From Research and Professional Activities
World-Wide Web Publications
Software Manuals
Books edited
Research Papers and Review ChaptersPh.D. RESEARCH
General and Misc. Bioluminescence
Earthworm Bioluminescence
Mushroom BioluminescenceOn-Line Spectroscopic Systems and Spectroscopy Operating System (SPECOS) Software MOLECULAR MODELING AND COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRY
Low-Light Measurements
Low-Light Imaging, Low-Light Microscopy and Spatially Resolved Spectral MeasurementsHomology Modeling DATA ANALYSIS AND NUMERICAL METHODS
Modeling Protein-Protein Interactions
Thermostability and Rubredoxin
General and Miscellaneous Papers on Molecular Modeling and Computational Chemistry:
J. E. Wampler. "A Calculator Like Input Routine for BASIC Programs," Microcomputing, (March, 1983) 62-64.
J. E. Wampler. "Davis Cone’s Light: Art and Science," in Davis Cone Theatre Paintings 1977-1983. Georgia Museum of Art, The University of Georgia (1983).
J. E. Wampler, "The History of the Department of Biochemistry," Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Georgia, May 1999. On-line at Local Copy at This site
J. E. Wampler, "Our Boundary Waters Trip," multimedia CD with 280 photographs (by Ron Bates, Richard Trotter, Richard Blum and John Wampler) and original music (by Richard Blum), August, 1999.
J. E. Wampler, "A Mile High Is As Low As We Go," multimedia CD with photographs, maps and articles on the July, 2000, trip to the Frank Church/River of No Return Wilderness, Idaho.
The Wampler/Wampfler Genealogy Web Site:
Ravensbourne Press - Publisher of Original Music, Poetry and Fiction
A. Internet "Publications"
Tutorials:Other Web pages and Presentation Notes On-line: "A Tutorial on Protein Structure"
"A Tutorial on Distribution Analysis by Non-linear Fitting of Integrated Probabilities"
See home page at ![]()
B. Software Manuals:
J. E. Wampler and Richard J. DeSa, 3600 General-Purpose Nova-Instrument Interface, User's Guide, On-Line Instrument System, Jefferson GA (1978).
George J. Faini, Richard J. DeSa and J. E. Wampler, On-Line Spectrophotometry Software User's Guide, On-Line Instrument System, Jefferson GA (1978).
J. E. Wampler, R. J. DeSa and G. J. Faini, On-Line Stopped-Flow Program User's Guide, On-Line Instrument System, Jefferson GA (1978).
J. E. Wampler, R. J. DeSa and G. J. Faini, On-Line Rapid Scan Program User's Guide, On-Line Instrument System, Jefferson GA (1979).
J. E. Wampler, SPECOS Program User's Manual, Instrument Design Group, Department of Biochemistry, University of Georgia, Athens GA (1980)
J. E. Wampler, IG EPR Program, HP 9816 Version, User's Manual, Instrument Design Group, Department of Biochemistry, University of Georgia, Athens, GA (1984).
J. E. Wampler, SPECOS Absorption Spectroscopy: Hitachi Version, Instrument Software Services, Arnoldsville, GA. (1985)
J. E. Wampler, SPECOS Absroption Spectroscopy: Shimadzu Version, Instrument Software Services, Arnoldsville, GA. (1987)
J. E. Wampler, SPECOS Absroption Spectroscopy: HPDA Version, Instrument Software Services, Arnoldsville, GA. (1987)
J. E. Wampler, SPECOS SA, The Stand Alone Version, User's Guide, Instrument Software Services, Arnoldsville, GA. (1989)
J. E. Wampler, Plotting and Graphing with SPECOS, Instrument Software Services, Arnoldsville, GA. (1989)
C. Books Edited:
J. E. Wampler, editor, New Methods in Microscopy and Low Light Imaging,Proceedings of SPIE, vol 1161, SPIE, Bellingham, Washington, (1989). ![]()
D. Research Papers (81 total including 22 invited reviews; 57 Abstracts not listed):
Ph.D. RESEARCH (Spectroscopy of Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxal) and Ribonuclease A):
J. E. Wampler and J. E. Churchich. "The Triplet State of Pyridoxal", Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 32, 629-634 (1968).
