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Ancestors and descendants of Jacob WAMPFLER, ~1888 immigrant


Last Update: 10-31-2011

True MAIN SOURCE: see Ted Thrasher {tt} and Betsy Johnson {bj} in Acknowlegements and References

Other sources are given on source lines (sc.) at the entries. In some cases sources are referenced by abreviations in {} at the individual database entries or by reference to another entry. For details and contacts for all sources see source list.

The format of this family tree file has each generation aligned vertically. See Appendix A.9. How to Read Family Trees.

To see an entry, click on the name in the family tree (Note: some of the data files are rather large (~250K bytes).

[ja-3-1] Christen, WAMPFLER (1745) [ja-2-1] Johannes, WAMPFLER (1770) [ja-1-1] Susanna, WAMPFLER (1796) [ja0-11] Susanna, WAMPFLER (1823) [ja-1-2] Johannas, WAMPFLER (1799) [ja0-1] Johannes, WAMPFLER (1828) [ja0-2] Susanna, WAMPFLER (1829) [ja0-3] Christian, WAMPFLER (1832) [ja0-4] Magdalena, WAMPFLER (1834) [ja0-5] Catharina, WAMPFLER (1835) [ja0-6] Jakob, WAMPFLER (1837) [ja1-1] Marianna, WAMPFLER (1861) [ja1-2] Susanna, WAMPFLER (1863) [ja1-3] Lisette, WAMPFLER (1864) [ja1-4] Lisette, WAMPFLER (1866) [ja1-5] Jakob, WAMPFLER (1867) [ja1-6] Rosina (Rosa), WAMPFLER (1870) [ja1-7] Magdalena (Lena), WAMPFLER (1872) [ja1-8] Louisa, WAMPFLER (1875) [ja0-7] David, WAMPFLER (1839) [ja0-8] Samuel, WAMPFLER (1842) [ja0-9] Elisabeth, WAMPFLER (1844) [ja0-10] Samuel, WAMPFLER (1848) [ja-1-3] Jakob, WAMPFLER (1803) [ja-1-4] David, WAMPFLER (1805) [ja-1-5] Magdalena, WAMPFLER (1808) [ja-1-6] Catharina, WAMPFLER (1812) [ja-1-7] Christian, WAMPFLER (1801) [ja-2-2] Christian, WAMPLFLER (1768) [ja-2-2] Susanna, WAMPFLER (1780)

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