NOTICE: Photos on these pages are under copyright protection, all rights are reserved
(c)1999, Michael Wampler

Use of this material here is with Mr. Wampler's permission.

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Wampflen Album, Page 1...... Wampflen Album, Page 3
Alsace Album...... Description of the trip
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Slide #7 A typical cow pasture of the area

Slide #8 My first view of Zwishenfluh from the hillside above - Beautiful!

Slide #9 Zwischenfluh in a Beautiful place to be from

Slide #10 View down the valley from above

Slide #11 View up the valley from the valley floor

Slide #12 The Wampflers, (right to left) Niklaus and Wife, Jacob, Michael Wampler, Niklaus Jr., and the substitute Postmaster

Wampflen Album, Page 1...... Wampflen Album, Page 3
Alsace Album...... Description of the trip
Return to the Wampler Family Home Page

Web Photoalbum design by John E. Wampler