J. E. Wampler and J. E. Churchich. "Phosphorescence of Pyridoxal", J. Biol. Chem., 244, 1477-1480 (1969).
J. E. Churchich and J. E. Wampler. "Luminescence of Ribonuclease A", Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 243, 304-311 (1971).
Studies of Renilla, the bioluminescent Sea Pansy:
J. E. Wampler, K. Hori, J. W. Lee and M. J. Cormier. "Structured Bioluminescence. Two Emitters During both the in vitro and in vivo Bioluminescence of the Sea Pansy, Renilla", Biochemistry, 10, 2903-2909 (1971).
M. DeLuca, M. E. Dempsey, K. Hori, J. E. Wampler and M. J. Cormier. "Mechanism of Oxidative Carbon Dioxide Production During Renilla reniformis Bioluminescence", Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 68, 1658-1660 (1971).
M. J. Cormier, K. Hori, Y. D. Karkhanis, J. M. Anderson, J. E. Wampler, J. G. Morin and J. W. Hastings. "Evidence for Similar Biochemical Requirements for Bioluminescence Among the Coelenterates", J. Cell. Physiol., 81, 291-298 (1973).
J. E. Wampler, Y. D. Karkhanis, J. G. Morin and M. J. Cormier. "Similarities in the Bioluminescence from the Pennatulacea", Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 314, 104-109 (1973).
K. Hori, J. E. Wampler and M. J. Cormier. "Chemiluminescence of Renilla (Sea Pansy) Luciferin and Its Analogues", JCS Chem. Commun., pp. 492-493 (1973).
K. Hori, J. E. Wampler, J. C. Matthews and M. J. Cormier. "Identification of the Product Excited States During the Chemiluminescent and Bioluminescent Oxidation of Renilla (Sea Pansy) Luciferin and Certain of its Analogs", Biochemistry, 12, 4463-4468 (1973).
General and Misc. Bioluminescence:
M. J. Cormier, J. E. Wampler and K. Hori. "Bioluminescence: Chemical Aspects." in Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products, 30 (W. Herz, H. Grisebach and G. W. Kirby, eds.) pp. 1-60. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1973.
F. I. Tsuji, B. G. Nafpaktitis, T. Goto, M. J. Cormier, J. Wampler and J. M. Anderson. "Spectral Characteristics of the Bioluminescence Induced in the Marine Fish, Porichthys notatus, by Cypridina (Ostracod) Luciferin", Mol. Cell. Biochem., 9, 3-8 (1975).
M. J. Cormier, J. Lee and J. E. Wampler. "Bioluminescence: Recent Advances." in Annual Review of Biochemistry 44, 255 (1975).
J. E. Wampler. "Measurements and Physical Characteristics of Luminescence", in Bioluminescence in Action (P. J. Herring, ed.), Academic Press, London, pp. 1-48 (1978).
N. G. Rudie and J. E. Wampler. "A Unique Aldehyde Chemiluminescence Involving Peroxide and Copper I in Acidic DMSO". Photochem. Photobiol. 29 (1979).
J. E. Wampler. "Instrumentation: Seeing the Light and Measuring It", in Chemiluminescence and Bioluminescence Today, (J. Burr, ed.), Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, (1985) pp. 1-44.J. E. Wampler and J. C. Gilbert. "The Design of Custom Radiometers", in Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence: Instruments and Applications, Vol. I, (K. Van Dyke, Ed.), CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, FL, (1985) pp. 129-150.
Earthworm Bioluminescence:
N. G. Rudie, Hiroko Ohtsuka and J. E. Wampler. "Purification and Properties of Luciferin from the Bioluminescent Earthworm, Diplocardia longa", Photochem. Photobiol. 23, 71 (1976). H. Ohtsuka, N. G. Rudie and J. E. Wampler. "Structural Identification and Synthesis of Luciferin from the Bioluminescent Earthworm, Diplocardia longa", Biochemistry 15, 1001 (1976).
