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Wampler/Wampfler Database, File: hp1 |
Last Update: 10-31-2011 |
This database is broken up into several files. The first file (he0) contains the European ancestors and relatives (Wampfler surname) of Hans Peter and Johann Christian Wampfler who immigrated to America in the 1740's. It also includes them and their siblings. Hans Peter's children are also in this file.
Johann Christian's children and their descendants are in a separate file (jc0) as are the descendants of each of Hans Peter's male children except Hans Adam (no current descendant info available) (three files, hg1, hm1 and hp1).
There is a separate file for the descendants and potential ancestors of Daniel Wampler (1770-1852), born in Maryland, died in Pennsylvania (file na0). His lineage may be from Hans Peter Jr. or from a 1708-1709 German immigrant. Most of the data supporting the latter lineage is in the form of a family tradition recorded by Edward Vance Wampler.
In addition, there is a file for the Jakob Wampfler line (ja0), a descendent of Hans Peter Sr.'s cousin Christian, and a file containing miscellaneous other entries (mc0).
In each case, the ID number starts with a letter identifier associated
with the file. For example, he-2-1 is the ID number of Hans, son of
Heinrich, who was two generations back from the immigrants to America.
jc2-109 is the 109th person listed in the second generation after
Johann Christian Wampfler who immigrated with his family in 1747 at the
port of Philadelphia.
NOTE: With this numbering scheme the children of Hans Peter Sr. (files he0)
and Johann Christian (file jc0) are listed as generation 1 even though they were also immigrants.
In most cases, the progenitor of each branch of the various family trees is found in the he0.html file.
Follow this link for information about Format & Abreviations, Appendix A.7.
Follow this link to read about the patrilineal form of this database, Section 2.1.
[hp2-1] Eve (Eva), WAMPLER b. 1748?; Lebanon, Lancaster Co. PA d. 1821, Montgomery Co. OH m. Henry KINCEY (KINSEY) n. {mb} says Henry A. KINSEY, {kso} says Henry Kinsey Sr. about 1760 ch. John W (~1762-~1846), Hannah (~1764-<1834), Susannah (~1766), Mary (~1768), ch. Elizabeth (~1775-1848); Sarah (and/or Salome) (~1777); Abraham (~1787-1872) n. ch and dates from {kso} ch. David, Virginia, infant death n. others ch from {mch} n. See data recorded at [he1-10] n. Refer to the puzzle of Eva Wampler n. See also The Puzzle of Eva Wampler, Revisited n. Henry said to come from Botetourt County Virginia, moved to Dayton OH n. in 1800 sc. More ch from Kathleen Stoker Overton {kso} sc. Ch and note on Henry from Marcella Hurd {mch}, husband descendent of Eve sc. Will of Hans Peter Jr., Frederick Co. MD (name & spouse) sc. Birth date by calculation from traditional story (see above) sc. Mark Black {mb} (date and place of death) sc. The definitive link to Hans Peter Jr. is his will probated sc. 6-30-1792, Liber G. M. No. 2, Folio 444, Frederick Co. MD sc. Henry's first name comes from complaint filed in Chancery Court by David against heirs of Peter Wampler. l. [he1-2]Hans=> [hp2-2] Christina, WAMPLER b. 1760, Frederick Co. MD d. 10Oct1844, Vega, Jackson County, OH, Bloomfield Township m. Peter John GRABEAL (GABRIEL, GRAYBILL, GRABLE, GRAYBEAL) (3Oct1762-11May1848or11May1842); ~1786 ch. John (1Feb1780-30Oct1866), Henry (~1777-~1843), Peter Jr. (1Dec1783-15Jul1868), Michael Peter (14May1787-24Sep1856), Joseph (1796), Elizabeth (1798) ch. Nancy Mary (9Jun1785-855), Christina (1791-1862), Barbara (1Apr1792-3Oct1872), David (1790-19Apr1874) n. Both buried in Callaghan Cemetery, Madison, Jackson County OH re. Brethren. Possibly joined LDS Church in Ohio sc. will, see hp2-1, also husbands surname GABRIEL n. Story of Indian capture of Christina in Heritage of Ashe County Vol. 1, Story No. 378 sc. Patricia Eastridge Weiser {pw}; Kahleen Stoker Overton {kso} l. [he1-2]Hans=> [hp2-3] Philipenia (Philiptenia), WAMPLER n. {kso} says born between 1740-1750, Lebanon, Lancaster Co. PA m. Philip ENGLAR (ENGLER) sc. will, see hp2-1, for Philipteni ENGLER l. [he1-2]Hans=> [hp2-4] Ann, WAMPLER n. {kso} says born between 1750 and 1760, Lebanon, Lancaster Co. PA m. ? HORTMAN (HARTMAN) sc. will, see hp2-1, also husbands surname l. [he1-2]Hans=> [hp2-5] Joseph, WAMPLER b. 1770 d. 1852 m. Catherine CHAMPANO m. Barbara HOLDER: 1801 {dfw} sc. will, see hp2-1 l. [he1-2]Hans=> [hp2-6] Daniel, WAMPLER n. see information at na3-1The Puzzle of Daniel Wampler n. is this Daniel the one arriving from Brazil in 1818 or is it possibly hp3-20 after a trip out to South America sc. will, see hp2-1, only name; {bsw-n} 6 l. [he1-2]Hans=> [hp2-7] David, WAMPLER b. 1765 d. 25Mar1842 n. will dated Aug 13, 1841, recorded Apr 12. 1942. Son Philip; grddau Margaret Wampler (dau of Samuel, dec'd) n. grddau Amanda Wampler, dau of Daniel, dec'd; grddau: Julia Ann Johnson, Ann Marie Brown both of Frederick Co. Maryland n. cemetery transcript says age at death 77 yrs (born 1765) m. 1) Mary Sanchwick SUSSENY (-Sep1848) n. cemetery transcript says Mary died 1848, lydia died May 1, 1852 (age 26 yrs, 10 mo, 27 da) n. Will abstract (see note above) says will dated Feb 19, 1844, rec Nov 27, 1848; sons Isaac & John Sussen, dau Mary Cook, Elizabeth Winters, n. Catherine MCGEE. Granddaugter Elizabeth COOK, Executor son Isaac. m. 2) Catherine ENGLAR (INGLER) m. 2) Lydia (-1May1852) n. Miami Valley Ohio Pioneers by Lindsay M. Brien - says will recorded April 12, 1842. n. will says son Samuel deceased, son Daniel deceased n. BSW bk1 says only two son's of this david, Philip and Daniel lived to adulthood, but… n. then who are Samuel and Daniel n. his estate went to wife (Mary), son (Philip), granddaughter Margaret (father Samuel) n. granddaughters Julia Ann Johnson and Anna Maria Brown of Frederick County Md n. are these granddaughters Johnson and Brown by birth or by marriage? n. granddaughter Amanda (father Daniel) n. Same source gives Mary's will recorded Nov 27, 1848 n. IF MARY IS WIFE AT DEATH THEN NEITHER CATHERINE OR LYDIA ARE HIS WIVES (UNLESS ORDER IS DIFFERENT). n. Her will lists sons Isaac & John Susseny, daughters Mary COOK, Elizabeth WINTERS and Catherine McGEE + plus granddaughter Eliza COOK n. Baltimore Sun reported marriage of Elizabeth WAMPLER to Major John WINTERS, Thurs. 13Dec1810 n. Lydia as second wife (?) comes from Grave site, age 26 years 10months and 27 days at death from Tobias n. This doesn't seem right since she would have been 17 when her husband died at 77 years old n. Maybe she is wife of David Jr [hp3-2] who was born after 1790 r. PA?; Frederick Co. MD; Montgomery Co OH (1826) re. Church of the Brethren (Dunkards) sc. will, see hp2-1, only name n. some data and revised dates from grave site in Dayton OH recorded by Joe Tobias n. Tombstone inscription gives death date and age 77 years, therefore birth year is 1765 rather than 1763 n. Some confusion exists in various records concerning three David's [hp2-7], [hp3-2] and [hp4-4] (son of son Philip) n. The will adds Daniel [hp3-20] and Samuel [hp3-19] to list of children of this David sc. {bsw-n}, Brethren Encyclopedia {tbe} and Joe Tobias {jt} sc. Miami Valley Will Abstacts by Mrs. Lindsa M. Brien (Dayton OH, 1940) l. [he1-2]Hans=> [hp2-8] Jacob, WAMPLER m. Mary BARG (21Mar1788?){gaw} m. 1) Maria BEHR{twl} m. 2) Mary DECKARD(-1845), common law {twl} r. Marshall Twp, Lawrence Co IN n. Mary born Wythe Co VA, died Lawrence Co IN sc. will, see hp2-1, only name l. [he1-2]Hans=> [hp2-9] John, I, WAMPLER b. 11Sep1768 n. probably born PA d. 28Feb1845; Rockingham co VA, bur. Family plot m. Magdalene (Magdalena) GARBER (1768-1855), 1790 r. PA; Beaver Dam MD (1801); Rockingham co VA (1811) re. Church of the Brethren (Dunkards) n. nice article BSW bk4 p33 n. Book "The John Wampler Family" by John S. Flory {jsf} is in the Brethren Archives, Elgin IL. sc. will, see hp2-1, only name John, also {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans=> [hp2-10] Barbara, WAMPLER b. 1767 m. John T WARD m. 1) John TURNER {dfw} m. 2) ? WARD {dfw} sc. will, see hp2-1, name & husbands surname l. [he1-2]Hans=> [hp3-1] Philip, WAMPLER b. 10Jan1790, Frederick Co. MD d. 1May1878, Montgomery Co., OH, bur Ft McKinley Cem., Dayton m. Catherine ROYER (21Feb1798-29Sep1867), 27Apr1815 PA n. Catherine dau. Peter Royer, b. PA o. Carpenter (employed in Baltimore MD) n. {bsw-j}2p12 says she born 10Jan1790, died 1May1878 n. Ft. McKinley Cemetery is associated with the Dunker Church, located in Dayton, Madison Township n. cemetery transcript says wife "Caroline" died 2 Sept 1867 at age 69 yrs 7 mo n. other source say marriage in OH r. Frederick Co MD; Montgomery Co OH (1825) n. One bio says, settled in Montgomery county on tract of land in Section 5, formerly owned by John Miller, purchased from heirs for $14/acre. re. Elder in the Church of the Brethren n. BSW Book 1 says Philip and David Jr. were only children of David and Mary SANCHWICK to survive to Adulthood n. he or his father served in thw War of 1812 n. mentioned in Father's Will n. There is an interesting note on Philip and a pair of slaves he bought (Ann & Harriet Franklin) at http://docsouth.unc.edu/neh/franklin/franklin.html n. see biographical sketch at http://wew.bmb.uga.edu/wf-page/bios/philip-1.html l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David=> [hp3-2] David, Jr, WAMPLER b. ~1785; Frederick Co MD n. Not in the Father's will suggesting he was desceased n. BSW Book 1 says Philip and David Jr. were only children of David and Mary SANCHWICK to survive to Adulthood l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David=> [hp3-3] James, DECKARD