longa. Biochemistry 15, l00l (l976).

Pickford, G. E. (1937) "A Monograph of the acanthdriline earthworms of South Africa," Heffer, Cambridge, England.

Reynolds, G. T. (1972) "Image Intensification applied to biological problems," Q. Rev. Biophys. 5, 295-347.

Rich, E. S., and J. E. Wampler. "A Flexible Computer Controlled Video Microscopy System with the Capability for Quantitative Spatial, Temporal and Spectral Measurements," Clinical Chemistry, (Proceedings of l3th Annual Symposium on Advanced Concepts for the Clinical Laboratory) 27, 1558-1568 (l98l).

Rudie, N.G., Hiroko Ohtsuka and J. E. Wampler. Purification and Properties of Luciferin from the Bioluminescent Earthworm, Diplocardia longa. Photochem. Photobiol. 23, 7l (l976).

Rudie, N. G., and J. E. Wampler. "Earthworm Bioluminescence: Characterization of the Luminescent Cell from Diplocardia longa. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 59A l-8 (l978).

Rudie, N. G., and J. E. Wampler. "A Unique Aldehyde Chemiluminescence Involving Peroxide and Copper I in Acidic DMSO". Photochem. Photobiol. 29 (l979).

Rudie, N. G., M. G. Mulkerrin and J. E. Wampler. "Earthworm Bioluminescence: Characterization of High Specific Activity Diplocardia longa Luciferase and the Reaction it Catalyzes". Biochemistry, 20, 344-350 (l98l).

Skowron, S. (1926) "On the Luminescence of Microscolex Phosphoreus. Dug." Biol. Bull. 51, 199-208.

Skowron, S. (1928), "The luminous material of Microscolex Phosphoreus. Dug.," Biol. Bull. 45, 191-195.

Wampler, J E. "The Bioluminescence System of Microscolex Phosphoreus and its Similarities to those of Other Bioluminescent Earthworms (Oligochaeta)" Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 7lA, 599-604 (l982).

Wampler, J. E., and B. G. M. Jamieson. "Earthworm Bioluminescence: Comparative Physiology and BIochemistry", Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. 66B, 43-50 (l980).

Wampler, J. E., and B.G.M. Jamieson, "Cell Bound Bioluminescence from Pontodrilus bermudensis and its similarities to other earthworm Bioluminescence", Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 84A, 81-87 (1986).

Wampler,J. E., M. G. Mulkerrin and E. S. Rich. "Instrumentation and Techniques for Analysis of Hydrogen Peroxide and Peroxide-Producing Reactions Using the Earthworm (Diplocardia longa) Bioluminescence." Clinical Chem., 25, 1628-1634 (l979).

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