N. G. Rudie and J. E. Wampler. "Earthworm Bioluminescence: Characterization of the Luminescent Cell from Diplocardia longa. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 59A 1-8 (1978).
M. G. Mulkerrin and J. E. Wampler. "Assaying Hydrogen Peroxide Using the Earthworm Bioluminescence System", Methods in Enzymology LVII 375-381 (1978).
B. G. M. Jamieson and J. E. Wampler. "Bioluminescent Australian Earthworms. 2. The Genera Spenceriella, Fletcherodrilus and Pantodrilus", Australian Journal of Zoology, 27, 637-669 (1979).
J. E. Wampler, M. G. Mulkerrin and E. S. Rich. "Instrumentation and Techniques for Analysis of Hydrogen Peroxide and Peroxide-Producing Reactions Using the Earthworm (Diplocardia longa) Bioluminescence." Clinical Chem., 25, 1628-1634 (1979).
J. E. Wampler and B. G. M. Jamieson. "Earthworm Bioluminescence: Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry", Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. 66B, 43-50 (1980).
N. G. Rudie, M. G. Mulkerrin and J. E. Wampler. "Earthworm Bioluminescence: Characterization of High Specific Activity Diplocardia longa Luciferase and the Reaction it Catalyzes". Biochemistry, 20, 344-350 (1981).
B. G. Jamieson, J. E. Wampler and M. C. Schultz. "Preliminary Ultrastructural Description of Coelomocytes of the Luminescent Oligochaete, Pontodrilus Bermudensis (Annelida)", in Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence (M. DeLuca and W. D. McElroy, eds.) Academic Press, NY, pp. 543-560 (1981).
J. E. Wampler. "Earthworm Bioluminescence". in Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence, (M. Deluca and W. D. McElroy, eds.), Academic Press, NY (1981) 249-256.
J. E. Wampler. "The Bioluminescence System of Microscolex Phosphoreus and its Similarities to those of Other Bioluminescent Earthworms (Oligochaeta)" Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 71A, 599-604 (1982).
J. E. Wampler and B. G. M. Jamieson, "Cell Bound Bioluminescence from Pontodrilus bermudensis, and its Similarities to Other Earthworm Bioluminescence," Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 84A, 81-87 (1986)
Mushroom Bioluminescence
D. J. O'Kane, W. L. Lingle, J. E. Wampler, M. Legocki, R. P. Legocki and A. A. Szalay, "Visualization of Bioluminescence as a Marker of Gene Expression in Rhizobium-Infected Soybean Root Nodules," J. Plant Mol. Biol. 10, 387-399 (1988). D. J. O'Kane, W. L. Lingle, D. Porter and J. E. Wampler, "Localization of Bioluminescent Tissues during Basidiocarp Development in Panellus stypticus," Mycologia 82, 595-606 (1990).
D. J. O'Kane, W. L. Lingle, D. Porter and J. E. Wampler, "Spectral Analysis of the Bioluminescence of Panellus stypticus," Mycologia 82, 607-616 (1990).
On-Line Spectroscopic Systems and Spectroscopy Operating System (SPECOS) Software: J. E. Wampler and R. J. DeSa. "An On-line Spectro-fluorimeter System for Rapid Collection of Absolute Luminescence Spectra", Applied Spectroscopy, 25, 623-627 (1971).
R. J. DeSa and J. E. Wampler. "An On-line Spectrophotometer for Collection and Manipulation of Absorbance Spectra", Applied Spectroscopy, 27, 279-284 (1973).
J. E. Wampler and R. J. DeSa. "Recording Polarization of Fluorescence Spectrometer-A Unique Application of Piezoelectric Birefringence Modulation", Anal. Chem., 46, 563-567 (1974).
H. F. Kauffman, D. V. DerVartanian, B. F. Van Gelder and J. Wampler. "EPR Studies of Cytochrome Components in Phosphorylating Particles of Azotobacter vinelandii", Bioenergetics, 7, 215-221 (1975).
J. E. Wampler. "Fluorescence Spectroscopy with On-Line Computers: Methods and Instrumentation", in Modern Fluorescence Spectroscopy (E. L. Wehry, ed.), Vol. 1, Plenum Publishing Company, New York, pp. 1-43 (1976).