b. 1825; Wythe Co VA d. 6Aug1897; Guthrie IN l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-8]Jacob=> [hp3-4] William, DECKARD b. 1831; Lawrence Co IN d. Aug1907, Lawrence Co IN l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-8]Jacob=> [hp3-5] Ephraim, DECKARD b. 12Oct1832 d. 11Feb1900 mi. Co F, 93rd Regt, Ind Vol. (Civil War) l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-8]Jacob=> [hp3-6] Julia Ann, DECKARD b. 1837 d. 5Nov1914; bur Phillipe Cem l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-8]Jacob=> [hp3-7] Joseph, DECKARD n. died at age 12, Lawrence Co IN l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-8]Jacob=> [hp3-8] Samuel, WAMPLER b. 30Nov1790 {twl} or 11Dec1791 {gaw} or 1Dec1791 {tbe}; Linewood, Frederick Co. MD {kso} d. 2Oct1883 {twl} or 21Oct1883 {gaw} or 2Oct1883 {tbe} m. Magdalena (Magdalene) WINE (5Oct1797-6Oct1864) n. Magdalena dau. Michael WINE and Susanna MILLER {mas} re. Elder in CB r. Linville Creek VA, Greenmount VA, Page Co. VA l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John=> [hp3-9] Mary, WAMPLER b. 1795 (27Oct1793); Linwood, Frederick Co MD {kso} d. 18Aug1878 m. Daniel GLICK (1787-1856) n. Danial son John GLICK and Elizabeth BAUSERMAN {mas} o. Farmers, New Market VA; Weyers Cave VA {mas} n. {jsf} says maried Daniel Click l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John=> [hp3-10] John, II, WAMPLER b. 1May1795, PA; Linwood, Frederick Co MD{kso} d. 23Mar1869 m. Mary CLINE (13May1802-1841), 1819 n. Mary dau Joseph CLINE and Mary BASEHORE {mas} o. Farmer {mas} r. part of original John Wampler farm, Rockingham Co, VA {mas} re. COB {mas} n. {kfs} Kline Family site gives John's b. 10May1795; Timberville Rockingham Co VA and d. 23Mar1868 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John=> [hp3-11] Susanna (Susie), WAMPLER b. 15Dec1798; Linwood, Frederick Co MD {kso} d. 11Aug1878 m. Joseph GLICK (1799-1863) n. Joseph son John GLICK and Elizabeth BAUSERMAN {mas} r. New Market Va; Mound City, MO.{mas} n. {jsf} {kso} says married Joseph Click l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John=> [hp3-12] Anna, WAMPLER b. 9Sep1796; Linwood, Frederick Co MD {kso} d. 4May1885 m. John KLINE (17Jun1797-15Jun1864) n. John son John KLINE and Mary HERSHEY n. John was COB elder, Conference Leader. Instrumental in getting Railroad into Rockingham Co VA {mas} n. John was physician, blacksmith and civic leader {mas} n. Killed (shot from horse), reason thought to be his opposition to Civil War {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John=> [hp3-13] David, WAMPLER b. 16Mar1801, VA; Beaver Dam Creek, Frederick Co MD {kso} d. 4Jun1878; (bur. Pleasant Valley) m. Anna LONG (Annie) (23Oct1807-7Aug1881, VA), 17Mar1825 n. Anna dau. Isaac LONG Sr. and Barbara Anna MILLER {mas} r. MD; Wyers Cave VA {mas} re. COB n. Mason {mas} shows one more child, Sarah F b. ~1848 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John=> [hp3-14] Martin, WAMPLER b. 1805 d. 1885 m. Catherine MYERS (1811-1882) n. Catherine dau Isaac MYERS and Hannah CRUMPACKER {mas} r. Long Meadow farm near Timberville, VA {mas} re. Church of Brethren (deacon) o. farmer and deacon n. BSW bk9 p35 says born 1805 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John=> [hp3-15] Elizabeth, WAMPLER b. 11Aug1803; Beaver Dam Creek, Frederick Co MD {kso} d. 2Jul1835 m. Samuel DRIVER (10Mar1797-27Jul1835), 4Apr1823 n. both bur. Diver/Rife Cemetery, Timberville VA {mas} ch. Anna (18Dec1824-23Jan1899), Mary (1835, died infant), John Wampler (21Aug1826- ch. 26Dec1893), Samuel (22Apr1834-18Jan1908) n. Elizabeth & Samuel Driver and several other children died of typhoid n. in 1835. Child Anna raised by Joseph & Anna Driver, John W raised by n. John Kline, Samuel raised by Michael & Elizabeth Roller. l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John=> [hp3-16] Daniel, WAMPLER b. 1814, {kso} 1809; Beaver Dam Creek, Frederick Co MD d. 1904, {kso} 1859 in VA n. {mas} says b. 1809 d. 1859 m. Susan (Susie) LONG (~1812-) n. Susie dau Benjamin LONG and Elizabeth GARBER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John=> [hp3-17] Magdalena, WAMPLER b. 1807; Beaver Dam Creek, Frederick Co. MD {kso} d. 1863; Augusta Co., VA m. Martin GOOD (1806-1870) n. Martin son Abraham GOOD and Sarah MOHLER r. Augusta Co VA l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John=> [hp3-18] Jonas, WAMPLER b. 3Feb1814; Rockingham Co VA {kso} n. only child born in VA d. 2Feb1904 m. Catherine LONG (21Feb1815-18Jun1892) n. Catherine dau Benjamin LONG and Elizabeth GARBER {mas} o. farmer r. Staunton VA near Highway 254 at Christian's Creek n. see note on farm location BSW bk9 p36 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John=> [hp3-19] Samuel, WAMPLER b. ~1795; Frederick Co MD n. daughter Margaret mentioned in his fathers will, him desceased by April 12, 1848 sc. Kathleen Stoker Overton {kso} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David=> [hp3-20] Daniel, WAMPLER b. ~1802; Frederick Co MD d. 1842 m. Mary BROWN n. daughter Amanda mentioned in his fathers will, him desceased by April 12, 1848 sc. Kathleen Stoker Overton {kso} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David=> [hp4-1] Mary Ann, WAMPLER b. 22Feb1816, MD d. 29Jan1847 d. 20Jan sc. 20Jan1897? date is family bible m. Joseph GARBER (1814) ch. Catherine (infant death), Sarah DENLINGER, Lucinda (youth death), Elizabeth FIFER, Martha (infant death) ch. Mary DENLINGER, William (married Alice Tobias), Anna LANDIS, Joseph (married Laura JENKINS) ch. Philip (married Emma HUFFMAN), Jesse (married Flora APPELGATE) n. BSW, book 2, says died 26May1892, husband was farmer at Taylorsburg OH l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip=> [hp4-2] Edward, WAMPLER b. 20Sep1817, MD n. tombstone says b. 20Aug1817 d. 15Dec1886, Astoria, IL, bur. South Fulton Cemetery (Brethren) m. 1) Elizabeth STONER (Jan1820-6Jan1874), in Ohio n. Elizabeth born in MD, at her death, Elizabeth was 53years, 11 months and 15 days old m. 2) Rebecca WOLF SPRINKLE (15Oct1833-8Aug1926), 1874 in IL r. near Dayton OH; near Knob Knoster MO; Astoria IL (1874) o. Farmer and Brethren minister n. Both Elizabeth and Rebecca are burried in the "Wampler" cemetery near Knob Noster, MO n. One source says Rebecca died at home of William Wampler at 92years and 6 months n. head of household in 1850 census, wife Elizabeth (31), children Jesse (10m), Ezra (8), Jehew (6), Elizabeth (5) and Isaiah (4) n. lived most of adult life near Knob Noster Missouri, move to Astoria IL in 1874, a brethren minister n. Brethren Encyclopedia says Edward was a member of the Old German Baptist Brethren, n. at Mud Valley IL at his death in 1886, he is listed as an ordained minister n. Rebecca born in PA, daughter married William Wampler (son of her husband), married Daniel Sprinkel (8 ch, 4 sur), no ch by Edward n. in 1880 Census Fulton co IL, Astoria Twp, Edward is living with Rebecca 47 wife, Rebecca 26 dau (see correction to this below) n. Fulton County Courthouse, Lewistown IL has death record and death certificates for both Edward and daughter "Ella" n. gives Ella's death at 3 or 4 years old, died of croup after 3 days illness, born IL. Buried Astoria IL. The tombstone in n. Astoria give name as Rebecca, dau of E and R, age 2 years, 11 months, 5 days (d. 9Jan1881) n. So the census age of Rebecca dau is not correct she was 2.6 years old, not 26. See BSW #3 p4 n. Probate record (died intestate) in Fulton County Courthouse, #2363 n. see biographical sketch at http://wew.bmb.uga.edu/wf-page/bios/edward.html l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip=> [hp4-3] Jesse, WAMPLER b. 5Jan1820, MD d. 25Jan1905 m. Catherine PUTERBAUGH (~1820), OH n. The surname of Catherine may have been Buterbaugh rather than Puterbaugh, resided near Dayton OH n. head of household in 1850 Ohio census, wife Catherine (30), children Mary A (6), Harriet (4), William (1) n BSW #6 p 1 has court record that may pertain to this Jesse sc. Death date from Family bible l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip=> [hp4-4] David W, WAMPLER b. 13Sep1821 d. 11Jun1887 m. 1) Lydia ROOP (-1850) m. 2) Sarah SHOUP (SHAUP), 7Apr1853 n. Sarah a native of Green County Ohio n. Philip [hp3-] family bible gives death date of 9Apr1887 for a Sarah WAMPLER r. Westminster MD; Dayton OH (1850) n. head of household in 1850 census, wife Lydia, children Mary C. (5), John (4), David (3), Jehu (10/12) n. second wife surname may be SHOOP, they lived near Dayton OH l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip=> [hp4-5] William, WAMPLER b. 29Feb1824, MD d. 30Nov1901, Montgomery Co, OH, Ft McKinley Cem., Dayton m. Mary ROOP (-8Nov1880), MD n. wife Mary listed in Cemetary transcript as 53 years, 9 mo 18 day at death n. head of household 1850 census, wife Mary, 1 year old Anna R., residence was near Dayton OH l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip=> [hp4-6] Maria (Hannah), WAMPLER b. 11 Feb 1826 d. 17Oct1900 sc. Death date is family bible m. Daniel E (or Miller) SHOUP, 29Sep1844, Dunkard Church ch. Elizabeth GARLINGER, Moses (mar. HECK), Catharine RODENOUR, William (mar. Mary FLORY) ch. Jemima HECK, Edward (mar NEWCOMB, mar Lavina KINSEY), Anna WHITMORE, Ella JONES, Jesse ch. Marcus (mar. Anna BRADLEY), Olivette, Arthur (mar. Anna OZIAS) n. Daniel was a brethren minister, resided Zimmermensville, OH l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip=> [hp4-7] Elizabeth, WAMPLER b. 6 Jan 1828 sc. Family Bible source for birth date d. 1889 d. 20Nov1850 sc. 20Nov1850 death date is family bible m. Joseph WEYBRIGHT