J. M. Brewer, R. J. DeSa and J. E. Wampler. "Fluorescence Emission and Stopped-flow Kinetic Studies of the Acid Expansion of Bovine Serum Albumin", Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm., 76, 572-578 (1977).
J. E. Wampler. "Applications of Computer Systems for On-Line Real-Time Instrument Control" Applied Spectroscopy Reviews, 17 (3), 407-496 (1981).
E. S. Rich andJ.E.Wampler. "EPR Spectrometer Control and Data Acquisition using a general-purpose IEEE-488 bus interface and structured softwave". American Laboratory (September, 1982), pp. 17-28.
L. H. Pratt, J. E. Wampler and E. S. Rich, "An Automated Dual-Wavelength Spectrophotometer Optimized for Phytochrome Assay," Analytical Instr. 13, 269-287 (1985).
J. E. Wampler, "SPECOS SA, A Computer Program for Managing, Graphing and Manipulating Laboratory Data," Analytical Instrumentation 19, 203-230 (1991).
Low-Light Measurements:
J. E. Wampler. "Simple Photometer Circuits Using Modular Electronic Components", in Analytical Applications of Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence (E. W. Chappelle and G. L. Picciolo, eds.), National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, D. C., p. 105 (1975).
J. M. Anderson, G. J. Faini and J. E. Wampler. "Construction of Instrumentation for Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence Assays", Methods in Enzymology LVII 529-550 (1978).
E. S. Rich, C. H. Groover and J. E. Wampler. "The Spatial distribution of Light Emission from Liquid Phase Bio- and Chemiluminescence: Variations with container types, turbidity and container frosting". Photochem. Photobiol. 33, 727-736 (1981).
J. E. Wampler. "Calibration and Optimization of Instrumentation for Low-Level Bioluminescence Measurements", in Bioluminescence: Current Perspectives, K. Nealson, ed. Burgess Publishing Co., CEPCO Division, Minneapolis, Minn. pp. 12-28 (1981).
E. S. Rich and J. E. Wampler. "A Portable Photometer for Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence Analysis". Chemical, Biomedical and Environmental Instrumentation 12, 65-74 (1982).
O'Kane, D. J., and Wampler, J. E., "Variable intensity electroluminescence standard for video microscopy," in New Methods in Microscopy and Low Light Imaging (J. E. Wampler, ed.), Proceedings of SPIE, vol 1161, SPIE, Bellingham, Washington, pp. 205-215 (1989).
Low-Light Imaging, Low-Light Microscopy and Spatially Resolved Spectral Measurements:
E. S. Rich and J. E. Wampler. "A Flexible Computer Controlled Video Microscopy System with the Capability for Quantitative Spatial, Temporal and Spectral Measurements," Clinical Chemistry 27, 1558-1568 (1981).
J. E. Wampler. "Low-Light Video Systems", in Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence: Instruments and Applications, Vol. II (K. Van Dyke, Ed.), CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, FL, (1985) pp. 123-146.
J. E. Wampler. "Enhancing Real-Time Perception of Quantum Limited Images from a Doubly Intensified SIT Camera System," Computer Vission, Graphics and Image Processing, (1985) 32, 208-220.
J. E. Wampler, "Microspectrofluorometry with an Intensified Vidicon Detector and Whole Image Spectral Scanning," in Applications of Fluorescence in the Biomedical Sciences (D. L. Taylor, A. Waggoner, F. Lanni, R. F. Murphy and R. R. Birge, eds.) Alan R. Liss, Inc. (1986) pp. 301-319.
J. E. Wampler, J. Chen, L. G. DeMendoza, R. Furukawa, D. McCurdy, L. Pruett, R. L. White, and M. Fechheimer, "Stratagies for Spatially Resolved Microspectrofluorometric Analysis," in Time Resolved Laser Spectroscopy in Biochemistry, SPIE Publication 909 (1988), pp. 319-327.