ch. John (mar. Belle PFOUTZ), Philip H. (mar. Emma ROYER), Elhanna, Catharine, Jacob, Anna, Milton G n. Joseph of Trotswood OH l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip=> [hp4-8] John, WAMPLER b. 18Dec1829, Dayton OH d. 14Feb1910, Carthage MO, bur. Paradise Cem, South of Jasper MO m. Susan MILLER (5Jan1830-11Jan1896), 18Dec1851 n. Susan born in PA, moved with Father to OH at 18 n. Susan is also buried in Paradise Cem, South of Jasper MO o. Nursery business for 15 years in Ohio re. Dry Fork Church of the Brethren, Jasper Co MO mi. 110 th Ohio Volunteers, Union Army n. living with father in 1850 census, moved to Carthage MO in 8Oct1873, Jasper Co MO n. At one time owned 1000 acres in Jasper Co MO sc. Bio in "The Biographical Record of Jasper County Missouri", 1901 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip=> [hp4-9] Joseph, WAMPLER b. 17Oct1831 d. 15Dec1876 m. Lydia WOLF (-25Dec1900); 10Mar1853 re. Church of the Brethren r. Walnut Creek Mo ch. Infant not listed n. Brethren Encylopedia say Joseph was ordained in 1863 n. living with father in 1850 census, Farmer in Knob Noster MO, in Johnson County, a Brethren Minister l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip=> [hp4-10] Catherine, WAMPLER b. 16Jul1834 d. >1915 m. George MILLER (-14Sep1901) n. living with father in 1850 census, Husband was a Minister of Brethren sc. BD from family bible, George death date l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip=> [hp4-11] Samuel, WAMPLER b. 12Jun1836 d. 23Apr1922, Shiloh, Dayton OH {sc Van Sayler} m. Agnes EBY (-17Aug1915), 1858 n. Agnes death date from Philip family bible n. Agnes from Preble Co, family came from Maryland in 1840. n. living with father in 1850 census, was a farmer in Dayton OH n. a Republican and stanch adherent to party principles n. owned large farm of 450 acres. l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip=> [hp4-12] Anna Louise, WAMPLER b. 18Oct1839 d. 1Sep1900 m. Nathaniel MARKEY (-Sep1900), 3Feb1859 n . Nathaniel death date from Philip Family bible ch. Katherine DARST (13Dec1859), Ida CLAGETT (3Oct1862-21Apr1901), Jane LAKIN (29Sep1865-5May1909) ch. John (5Apr1868), Arthur (30Nov1873), Grace KLEPINGER (23Jul1876), Villie (11Feb1880), Anna Bess WENGER (24Aug1892) ch. Lee (1871) {mas} n. resided near Dayton OH n. living with father in 1850 census sc. BD from family bible which says death date was 28Nov1923 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip=> [hp4-40] Benjamin, WAMPLER b. 1Nov1821 d. 26Jul1858, bur Greenmount near Edom VA m. Anna DRIVER (18Jun1822-21Apr1884), 7Dec1848 n. Anna dau John DRIVER and Mary STOUTAMEYER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel=> [hp4-41] Samuel, II, WAMPLER b. 5Jan1824 d. 2Jul1891, bur Linville Creek VA m. Sarah CRIST (23Jan1828-26Nov1892), ~1848 n. Sarah dau Jonothan CRIST and Catherine MAY o. farmer re. Church of the Brethren {mas}} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel=> [hp4-42] Joshua, WAMPLER b. 4Jan1826 d. 19Apr1904 m. Mary CLINE (11Nov1825-2Apr1890), 18Feb1847 n. Mary dau. John W CLINE and Katie KIPPS {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel=> [hp4-43] Daniel Silas, WAMPLER b. 7Mar1830, Rockingham co VA d. 30Aug1808, Hecla SD, bur Detroit cem SD m. 1)Elizabeth CLINE(25Nov1829-4Feb1867), 19Feb1852 m. 2)Mary C. FURR, 2Jun1867 r. VA, Piatt County IL (1867), Detroit twp, SD (1886), Hecla SD n. Elizabeth dau of David Cline and Susan Wine n. {mas} says Elizabeth dau John W CLINE and Catherine KIPPS (same as Mary above) n. {mas} Mary dau Henry and Mary FURR re. German Baptist Brethren (joined 1852) r. Rhm co VA; Piatt co IL, Hecla, SD {mas} n. went west l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel=> [hp4-44] Martin V, WAMPLER m. Sue SNYDER, 1Oct1868 n. {mas} says Sarah SNIDER r. Nebraska l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel=> [hp4-45] Joseph F, WAMPLER b. 1832 n. born 1834 {mas} d. 1919 n. {mas} died 1910 or 1909 m. 1) Amanda SPITZER (1840-1859), 8Sep1858 m. 2) Sara SNIDER (1842-1904), 1Apr1861 n. Amanda dau Eli SPITZER and Catherine CARR {mas} n. Sara dau Nimrod and Sarah SNYDER {mas} o. farmer r. Broadway, VA re. Church of the Brethren n. 2nd marriage to Sue V SNYDER {mas} n. note similarities between Joseph Wife 2 name and Martin hp4-44 wife l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel=> [hp4-46] Jonathan, WAMPLER b. 2Sep1832 d. 23Jan1919, bur Greenmount VA m. Elizabeth FRANK (24Oct1832-18Feb1918), 15Feb18?? n. {mas} says wife Elizabeth Susan FUNK n. Elizabeth dau Jonathan FUNK and Mary DRIVER {mas} re. Church of the Brethren l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel=> [hp4-47] Susan, WAMPLER b. 1827 d. 1907, bur Linville Cree Cemetery near Broadway VA ch. Emma, Amanda C (1857-1924) m. George MOYERS (1825-1892) n George also bur Linville Creek Cemetery sc. {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel=> [hp4-48] Mary, WAMPLER b. 1839 d. 26Nov1912 m. James LAYMAN (24Dec1828-3Jan1910) n. dau Daniel LAYMAN and Barbara ERMANTROUT ch. Charles Carter (3Aug1866-), Sallie (28Aug1868-1932), Eliza Catherine (1Nov1869-22May1928) ch. David Joshua (27May1872-25Dec1947) l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel=> [hp4-49] Kate, WAMPLER m. A J WALKER n. Forestville, NC l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel=> [hp4-13] John, WAMPLER n. {mas} says John III, not [hp4-26] b. 20May1836 d. 30Jun1905 n. other death dates given were 22Oct1868 (1905 {gaw}) o. farmer, horse breeder and trainer - sold horses to pull street cars r. Dayton VA re. COB m. Catherine MILLER (18May1848-1919) n. Catherine dau Samuel MILLER and Fannie WINE l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John=> [hp4-14] Catherine, WAMPLER b. 17Aug1821 d. 17Oct1900 m. David DRIVER (Apr1818-1897) ch. Mary (1842-), Sally J (1848-), Joseph F (1853-), Lewis (1856-1906), ch. Rebecca F (1860-) r. Timberville, VA l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John=> [hp4-15] Elizabeth, WAMPLER b. 30Jan1823 d. 29Jul1860 m. Lewis DRIVER (1820-1897) ch. David J (1843-), John F (1844-), Samuel A (1848-), Susan Rebecca (1855-) r. Timberville, VA l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John=> [hp4-16] Annie, WAMPLER b. 16Oct1813 d. 21Mar1871 m. Samuel ROLLER (1825-1907) n Samuel son Michael ROLLER, farmer {mas} ch. Michael J (1845-), Elizabeth (1847-), Mary A (1850-1895), Lewis Jacob, John A (1848-), David S (1855-), William S (1856-1877) ch. Joseph Frederick (1861), Sally Katherine (1863) re. COB r. near New Market VA n. another source say b 1824 ch. Joseph (1861-), Sallie K (1863-) l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John=> [hp4-17] Mary, WAMPLER b. 15Nov1826 d. 25Aug1901 m. Adam ANDES (19Oct1828-Dec1888) n. Adam farmer re. COB r. Rh'm Co VA ch. William A (1853-1924), Sallie E (1856-), Jacob (1858-1913), Amanda B ch. (1860-), Adam (1864-), Mary Catherine (1867-1949) and 3 died young (Susannah, John, infant) n. Mary Catherine married John Sam Wampler (1867-1947) ch. Eva C, Mark R l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John=> [hp4-18] Magdalena, WAMPLER b. 25Feb1828 d. 13Dec1900 m. Noah SPITZER (1827-1876) r. Weyers Cave, VA re. COB ch. John (infant), Mary Ann (1850-), Joseph M (1852-1889), Frances Elizabeth (1852) ch. Sally Katherine (1855-1917), Emma Ssusan (1858-), Rebecca (1860-), Issac Daniel (1863-), ch. Mattie Ellen (1865), Samuel H (1867), Casper C (1870), Benjamin C l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John=> [hp4-19] Sallie, WAMPLER b. 29Mar1830 d. 24Feb1904 m. Samuel GOOD (9Feb1831-9Apr1913) n. Samuel son Jacob GOOD and Susannah SILVIOUS r. Shanandoah Co VA ch. Jacob F (1853-), Rebecca F (1855-1933), Nathan B (infant), Mary S ch. (1858-), John M (infant), Joseph E (1861-), Samuel G (1863-), Daniel S ch. (1865-), David W (1867-), Casper M (1869-), Annie F (1871-), Issac T ch. (1873-) l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John=> [hp4-20] Susanna, WAMPLER b. 6Jan1832 d. 4Feb1917 m. Daniel FLORY (16Aug1833-30Sep1901) ch. Anna Rebecca (1864-1962), John S (1866-), Joseph F (1868-), Mary ch. Catherine (1870-), Issac L (1872-) r. near Timberville VA n. {kfs} Kline Family site says Daniel was a COB farmer near Timberville VA l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John=> [hp4-21] Joseph, WAMPLER b. 6Nov1833 d. 9Apr1890 m. Lydia ZIGLER (1831-1890) n. Lydia daughter of John and Elizabeth KLINE ZIGLER r. Linville Creek VA n. another source death daty 9Apr1889 re. Church of the Brethren n. in some records listed as Joseph WAMPLE and Lydia ZIEGLE l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John=> [hp4-22] Frederick, WAMPLER b. 11Jun1838 d. 13Jul1897 m. Annie DRIVER (7Mar1841-25Aug1911) re. Church of the Brethren r. Greenmount, VA l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John=> [hp4-23] Rebecca, WAMPLER b. 15Apr1840 d. 12Aug1887 m. Jacob CRIST (1838-1916) ch. Emma (1863-), John H (1865-), Mary C (1867-), David W (1870-), ch. Joseph F (1872-), Sally E (1875-1920), Issac C (1879-1927) l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John=> [hp4-24] Benjamin Franklin, WAMPLER b. 22Dec1834{tlw} or 15Dec1833{gaw} , Weyers Cave VA d. 15Mar1905 m. Elizabeth F BERRY (12Jan1840-16May1911), 7Feb1858 {1840}, VA n. Elizabeth dau Joseph BERRY and Frances GARBER {mas} n. {1880 census record, Augusta VA} n. Book on descendants in Brethren Archives, by Glenn Huffman, 1982, Washington DC. l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David=> [hp4-38] Isaac, WAMPLER b. 8Jan1826 d. young l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David=> [hp4-39] Susannah, WAMPLER