R. Furukawa, J. E. Wampler and M. Fechheimer, "The Measurement of the Cytoplasmic pH of Dityostelium discoideum Using a Low Light Level Microspectrofluorometer," Cell Biology 107, 2541-2549 (1988)
J. E. Wampler and K. Kutz, "Quantitative Fluorescence Microscopy using Photomultiplier Tubes and Imaging Detectors," in Methods in Cell Biology, vol 29., pp. 239-267 (1989).
Wampler, J. E, Furukawa, R., and Fechheimer, M., "Spectrally and temporally resolved low-light level video microscopy," in New Methods in Microscopy and Low Light Imaging (J. E. Wampler, ed.), Proceedings of SPIE, vol 1161, SPIE, Bellingham, Washington, pp. 163-176 (1989).
Langridge, W. H. R., Escher, A., Baga, M., O'Kane, D., Wampler, J., and Szalay, A. A., "Use of low light microscopy to monitor genetically engineered bacterial luciferase gene expression in living cells and gene activation throughout the development of a transgenic organism," in New Methods in Microscopy and Low Light Imaging (J. E. Wampler, ed.), Proceedings of SPIE, vol 1161, SPIE, Bellingham, Washington, pp. 216-229 (1989).
Wampler, J. E., and Taylor, D. L., "Computer aided microscopy and image processing: an overview of studies on cell movement," in New Methods in Microscopy and Low Light Imaging (J. E. Wampler, ed.), Proceedings of SPIE, vol 1161, SPIE, Bellingham, Washington, pp. 248-255 (1989).
Wampler, J. E., Furukawa, R., and Fechheimer, M., "Microspectrofluorometry for intracellular pH of single cells," in Optical Microscopy for Biology, Proceedings of the 1989 International Conference on Video Microscopy, Chapel Hill, NC, June 4-7, 1989 (Herman, B. and Jacobson, K., editors), Alan R. Liss, New York, pp. 269-282.
R. Furukawa, J. E. Wampler and M. Fechheimer, "Cytoplasmic pH of Dictyostelium discoideum Amebae during Early Development: Identification of Two Cell Subpopulations before the Aggregation Stage," J. Cell Biol. 110, 1947-1954 (1990).
R. A. White, K. Kutz, and J. E. Wampler "Fundamentals of Fluorescence Microscopy," in Topics in Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Volume I: Techniques. (J. R. Lakowicz, ed.) Plenum Publishing Co., NY (1991) pp. 379-410.
Homology Modeling: Modeling Protein-Protein Interactions: D. E. Stewart, P. K. Weiner and J. E. Wampler, "Prediction of the Structures of Proteins Using Related Structure, Energy Minimization and Computer Graphics," J. of Molecular Graphics 5, 133-140 (plate on 145) (1987).
D. E. Stewart, J. LeGall, H. D. Peck, I. Moura, J. J. G. Moura, A. V. Xavier, P. K. Weiner and J. E. Wampler, "A Computer Graphics Model of the Complex formed between Flavodoxin and the Tetraheme Cytochrome C3," in Flavins and Flavoproteins 1987 (D. E. Edmondson and D. B. McCormick eds), Walter de Gruyter, New York, pp. 311-314 (1987).
D. E. Stewart, J. LeGall, I. Moura, J. J. G. Moura, H. D. Peck, A. V. Xavier, P. K. Weiner and J. E. Wampler, "A Hypothetical Model of the Flavodoxin-tetra-heme Cytochrome c3 Complex of Sulfate Reducing Bacteria," Biochemistry 27, 2444-2450 (1988).
D. E. Stewart, J. LeGall, I. Moura, J. J. G. Moura, H. D. Peck, A. V. Xavier, P. K. Weiner, and J. E. Wampler, "Electron Transport in Sulfate Reducing Bacteria: Molecular Modeling and NMR Studies of the Rubredoxin - Tetra-heme Cytochrome c3 Complex," Eur. J. Biochemistry 185, 695-700 (1989).
D. E. Stewart and J. E. Wampler, "Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Cytochrome c3-Rubredoxin Complex" Proteins 11, 142-152 (1991).