b. 21Apr1837 d. 11Feb1860 m. John HAWKINS (~1834), 15Oct1858 n. John son Ben HAWKINS and Julia MILEY {mas} ch. David (17Jan1860-29Jan1860) n. Mother and child buried together l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David=> [hp4-25] Frances (Fanny), WAMPLER b. 7Sep1829 d. 23Jun1890 m. Frederick Kipps CLINE (Sep1928-26May1893) ch. David A (4Jul1865-6May1949), Jacob A (10Feb1868-16Dec1899), Samuel I ch. (5Sep1869-27Mar1942), Benjamin F (19Dec1871-9Dec1937), Franklin J ch. (27Sep1875-5Nov1955) n. {kfs} Kline Family web site give Frederick b. 16Sep1827 n. Francis second wife of Frederick (Kline site) n. Frederick son of John W. Cline & Catherine Kipps sc. {tw} {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David=> [hp4-26] John, III, WAMPLER n. {mas} say John W., not hp4-13 b. 28Dec1827 d. 25Nov1906 m. Barbara Ann BERRY (12Feb1835-26Feb1898), 14Mar1854 n. Barbara dau Joseph BERRY and Frances GARBER o. farmer re. COB r. Mt Sidney, VA l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David=> [hp4-27] Samuel H, WAMPLER b. 10Sep1831 n. {dfw} says b.18Sep1831 m. 18Feb1956 d. 6Dec1878 m. Mary GOOD (27Aug1835-1Apr1911), 19Feb1856 n. {dfw} Mary's parents Jacob GOOD and Susanna MYERS o. farmer r. near Good's Mill and Mill Creek VA {mas} n. {dfw} says Mary b. 22Aug1835, d. 19Jun1911 sc. Dee F. Wampler {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David=> [hp4-28] Daniel Saylor, WAMPLER b. 21May1844 d. 12Oct1928 r. Cherry Grove MD re. Church of the Brethren l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas=> [hp4-29] Jacob, WAMPLER b. 8Oct1835 d. 18Aug1926 m. 1) Sarah HAWKINS (23Mar1835-14Nov1869) m. 2) Mary CHAPMAN n. Sarah died 4 days after son Jacob was born l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas=> [hp4-30] John Henry, WAMPLER b. 16Oct1846 d. 31Jul1924 m. Mary KELLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas=> [hp4-31] Samuel Long, WAMPLER b. 9Oct1837 d. 3Apr1912 m. Mary F GROVE l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas=> [hp4-32] Sarah Jane, WAMPLER b. 1840 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas=> [hp4-33] William, WAMPLER m. Nannie BORDEN l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas=> [hp4-34] David, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas=> [hp4-35] Mary Elizabeth, WAMPLER b. 1841 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas=> [hp4-36] Benjamin F, WAMPLER b. 3Nov1852 m. Mary Mollie SHOVER (Jul1856) l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas=> [hp4-37] Jonas, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas=> [hp4-50] John L, WAMPLER b. 1834 m. Nancy WENGER (1833) n. Nancy dau Joseph WENGER and Mary GROVE sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-16]Daniel=> [hp4-51] Elizabeth J, WAMPLER b. 1836 m. John F. MELTON (~1842) n. John son William MELTON and Lurane RANSBOTTOM sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-16]Daniel=> [hp4-52] Benjamin F, WAMPLER b. ~1838 sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-16]Daniel=> [hp4-53] Annie, WAMPLER b. ~1839 sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-16]Daniel=> [hp4-54] Simon William, WAMPLER b. 1838 d. 1921; bur Barren Ridge, August Co VA m. Martha J JONES sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-16]Daniel=> [hp4-55] Nancy C, WAMPLER b. ~1845 m. William P GILBERT (~1852) n. William son Thomas GILBERT and Mariah PAUGLE sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-16]Daniel=> [hp4-56] Daniel, WAMPLER b. ~1848 sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-16]Daniel=> [hp4-57] David, WAMPLER b. ~1851 sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-16]Daniel=> [hp4-58] Samuel, WAMPLER b. ~1854 sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-16]Daniel=> [hp4-59] Issac, WAMPLER b. 1831 d. 1882 m. 1) Mary ANDES m. 2) Margaret STEPHENSON o. farmer r. Holt Co. MO sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-14]Martin=> [hp4-60] Mary C, WAMPLER b. 1835 d. 1896 n. unmarried sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-14]Martin=> [hp4-61] Samuel David, WAMPLER b. 1840 d. 1913 m. 1) Catherine KLINE m. 2) Hannah Hollar SPITZER sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-14]Martin=> [hp4-62] Anna A, WAMPLER b. 1843 d. 1896, bur Flat Rock VA m. Christopher Columbus HOLLAR (1832-1907) n. Christopher son David HOLAR and Rebecca REEDY ch. Mary E (1873-1906), Sally R (1874-1933), Martha J (1893-1938), Clara D (1879-1959), David Martin (1884-1959), Rebecca Catherine sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-14]Martin=> [hp4-63] Elizabeth, WAMPLER b. 1846 d. 1908 n. unmarried sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-14]Martin=> [hp4-64] David Franklin, WAMPLER b. 1847 d. 1918 m. Susan Rebecca DRIVER (1855) o. farmer r. Timberville and Mt Sidney VA re. Church of the Brethren n. Susan dau Lewis DRIVER and Elizabeth WAMPLER sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-14]Martin=> [hp5-1] Jesse (Jessie), WAMPLER b. ~1840, OH m. ?-- COYL n. daughter married Edward Ashley (Knob Noster Paper) n. BSW Book 1 says he moved to Vernon County, MO, married and lived there until he died n. BSW #7, p. 3 lists a Jepa Wampler, 45, wife Mary 22, male child Willa (might be William) 5 n. things that fit in this one are Jepa's birth in OH, location = Vernon Co MO n. handwriten Jepa not far from Jesse particularly with a German double s n. 45 in 1880 is a bit much compared to 1850 census when he was 10, but with wiggle room? n. similar differences between some of others and the 1850 census ages r. 1887 Plat Book of Johnson Co, MO, shows Jesse owned a large farm next to that of his brother William l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward=>1) [hp5-2] Ezra, WAMPLER b. ~1842, OH m. Mary BOWMAN n. 1887 Plat Book of Johnson Co, MO, shows Ezra owns several large tracts (discontinuous) in the vacinity of the farms of his brothers n. BSW Book 1 says Ezra went back to Ohio and married, reared a large family. l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward=>1) [hp5-3] Isaiah (Iziah) (Bud) (Isa) Barbary, WAMPLER b. 15Jul1845, Johnson County OH d. 23Jan1927, Whittier CA m. Barbara Ann YOUNG (), 19Jan1867, Knobnoster MO r. move CA 1907 n. Is this also Isa Barbary Wampler? Son Isa died 21Mar 1936 in California n. Widows pension application, City of LA, Feb 18, 1927 n. gives marriage date, place, contracted cronic diahhrea during civil war service and had disability discharge n. enlisted 16 Mar1864, discharged 18Sep1865 n. buried Dunkard Cemetery on Jan 25, 1927, Whittier California l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward=>1) [hp5-4] Philip, WAMPLER b. 31May1853, Dayton OH n. one obit gives birth 31May1854, another 1853, family bible give 1853 d. 12Dec1931, Webb City MO, cemetery Joplin MO m. Lila Larelia COLE (8Apr1857-1Aug1934), 18Mar1875, Henry County n. Lila's parents were Joseph COLE (-26Mar1905) & Elizabeth BYLER (-13Dec1923) n. Family bible mentions marriage of Edd Cole & Nora ? 25June1902 n. Family bible mentions deaths of Elizabeth COLE (18Dec1923), James A COLE (25Apr1900) re. Shell City Christian Church r. Henry Co., Duenweg community, farm near Schell City (Vernon Co.), Pleasant Valley (Vernon Co.), Webb City n. Knob Noster Newspaper says died 12Dec1931 n. paper said only one brother (William) at death lives at Knob Noster n. obits mention cousins B. F., Ira, Frank B., J. E., all northwest of Carthage and W. W. Wampler (Webb City) n. personal letter of his son Ward dated Sept. 25, 1931, indicates Philip was still alive then and living with his family n. obits say he died at his son Ward's home l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward=> [hp5-5] Jehu, WAMPLER b. 29Sep1842 d. 1869, bur Wampler cem. Johnson Co MO m. Susan SUMMERS n. Maybe Susan E. wife of J. Wampler (-16Oct1868) 22 yr, 1 mo, 13 days in Wampler Cem, Johnson co MO l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward=>1) [hp5-6] Elizabeth, WAMPLER b. 1844 d. 31Jul1879, bur Wampler Cem. Johnson co MO m. Benjamin P. KNAUS (12Jan1843-15Jan1922), 1863 n. Benjamin later married Georgeann RHODES (1849-1940) ch. Walter, John, William, Lydia, Bettie, Lucy n. BSW Book 1, they lived near Knob Noster, raised 7 children, Walter & John are living near Knob Noster, n. William in Kansas City, 3 are dead as of 1935 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward=>1 [hp5-7] Lydia, WAMPLER b. 25May1851 d. 4Sep1885, bur Wampler cem Johnson co MO m. Jacob H. KNAUS ch. Vernon n. BSW Book 1, Lydia and husband continued to live in Johnson County near Knob Noster n. Jacob was an attorney and they lived in Warrensburg for many years n. Their son Vernon went west l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward=>1) [hp5-8] William, WAMPLER b. 5Nov1857, Knob Noster MO d. 25Jul1941, Knob Noster MO, bur Wampler Cem, Johnson co MO n. William died in home of daughter Mrs. W. H. Kinzie m. Sarah SPRINKLE (SPRENKEL) (17Apr1860-15Dec1940), 7Feb1879 n. Sarah born York PA, moved to Astoria IL at age 14, another article says born 27Apr1860 n. Sarah daughter of Daniel and Rebecca (Rebecca later wife of father-in-law) n. Sarah bur. Wampler cem, Johnson co MO r. move to IL in 1874 with father, moved to family home at Knob Noster MO 1879 re. Old German Baptist Brethren (obit says he never united with any church but was active in his wife's) n. continued to live on father Edward's large farm with big bank Barn (with Walnut sills) n. William and Sarah moved into the Brick house in Fall of 1879 n. William and Sarah had 8 children, Mary, Elizabeth, Anna, Leona, Elmer, Alberta, George and Russel l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward=>1) [hp5-9] Susie, WAMPLER n. BSW Book 2 say died single l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward=>1) [hp5-10] Daniel, WAMPLER n. is this Daniel J. mentioned in the Brethren Encyclopedia as n. leaving Ohio for Idaho about 1900. n. one source says died single l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward=>1) [hp5-11] Catherine, WAMPLER n. BSW book 2 says infant death l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward=>1) [hp5-12] Mary Ann, WAMPLER n. BSW Book 2 says died age 30 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-3]Jesse=> [hp5-13] Harriet, WAMPLER m. John SAYLOR l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-3]Jesse=> [hp5-14] William, WAMPLER m. --?-- KLINGMAN l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-3]Jesse=> [hp5-15] Martha, WAMPLER n. BSW Book 2 says died young l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-3]Jesse=> [hp5-16] Louise, WAMPLER m. Joseph ETTER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-3]Jesse=> [hp5-17] Laura, WAMPLER m. David KLEPINGER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-3]Jesse=> [hp5-18] Mary Catherine, WAMPLER m. Dan COFFMAN l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-4]David=>1) [hp5-19] John William, WAMPLER b. 23Mar1846; Westminster MD, Carroll co. m. 1) Eliz KINSEY; 4Dec1866 Farmersville, OH m. 2) Louisa J DERRICKSON; 15Jul1924 n. Louisa was widow of J. M. Derrickson r. MD; Dayton OH (age 4); Girard, Kansas (1885); Garden City (1906) o. farmer, real estate mi. one of last two survivors of the Union Army (civil war) in Finny county in 1935: Co I, 93rd Ohio Reg.; Co K, 41st; Sgt; Captain's commission sc. BSW #2 p10 n. BSW Book 2 says lived Garden City Kansas l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-4]David=>1) [hp5-20] David, WAMPLER m. Eliz COTTERMAN l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-4]David=>1) [hp5-21] John, WAMPLER m. Catherine COTTERMAN l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-4]David=>1) [hp5-22] Amos, WAMPLER b. 8Jan1854 d. 1928; bur. Meadow Branch Cemetery, Westminster, Carroll co. MD m. 1) Lydia ENGLAR (4Mar1846-4Mar1910), 4Mar1879, MD m. 2) Addie BRUCE, 22Apr1913 n. Lydia bur. Meadow Branch Cemetery, Westminster, Carroll Co. MD n. Addie was widow of William ROYER. n at age 21 went to Carroll County MD, farmed at Medford sc. BSW #5 p 12; {fg} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-4]David=>2) [hp5-23] Ruth Shoop, WAMPLER b. 2Jun1914 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-4]David=>2) [hp5-24] Moses, WAMPLER m. Elizabeth STONER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-4]David=>2) [hp5-25] Anna, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-4]David=>2) [hp5-26] Emma Jane, WAMPLER b. 26Oct1860 m. George W. GARBER (25May1860), 8Jul1913 n. George was a widower and elder in church (Brethren) l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-4]David=>2) [hp5-27] Isa, WAMPLER m. Frank LAKIN l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-4]David=>2) [hp5-28] Susan A, WAMPLER m. Howard EVANS l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-4]David=>2) [hp5-29] Philip, WAMPLER n. BSW Book2 say he died at 16 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-4]David=>2) [hp5-30] Rebecca, WAMPLER m. Jos HENDRICKS l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-5]William=> [hp5-31] Kate, WAMPLER m. Frank SHANK l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-5]William=> [hp5-32] Eliz, WAMPLER m. John PRILL l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-5]William=> [hp5-33] David, WAMPLER m. --- BONTA l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-5]William=> [hp5-34] William, WAMPLER n. BSW Book 2 says died young l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-5]William=> [hp5-35] Mary, WAMPLER b. 9May1853, Trotwood OH m. S A MILLER, 1878 r. Carthage MO l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-8]John=> [hp5-36] Benjamin F, WAMPLER b. 2Apr1857, Trotwood OH d. 27Apr1949, bur. Park Cemetery, Carthage MO n. moved with parents from Ohio when 17 re. Northwest of Carthage MO m. Hannah BARNHART (21Jun1861-18Nov1944), 29Feb1880, near Newtonia n. Hanna born in Franklin County VA, died Carthage MO, daughter of George (brethren Elder), n. obit in The Gospel Messenger, 13Jan1945 p. 14 re. Church of the Brethren o. Farmer and fruit grower sc. Mary Ellen Wampler McKinney & Oliver Nelson Wampler, Jr. {mwm} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-8]John=> [hp5-37] Margaret, WAMPLER b. 8Feb1857, Trotwood OH d. 3Mar1934, Marion Twp, Jasper Co MO, bur. Paradise Cem, Jasper Co MO n. mortuary records say birth date 8Feb1858 n. SC says never married r. with brother Ira (in later life) sc. {mwm} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-8]John=> [hp5-38] Wilson Willis, WAMPLER b. 6Jun1860, Trotwood OH d. 30Jan1939, Webb City, MO, bur. Mt Hope Cem m. Martha Sarah (Maggie) BARNHART, 24Dec1882 Grangeville, MO r. Oronogo and First St re. Presbyterian o. mine owner and operator, banker (director of old National Bank) n. Martha was sister to Hanna (see [hp5-36]) n. Obit mentions brother W. A. Wampler surviving (is this Willard?) sc. Obituary (Joplin Globe, 31Jan1939) l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-8]John=> [hp5-39] Daniel Horace, WAMPLER b. 8May1858, Trotwood, OH d. 28Jun1934, Jasper MO, bur. Paradise Cem, Jasper Co MO m. Nancy Jane (Jennie) HARNEY (1858-26Nov1934), Apr1878, near Jasper MO re. Church of the Brethren n. birth record of 3rd child indicates that Jennie is 2 years older than Daniel (he 25, she 27) n. Jennie also bur. Paradise Cem, Jasper Co MO sc. {mwm} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-8]John=> [hp5-40] Susanna, WAMPLER b. 1862 d. 1867 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-8]John=> [hp5-41] Elizabeth, WAMPLER b. 13Jun1864, Trotwood OH m. A H ROLE, 1881 n. A. H. of Milford Delaware sc. {mwm} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-8]John=> [hp5-42] Emma, WAMPLER b. 10May1865, Trotwood OH d. Mar1918, Carthage MO m. Byron A ARLIN, 1895 n. Byron from LaHarpe, IL sc. {mwm} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-8]John=> [hp5-43] Catherine (Kate), WAMPLER b. 29Mar1867, Trotwood OH m. T. Edward PALMER, 31May1893 r. Joplin; Glendale, California l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-8]John=> [hp5-44] Ira, WAMPLER b. 28Nov1868 d. 5Nov1941, bur. Park Cemetery, Carthage MO m. Mary Lillie COLE, 13Dec1893 re. Northwest of Carthage MO n. MA's notes say Lillie was sister of Lila (wife of Philip hp5-4) n. obit confirms Lila was sister of Ira's wife (unnamed in paper) n. BSW Book 2 says wife Lillie COLE n. Don Wampler remembers Lillie as her name l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-8]John=> [hp5-45] Ann Louisa, WAMPLER b. 10Mar1854 m. J W EIKENBERRY l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-9]Joseph=> [hp5-46] Catherine, WAMPLER b. 25Jul1855 m. Milton THORNTON l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-9]Joseph=> [hp5-47] Ephriam S, WAMPLER b. 19Mar1857 d. 31May1909, California m. 1) Elizabeth CUNNINGHAM m. 2) Lavinia TAYLOR, 1889 n. divorced from Elizabeth n. also refered to as E. S. (E S) l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-9]Joseph=> [hp5-48] Amos, WAMPLER b. 18Oct1858, Ohio d. 13Nov1938, Warrensburg MO, bur. Centerview cem. m. 1) Luraney (Lurany) B THORNTON(-1908), 24Feb1881 n. Luraney died Spinger NM 1908 m. 2) Harriet YECK, 14Mar1917 Warrensburg MO re. elder in Church of the Brethren after 1886, pres. Eld 1911-13 Fredonia KS r. Ohio, Walnut Creek MO (1859), Springer NM (1907), Centerview MO, Chanute KS, Fredonia KS(1910), Warrensburg, MO (1916) n. Obit says d. 12Nov1938, came to MO in 1859 with parents n. Luraney (and Husband?) went to New Mexico in 1907 for her health. Buried in Springer NM? n. Amos moved to Fredonia Kansas in 1910 then to Warrensburg in 1916. sc. Obituary in Knob Noster MO paper {db} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-9]Joseph=> [hp5-49] Jacob B (Jake), WAMPLER b. 14Aug1860, on farm 6 mi. north of Knob Noster, MO d. 18Sep1948, Knob Noster MO n. Died of kidney ailment after week in clinic; service at Christian Church r. Knob Noster, North Kansas o. farmer and stockman n. also referred to as J B, also called Jake n. purchase 80 acres, 3 1/2 miles north of Knob Noster from J. K. Tyler, week of Jan 20, 1893, price $2,800 m. 1) Fannie LANGSTON (19Jan1864-23Sep1894), 19Jun1889 n. Fannie bur. Wampler Cem, Johnson co MO m. 2) Lydia SHOUP (-7Oct1943) re. Valley City Christian Church; Knob Noster Christian Church n. Fannie died member of Christian Church n. Lydia from Knob Noster MO n. bankruptcy proceeding 1937 against 400 acre farm halted under Frzier-Lemke act(?) suit by Mrs. L. M. Shoemaker sc. Obit Sept 24, 1948, Knob Noster MO GEM l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-9]Joseph=> [hp5-50] Jesse (Jessie), WAMPLER b. 7Mar1870 d. 8Oct1870, Wampler Cemetery, Johnson Co MO l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-9]Joseph=> [hp5-51] Mary, WAMPLER b. 12Apr1866 d. 10Mar1869 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-9]Joseph=> [hp5-53] Sarah Jane, WAMPLER b. 9Jan1864 m. S. Henry SUMMERS, 1884 r. Seattle WA ch. Grace, Hurst, Ernest n. Henry brother of Judge B. F. Summers l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-9]Joseph=> [hp5-54] Susanna, WAMPLER b. 4Mar1866 m. 1) William SPRINGATE m. 2) HAHNEY (MANNEY) r. Colorado, Seattle WA n. William died in Seatle after they moved