P. N. Palma, I. Moura, J. LeGall, J. van Beeumem, J. E. Wampler & J. J. G. Moura, "Evidence for a Ternary Complex formed between Flavodoxin and Cytochrome c3" Biochemistry 33, 6394-6407 (1994).
P. N. Palma, J. LeGall, J., J. E. Wampler and J. J. G. Moura, "Molecular Interactions Between Metalloproteins Involved in Electron Transfer Processes: Tetraheme Cytochrome c3 and Flavodoxin. NMR and Molecular Modeling Studies" in Transition Metals in Supramolecular Chemistry (eds. Fabbrizzi & Poggi), Kluwer Acad. Publ., Netherlands, 1994.
Thermostability and Rubredoxin:
Other Thermostability Studies: J. E. Wampler, E. A. Bradley, M. W. W. Adams, and D. E. Stewart, "Computational Approaches to Modeling and Analyzing Thermostability in Proteins," in Biocatalysis at Extreme Temperatures, (M. W. W. Adams, and R. M. Kelly, eds.) American Chemical Society, Washington D. C., (1992) pp. 153-173.
J. E. Wampler, E. A. Bradley, M. W. W. Adams and D. E. Stewart, "Modeling the Structure of Pyrococcus furiosus Rubredoxin by Homology to Other X-ray Structures," Protein Science 2, 640-649 (1993).
E. A. Bradley, D. E. Stewart, M. W. W. Adams and J. E. Wampler, "Investigations of the Thermostability of Rubredoxin Models using Molecular Dynamics Simulations" Protein Science 2, 650-665 (1993).
John M. Brewer and John E. Wampler, "A Differential Scanning Calorimetric Study of the effects of metal ions, substrate/product, substrate analogues and chaotropic anions on the thermal denaturation of yeast enolase 1," International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 28, 213-218 (2001).
General and Miscellaneous Papers on Molecular Modeling and Computational Chemistry:
D. E. Stewart, A. Sarkar, J. E. Wampler, "The Occurrence and Role of cis Peptide Bonds in Protein Structures," J. Mol. Biol. 214, 253-260 (1990).
J. E. Wampler, David E. Stewart and Steven L. Gallion, "Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Proteins and Protein-Protein Complexes," in Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed Matter Physics II, (D. P. Landau, K. K. Mon and H. -B. Schuttler, eds) Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 68-84 (1990).
J. E. Wampler, "Computational Chemistry and Molecular Modeling of Electron-Transfer Proteins," Methods in Enzymology Vol. 243 (H. D. Peck, Jr., and J. LeGall, Eds) Academic Press, NY (1994) pp 559-607.
J. E. Wampler, "Electrostatic Potential Derived Charges for Enzyme Cofactors: Ab initio Methods, Correlations and Scaling for Organic Cofactors," J. Chemical Info. & Computer Sci. 35, 617-632 (1995).
M. G. Mulkerrin and J. E. Wampler. "Empirical Evaluation of the Use of Moments in Describing Fluorescence Spectra," Anal. Chem. 54, 1778-1782 (1982).
J. E. Wampler. A Calculator Like Input Routine for BASIC Programs, Microcomputing, (March, 1983) 62-64.
J. E. Wampler, "Analysis of the Probability Distribution of Small Random Samples by Non-Linear Fitting of Integrated Probabilities," Analytical Biochemistry, 186, 209-219 (1990). Note: Equation 7 is in Error - by a factor of 2 in the denominator See Here for Correct Formula
J. E. Wampler & E. A. Neuhaus, "A Model for the Unusual Kinetics of Thermal Denaturation of Rubredoxin," J. Protein Chemistry, 16, 721-732 (1997).
J. E. Wampler, "Distribution Analysis of the Variation of B-factors of X-ray Crystal Structures: Temperature and Structural Variations in Lysozyme," J. Chemical Info. & Computer Sci 37, 1171-1180 (1997).
P. N. Palma, L. Krippahl, J. E. Wampler & J. J. G. Moura "BiGGER: a new (soft) docking algorithm for predicting protein interactions, " Proteins: Struct Funct and Genetics, 39, 372-384 (2000).
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