there in 1905 n. William and Susanna had 2 sons l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-9]Joseph=> [hp5-55] Lydia Alice, WAMPLER b. 3Feb1872 r. Indianapolis IN, Eureka IL o. Teacher, Dean of the Women's Dept. of Eureka College (around 1925) n. BSW Book 2 says she was single and a teacher sc. Knob Noster MO l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-9]Joseph=> [hp5-56] John J, WAMPLER b. 25Jun1874 d. Aug1952 m. Lillie J MAXWELL (-7Mar1986) o. Hardware merchant in Warrensburg MO; President of Johnson County Mutual Insurance Co. re. Charter member of Warrensburg Brethren Church n. referred to as J. J. n. married and lived on home place sc. BSW #8 p2 and Knob Noster Newspaper articles {db} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-9]Joseph=> [hp5-142] Mary, WAMPLER b. 1849 d. 1922 m. Unmarried l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-40]Benjamin=> [hp5-143] David William, WAMPLER b. 9Jan1851 d. 22Jun1926 m. Elizabeth Anna MILLER (19Nov1854-28Dec1921), 28Feb1874 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-40]Benjamin=> [hp5-144] Magdalene, WAMPLER b. 1853 d. 1927 m. 1)Anthony MILLER m. 2)Issac BERRY ch. 1) David R l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-40]Benjamin=> [hp5-145] Annie, WAMPLER b. 1856 d. 1895 m. Unmarried l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-40]Benjamin=> [hp5-146] Catherine, WAMPLER b. 1Aug1849 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-41]Samuel=> [hp5-147] George, WAMPLER b. 5Nov1851 d. 25Feb1861 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-41]Samuel=> [hp5-148] John, WAMPLER b. 14Mar1853 d. 1Mar1862 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-41]Samuel=> [hp5-149] Susannah, WAMPLER b. 15Mar1855 d. 24Feb1921 m. Daniel HOLSINGER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-41]Samuel=> [hp5-150] Elizabeth Ann, WAMPLER b. 28Mar1858 d. 10Oct1859 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-41]Samuel=> [hp5-151] Anna, WAMPLER b. 19Sep1859 d. 17Apr1890 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-41]Samuel=> [hp5-152] Rebecca, WAMPLER b. 23Dec1861 d. 27Apr1900 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-41]Samuel=> [hp5-153] Jonathon, WAMPLER b. 11Nov1863 m. Tillie J BRADY (17Jan1881-), 1Aug1905 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-41]Samuel=> [hp5-154] William, WAMPLER b. 30Oct1865 m. Mary E. DRIVER (24Feb1870-16Sep1958), 20Oct1896 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-41]Samuel=> [hp5-155] Jacob, WAMPLER b. 10Jul1868 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-41]Samuel=> [hp5-156] Joshua, WAMPLER b. 15Sep1871 m. Maggie S CASSIDY, 25Apr1892 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-41]Samuel=> [hp5-157] Solon H, WAMPLER b. 19Sep1850 d. 29Jun1852 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-42]Joshua=> [hp5-158] Catherine, WAMPLER b. 26Jan1855 d. 20Oct1860 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-42]Joshua=> [hp5-159] Lidia Ann, WAMPLER b. 16May1855 d. 1877 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-42]Joshua=> [hp5-160] Emanuel H, WAMPLER b. 16Nov1857 d. 16Mar1862 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-42]Joshua=> [hp5-161] Dorcas H, WAMPLER b. 21May1859 d. 19Mar1862 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-42]Joshua=> [hp5-141] Luther, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-45]Joseph=> [hp5-162] John F, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-46]Jonathan=> [hp5-163] Mary S, WAMPLER b. 5Dec1867 d. 2Dec1960 m. Issac William MILLER (1Oct1867-), 1May1883 ch. John B (18Dec1893-), Benjamin O (16Apr1898-), Homer Jonathan ch. (21Dec1903-), Joseph W l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-46]Jonathan=> [hp5-57] Sam Miller, WAMPLER b. 30Sep1869 d. 17May1905 n. never married l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-13]John=> [hp5-58] Mary, WAMPLER b. 20Dec1874 d. 3Apr1938 m. William David WILSON (31Jan1882) ch. Virginia M, Woodrow D l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-13]John=> [hp5-59] David M, WAMPLER b. 9Nov1871 d. 13Nov1890 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-13]John=> [hp5-60] Frederick Cline, WAMPLER b. 6Sep1874 d. 29Au1954 m. Laura Elizabeth MILLER (24Dec1883-17Apr1917) l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-13]John=> [hp5-61] Fannie, WAMPLER b. 13Apr1872 d. 17Apr1917 n. never married l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-13]John=> [hp5-62] Joseph Daniel, WAMPLER b. 18Feb1876 d. 21Mar1962 m. Bertie Ellen WEAVER (2Dec1876-14Nov1958) ch. 6 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-13]John=> [hp5-63] John Preston, WAMPLER b. 11Sep1878 d. 29Sep1905 n. never married l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-13]John=> [hp5-64] Charles Weldon, WAMPLER b. 16Apr1886 d. 1976 m. 1) Sadie (Sarah) ZIEGLER (6Nov1882-29Jan1922) m. 2) Zola HUFFMAN (22Sep1887-2Oct1962), 1923 m. 3) Mae Wine McDorman WAMPLER {G says May WINE (11May1911-) l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-13]John=> [hp5-65] Pearl Catherine, WAMPLER b. 6May1887 d. 29Aug1966 m. Arthur Wendell SHOWALTER (Jul1885-Dec1960) ch. Pearl K l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-13]John=> [hp5-66] Rebecca S, WAMPLER b. 25Oct1864 d. 18Feb1952 m. J Frank HOLSINGER (-1942) ch. Earl C l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-21]Joseph=> [hp5-137] John C, WAMPLER b. 18Oct1857 m. Minnie MINNICK (1857-) l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-21]Joseph=> [hp5-138] Eliza C, WAMPLER b. 18Feb1862 m. J C WINE (1865-) l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-21]Joseph=> [hp5-139] J. William, WAMPLER b. 30Dec1871 m. Violette IKENBERRY (1874-), 1897? ch. 12 children l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-21]Joseph=> [hp5-140] George Samuel, WAMPLER b. 23Nov1874 m. Frances GETTINGER (1882-) l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-21]Joseph=> [hp5-67] Daniel Saylor, WAMPLER b. 2May1863 m. Anna Rebecca MEYERS (1870-) l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-22]Frederick=> [hp5-68] Joseph William, WAMPLER b. 1Dec 1864 d. 24Sep1938 m. Martha CLINE (1868-1934) re. Church of the Brethren r. Greenmount VA, other VA l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-22]Frederick=> [hp5-69] Minnie Catherine, WAMPLER b. 25Dec1866 m. 1)John D. MILLER (1866-1910) m. 2) Solomon WENGER ch. 1) Fred J, Victor H, J. Saylor, Joseph W., George W, Theodore W l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-22]Frederick=> [hp5-70] Elizabeth Susan, WAMPLER b. 23Feb1869 m. John W. MYERS (1868-) ch. Willie Ann, Issac F, Hettye E, S. Blair, Hannah C, John W l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-22]Frederick=> [hp5-71] Anna Rebecca, WAMPLER b. 14Jun1870 m. Samuel BOWMAN (1860-) ch. Walter I l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-22]Frederick=> [hp5-72] John Franklin, WAMPLER b. 30Sep1873 d. 12Mar1945 m. Nina GARBER (1883-) re. Deacon for 25 Years, Church of the Brethren o. Superintendent of Old Folks Home in Timberville, VA n. obit in The Gospel Messenger, 14Apr1945 p. 26 ch. Ruth Ann l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-22]Frederick=> [hp5-73] Maggie Alice, WAMPLER b. 4Nov1875 m. Samuel L. GARBER (1875-) ch. Mary E, Anna R, Carl L, Frances, Lillian, Renetta l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-22]Frederick=> [hp5-74] Sarah Frances, WAMPLER b. 17Feb1877 m. David B. MILLER (1878-) ch. Robert H, Virginia F, Miriam D., Dorothy F, Margaret R, Ralph W ch. Lowell A l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-22]Frederick=> [hp5-75] Hettie Virginia, WAMPLER b. 29Jun1880 m. William H. SANGER (1881-) ch. Gladys V, Elizabeth M., Lois, Samuel F, Ruth E, Hope l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-22]Frederick=> [hp5-76] Frederick Jacob, WAMPLER b. 1Jan1883, near Harrisonburg VA d. 1957 m. 1) Rebecca SKEGGS (1883-1955) (SKAGG) m. 2) Pearl HOOVER o. missionary, professor, head Inst. for Inter-Am Affairs e. Bridgewater College, Rush Medical College, Univ. of Chicago n. birthday given by other source as 7Jan1883 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-22]Frederick=> [hp5-77] Ernest Michael, WAMPLER b. 23Oct1885, near Harrisonburg VA d. 16Nov1978 m. 1) Vida Eunice MILLER (1889-1926), 1914 m. 2) Elizabeth BAKER o. missionary, author, church administrator r. VA, china, VA e. Bridgewater College, Yale Divinity School l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-22]Frederick=> [hp5-78] John Crawford, WAMPLER b. 18Nov1859, VA d. 29May1932 m. Fannie E WEAVER (23Apr1863-29Nov1930), 10Jan1884 ch. 4 children l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-24]Benjamin=> [hp5-79] Barbara Anne, WAMPLER b. 7Aug1861, VA d. 21Dec1943 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-24]Benjamin=> [hp5-80] Frances Alice (Fannie), WAMPLER b. 29Mar1864, VA d. 18Mar1945 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-24]Benjamin=> [hp5-81] Mary Susan, WAMPLER b. 16Jan1863, VA d. 17Jun1923 m. Joseph Benjamin WAMPLER [hp5-91], 25Dec1888 ch. 2 still born sons l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-24]Benjamin=> [hp5-82] Sarah Catherine (Kate), WAMPLER b. 30Sep1865, near Weyers CaveVA d. 30Sep1944 m. 1)Kenny M. DIEHL (-1918); 24Dec1871 m. 2)Jacob BOWMAN; 23May1922 re. Member Mill Creek Church ch. Roy n. obit in The Gospel Messenger, 24Feb1945 p. 24 - mentions one son & two grand child, 1 grt grnd chld, four sisters & 3 brothers sc. BSW #6 p 5 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-24]Benjamin=> [hp5-83] Margaret Eve (Maggie), WAMPLER b. 28Dec1868, VA d. 24Jun1942 n. Obit of Harve says she died in 1941 m. Harvey J DIEHL(23Apr1869-20Dec1944); 22Dec1895 n. obit of Harve in The Gospel Messenger, 5May1945 p. 13 - born Spring Creek VA, member Mill Creek Church. ch. 8 children n. obit of Harve says 5 sons, 4 daughters l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-24]Benjamin=> [hp5-84] David William, WAMPLER b. 22Dec1868, VA d. 30Sep1951 m. Rhoda Thompson LUTTRELL (2May1877-21May1907); 16Oct1901 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-24]Benjamin=> [hp5-85] Joseph Frederick, WAMPLER b. 11Jul1870, VA d. 20May1950 m. Rebecca Frances WRIGHT (15Oct1867-24Apr1949); 17Oct1895 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-24]Benjamin=> [hp5-86] Solomon Luther, WAMPLER b. 31Oct1871, Weyers Cave VA d. 9Aug1939 m. Sarah Lula (or Lula Sarah) SLUSSER (18Dec1872-24Oct1963); 21Feb1901 n. Sarah Lula's parents Jacob Samuel SLUSSER (11Sep1837-Aug1915) and Nacy Adaline (22Jun1846-27Apr1909) sc. {bsw-j} 2p2 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-24]Benjamin=> [hp5-87] Laura Elizabeth, WAMPLER b. 4Jun1875, VA d. 21Jan1951 m. Henry RODEFFER; 25Dec1894 ch. 2 children sc. BSW #6 p 5 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-24]Benjamin=> [hp5-88] Walter Benjamin, WAMPLER b. 8Jul1877, VA d. 6Mar1954 m. Mary Susan Byrd (Bertie) SANGER (1875-1958); 24Nov1904 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-24]Benjamin=> [hp5-89] Rebecca Florence, WAMPLER b. 15Oct1876, near Weyers Cave, VA n. obit says b. 15Oct1875 d. 27Oct1945, near Weyers Cave, VA m. Noah L. EARLY (-~1852); 26Dec1894 ch. 1 daughter, 2 sons re. Church of the Brethren, Pleasant Valley Church, VA sc. BSW #6 p 5 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-24]Benjamin=> [hp5-90] Bessie Viola, WAMPLER b. 24Feb1883, VA d. 20Apr1968 m. Joseph H BOWMAN; 16Jan1935 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-24]Benjamin=> [hp5-91] Joseph Benjamin, WAMPLER b. 30Jul1855 d. 24Nov1930{twl} 29Nov1930{gaw} m. 1) Mary Catherine GARBER (1852-1887) n. Mary dau Samuel GARBER and Anna PETERS {mas} m. 2) Mary Susan WAMPLER [hp5-81] (daughter of Benjamine F [hp4-36]) l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John=> [hp5-92] David Samuel, WAMPLER b. 28Feb1857 d. 19Jan1910 m. Angeline Sarah STIEGEL (24Apr1863-1Feb1933) n. Angeline dau Charles B. STIEGEL and Sallie COFFMAN {mas} o. farmer {mas} r. near New Hope VA {mas} n. {gaw} lists given name as Samuel David l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John=> [hp5-93] Elizabeth Frances, WAMPLER b. 25Apr1859 d. 18Oct1900 m. Unmarried l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John=> [hp5-94] Susan Catherine, WAMPLER b. 23May1860 d. 30Jan1917 m. John W. CLINE (1857-1921) n. John son Joseph M. CLINE and Ludia V NEFF {mas} o. farmer r. Mt Sidney, VA {mas} re. COB l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John=> [hp5-95] William Crawford, WAMPLER b. 13May1862 d. 23Dec1939 m. Eliza Susan CLINE (7Dec1863-15Sep1949) n. Eliza dau Joseph M. CLINE and Ludia V NEFF {mas} o. farmer r. Mt Sidney, VA {mas} re. COB l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John=> [hp5-96] Mary Magdalene, WAMPLER b. 27Sep1867 d. 4Jun1930 m. Jacob F GLICK (18Apr1865-1May1923) n. Jacob son Joel GLICK and Hannah SHEETS o. farmer r. New Windsor, CO. re. COB l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John=> [hp5-97] Jacob Monroe, WAMPLER b. 5Jan1857 d. d 29May1907 m. Sarah Frances SHOWALTER (1859-6Jul1914); 31Oct1876 sc. BSW bk4 p 29; {bsw-j}1p26 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel=> [hp5-98] David B, WAMPLER b. 12Feb1858 d. 16Oct1907 m. Elizabeth E CLINE (26Sep1859-23Dec1932) l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel=> [hp5-99] Amanda C, WAMPLER b. 4Sep1859 d. 1924 m. David ARMENTROUT ch. Benjamin F. l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel=> [hp5-100] Francis F, WAMPLER b. 1861 d. 1861 n. {gaw} lists as Francis S l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel=> [hp5-101] John Franklin, WAMPLER b. 14May1862 d. 19Jun1912 n. {dfw} says b. 12May1862, d. 19Jun1924 n. {kfs} Kline Family site says d. 23Feb1925 r. near Goods Mill, VA, Timberville and Port Republic VA re. Deacon and Minister (1910-), Mill Creek Brethren Church o. drove Bridgewater Woolen Mills wagon, Minister, farmer n. John owned a number of farms near the Mill Creek Brethren Church, near Goods Mill, VA m. Susan M CLINE (18Apr1864-23Aug1921), 16Dec1882 n. Susan daughter of Samuel Cline and Elizabeth Showalter n. Susan was Brethren also, family from Zweisbruken, Germany n. Susan's grandfather was elected minister to aid Elder John Naas n. who fled German persecution ~1739 sc. {tw} {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel=> [hp5-102] Annie Rebecca, WAMPLER b. 4Sep1864 d. 1912 m. Benjamin A MILLER ch. Virginia Mae, Vada W, Charles J, Refa Irene sc. {tw} {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel=> [hp5-103] Isaac Samuel, WAMPLER b. 16Mar1866 n. {dfw} says 15Mar1866 d. 1952 m. Mabel Glenn McCUE sc. {tw} {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel=> [hp5-104] Sarah Magdalene, WAMPLER b. 6Oct1867 d. 1928 m. John H BERRY ch. Lillie Mabel, Ira Wilson, Beula Webb, Isa Viola, Mary Elizabeth ch. Oscor Ivan, Hobert William, Mae Priscilla, Zenna Virginia, Isaac Samuel ch. Lena Miller, Delphia Margaret sc. {tw} {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel=> [hp5-105] Lydia V, WAMPLER b. 13Feb1869 d. 1948 m. Daniel WETSEL, 3Feb1888 ch. Arnold Wilbert, Lula Viola, Grace Ellen, Lillian Dareh, Anna Belle, ch. Earl Hicks (1897-Jun1990), Lillie Louise, Ruth Virginia, Luella M, Daniel, ch. Rosalie Elizabeth, Alma Mac, Wampler Harrison, Beydler J sc. {tw} {dfw}, marriage date provided by Jim Ablard; data on Wetsel available from Whitney Wetsel {ww} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel=> [hp5-106] William Charles, WAMPLER b. 12Mar1871 d. 1949 m. 1) Eda (Ida) MILLER m. 2) Bertie MILLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel=> [hp5-107] Daniel, WAMPLER b. 1874 d. stilborn l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel=> [hp5-108] Benjamin S, WAMPLER b. 28Oct1857 d. 1865 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-29]Jacob=> [hp5-109] John Cyrus, WAMPLER b. 18Oct1858 d. 15Jul1942 m. Eliz Hannah DANKS n. Eliz name corrected from HANKS based on grandchild Betty Deitrick, BKDTX@aol.com l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-29]Jacob=> [hp5-110] Susanna, WAMPLER b. 18Dec1859 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-29]Jacob=> [hp5-111] Michael David, WAMPLER b. 23Jan1862 d. 29Sep1931; bur Hale Cem, Hale MO, Carroll co. m. Julia Ann WILLIAMS l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-29]Jacob=> [hp5-112] Isaac L, WAMPLER b. 21Jun1863 d. 1911 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-29]Jacob=> [hp5-113] Lewis Miley, WAMPLER b. 22Jan1865; Agusta co VA d. 12Dec1961; bur Community cem, Suvannah MO m. Harriet Ann PATTERSON (6Aug1870) o. farmer sc. BSW bk4 p36 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-29]Jacob=> [hp5-114] William H, WAMPLER b. 25Aug1867 d. 1947 m. Emma BROWN l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-29]Jacob=> [hp5-115] Jacob Franklin, WAMPLER b. 10Nov1869; IN d. 29Jul1953; bur Ebeneezer Cem Carroll co MO m. Annie E HART; 23Dec1890 in MO n. Annie dau Benjamine Johnson HART and Amanda Lou AUSTIN o. farmer and merchant l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-29]Jacob=> [hp5-116] Elsie, WAMPLER m. Herbert SWEARINGEN l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-30]John=> [hp5-117] Homer, WAMPLER r. Iowa l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-30]John=> [hp5-118] Ernest, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-30]John=> [hp5-119] Herbert, WAMPLER m. Ethyl Louise EVANS l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-30]John=> [hp5-120] Anna, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-30]John=> [hp5-121] William, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-30]John=> [hp5-122] Ida, WAMPLER m. Frank DIEHL l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-31]Samuel=> [hp5-123] Bertie, WAMPLER m. Jacob JONES l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-31]Samuel=> [hp5-124] Bettie, WAMPLER m. Taylor WELLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-31]Samuel=> [hp5-125] Luther, WAMPLER m. Jennie ---- l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-31]Samuel=> [hp5-126] Mamie, WAMPLER m. William HARRIS l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-31]Samuel=> [hp5-127] Elmer, WAMPLER m. Mary ----- l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-31]Samuel=> [hp5-128] Jennie, WAMPLER m. Samuel Homer DRIVER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-31]Samuel=> [hp5-129] Isaac, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-31]Samuel=> [hp5-130] Charles, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-31]Samuel=> [hp5-131] Mary Catherine, WAMPLER m. -- CORNWELL l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-33]William=> [hp5-132] Carl, WAMPLER m. Nellie PADDOCK l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-33]William=> [hp5-133] Louis, WAMPLER m. Bertha HUDSON l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-33]William=> [hp5-134] Bessie Viola, WAMPLER m. Clyde SHIELDS l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-36]Benjamin=> [hp5-135] Minnie D, WAMPLER b. Jan1887; IN m. FISHALL l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-36]Benjamin=> [hp5-136] Elsie, WAMPLER b. Dec1881; IN m. Chas WORSTER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-36]Benjamin=> [hp5-164] Jane, WAMPLER b. ,Dayton Ohio d. 20Feb1948, bur. Mt. Hope Cem. Huntington IN m. John Milton SAYLER, 2Oct1890 n. Milton was prominent Huntington IN attorney ch. Henry B., Agnes re. First Presbyterian Church, Huntington IN n. Son, Major General Henry B. Sayler, chief of ordinance, United States Army n. Jane was Shakespeare club sc. Van Sayler {vcs}; obituaries in Huntington Herald Press and Indianapolis News l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-11]Samuel=> [hp5-165] Vernon E, WAMPLER m. Ella RICHARDSON n. listed as ordained in Brethren Enc, Dayton OH l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-11]Samuel=> [hp5-166] Florence, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-11]Samuel=> [hp5-167] Jennie, WAMPLER m. Milton SAYLOR l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-11]Samuel=> [hp5-168] Birdie, WAMPLER m. William H. CRUSEY l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-11]Samuel=> [hp5-169] Melvin, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-11]Samuel=> [hp5-170] Wilbur C, WAMPLER m. SCHMIDT l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-11]Samuel=> [hp5-171] Winnie, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-11]Samuel=> [hp5-172] Eugene, WAMPLER n. possibly Milton E WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-11]Samuel=> [hp5-173] Daniel Silas, WAMPLER b. 27Dec1878 d. 6Jan1967, Piatt Co IL m. Mary HUBERT sc. BSW#1 p10 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-43]Daniel=>2) [hp5-174] Rebecca, WAMPLER d. 1881 n. census data in BSW #3 p 4 says Rebecca 26 in 1880 (not WAMPLER), but not child either as said in obit sc. Knob Noster obituary of mother Rebecca {db} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward=>2) [hp5-175] Anna, WAMPLER b. 8Dec1852 d. 1Oct1936 m. SNYDER sc. BSW Bk4, pg 35 with correction from BSW #1 p10 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-43]Daniel=>1) [hp5-176] Magdalena, WAMPLER b. 19Nov1853, Piatt co IL m. MYERS r. KS sc. See hp5-175 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-43]Daniel=>1) [hp5-177] John Franklin, WAMPLER b. 18Oct1854, Piatt co IL d. 8Jan1856 sc. See hp5-175 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-43]Daniel=>1) [hp5-178] Samuel, WAMPLER b. 30Sep1855, Piatt co IL d. 27Oct1869 sc. See hp5-175 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-43]Daniel=>1) [hp5-179] Benjamin, WAMPLER b. 30Aug1856, Piatt co IL d. 11Sep1856 sc. See hp5-175 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-43]Daniel=>1) [hp5-180] Catherine, WAMPLER b. 15Sep1857, Piatt co IL d. 22May1859 sc. See hp5-175 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-43]Daniel=>1) [hp5-181] Jacob Henry Hashbarger, WAMPLER b. 10Oct1859, Piatt co IL d. 4Jun1936; bur. Nash OK m. Rosanna ALEXNDER (1854-18Jul1915) re. Church of the Brethern n. Rosanna buried Carrier OK; Jacob & Rosanna divorced n. Jacob was Rosanna's 2nd husband, #1 was Jake Dowers, #3 was Alvie Dowers sc. See hp5-175; {bsw-n} 1 p12 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-43]Daniel=>1) [hp5-182] George W, WAMPLER b. 11Mar1860, Piatt co IL d. 13Jun1873 sc. See hp5-175 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-43]Daniel=>1) [hp5-183] Moses Z, WAMPLER b. 14Apr1861, Piatt co IL d. 13Jun1873 sc. See hp5-175 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-43]Daniel=>1) [hp5-184] Mary Elizabeth, WAMPLER b. 10Jun1862, Piatt co IL d. 6Sep1862 sc. See hp5-175 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-43]Daniel=>1) [hp5-185] Frederick Solomon, WAMPLER b. 9Jun1863, Piatt co IL d. 10Sep1865 sc. See hp5-175 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-43]Daniel=>1) [hp5-186] Lydia Elizabeth, WAMPLER b. 4Feb1867, Piatt co IL d. Aug1913 m. SHEETS sc. See hp5-175 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-43]Daniel=>1) [hp5-187] Hannah Mary Anjaline, WAMPLER b. 6Apr1868, Piatt co IL d. 1918 m. William DINGER sc. See hp5-175 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-43]Daniel=>2) [hp5-188] David Flory, WAMPLER b. 25Sep1869, Piatt co IL d. 28Sep1954 m. Anna DINGER sc. See hp5-175 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-43]Daniel=>2) [hp5-189] Elisha Henrick, WAMPLER b. 17Dec1870, Piatt co IL d. 30Mar1926 m. Edna STANDISH sc. See hp5-175 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-43]Daniel=>2) [hp5-190] Emma Josephine, WAMPLER b. 26Apr1872, Piatt co IL d. 21May1954 m. Al MILLER sc. See hp5-175 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-43]Daniel=>2) [hp5-191] Lizzie Catherine, WAMPLER b. 15Nov1873, Piatt co IL d. 10Mar1899 n. never married sc. See hp5-175 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-43]Daniel=>2) [hp5-192] Christian Stoner, WAMPLER b. 30Jan1878, Piatt co IL d. 1965 m. 1)Naomi PEASE m. 2) Ruby - sc. See hp5-175 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-43]Daniel=>2) [hp5-193] Mary Susan, WAMPLER b. 1858 m. James Jacob HUFFER r. Zetta VA ch. John William (1884), Perry James (1885), Bertie Ann (1887-1972), Effie May (1889), Carrie Virginia (1890) ch. Nancy Margaret (1892), Mary Maud (1895), Reese Levi (1887) sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-16]Daniel->[hp4-50]John=> [hp5-194] Margaret A, WAMPLER b. 1860 d. 1956 n. unmarried sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-16]Daniel->[hp4-50]John=> [hp5-195] Joseph D, WAMPLER b. 17Aug1862, VA m. 1) Lucinda (Louisinda) SMILEY (Apr1865), 3Jan1884, Franklin co OH n. Lucinda divorced before 1900, then married Charles R THENNERT (before 1910) m. 2) Grace Ellen -- (~1887), Cass co NE r. North River, Augusta co VA; Waterloo, Douglas co, NE; Cass Co NE sc. Mason {mas}; {jw-n11} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-16]Daniel->[hp4-50]John=> [hp5-196] Barbara J, WAMPLER b. 1864 d. 1869 sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-16]Daniel->[hp4-50]John=> [hp5-197] Henry, WAMPLER b. 1867 d. 1867 sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-16]Daniel->[hp4-50]John=> [hp5-198] Eliza Magdalena, WAMPLER b. 1868 d. 1956 m. Charles W ZIMMERMAN n. Charles son Jacob ZIMMERMAN and Annie Virginia CLICK r. Mt. Solon, VA; King Ferry NY re. COB (Charles minister) ch. Walter (1899), Wilmer (1901), Charles Edgar (1903-1969), William Lester (1905) ch. Ada Ruth (1906), John Paul (1909) sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-16]Daniel->[hp4-50]John=> [hp5-199] Sarah Frances, WAMPLER b. 1870 d. 1930 n. unmarried sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-16]Daniel->[hp4-50]John=> [hp5-200] Levi D, WAMPLER b. 1873 m. Elizabeth A SANDY r. Augusta Co. VA sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-16]Daniel->[hp4-50]John=> [hp5-201] Hannah Virginia, WAMPLER b. 1856 d. 1938 m. John JUDY ch. Mollie C, Dora, Lester A, Pearl sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-14]Martin->[hp4-59]Issac=> [hp5-202] Emily Catherine, WAMPLER b. 1857 d. 1836 m. Issac ALGER ch. William, Sylvester, Anna, Lonnie L sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-14]Martin->[hp4-59]Issac=> [hp5-203] William Martin, WAMPLER b. 1858 d. 1946 m. 1)Ida FLYNN m. 2)Jennie PULLEN m. 3) Libby BULLOCK n. 1 infant death, wife 2 sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-14]Martin->[hp4-59]Issac=> [hp5-204] Mary Susan, WAMPLER b. 1860 m. John Henry HILDEBRAND ch. Jessie Clarence (1880), Mattie May (1881), Nettie Elizabeth (1884), Alfred Cornelius (1888) sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-14]Martin->[hp4-59]Issac=> [hp5-205] Samuel Cornelius, WAMPLER b. 1863 d. 1938 m. Amanda KEASTER sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-14]Martin->[hp4-59]Issac=> [hp5-206] Sarah Elizabeth, WAMPLER b. 1865 d. 1924 m. Marion W LOWER (1861-1936) ch. Roy (1890), Edna (1888) sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-14]Martin->[hp4-59]Issac=> [hp5-207] John Perry, WAMPLER b. 1870 d. ~1960 m. Mary Ann METTS (1870-1936) r. Henrietta, OH sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-14]Martin->[hp4-59]Issac=> [hp5-208] John Samuel, WAMPLER b. 1867 m. Mary K. ANDES sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-14]Martin->[hp4-61]Samuel=> [hp5-209] Noah C, WAMPLER b. 1874 d. 1955 sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-14]Martin->[hp4-61]Samuel=> [hp5-210] Mary, WAMPLER b. 1876 d. 1904 n. unmarried sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-14]Martin->[hp4-61]Samuel=> [hp5-211] David Solomon, WAMPLER b. 1880 d. 1963 m. 1) Emma DRIVER (1879-1918) m. 2) Nellie MYERS (1883) o. Farmer r. Broadway, VA re. COB sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-14]Martin->[hp4-61]Samuel=> [hp5-212] Frederick, WAMPLER b. 1894 d. 1901 sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-14]Martin->[hp4-61]Samuel=> [hp5-213] Elizabeth Catherine, WAMPLER b. 1877 sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-14]Martin->[hp4-64]David=> [hp5-214] Lewis Herman, WAMPLER b. 1879 d. 1882 sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-14]Martin->[hp4-64]David=> [hp5-215] Anna Mary, WAMPLER b. 1881 sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-14]Martin->[hp4-64]David=> [hp5-216] Bertie Crawford, WAMPLER b. 1884 sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-14]Martin->[hp4-64]David=> [hp5-217] Ada Rebecca, WAMPLER b. 1888 sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-14]Martin->[hp4-64]David=> [hp5-218] Georgia Tilla, WAMPLER b. 1892 sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-14]Martin->[hp4-64]David=> [hp5-219] William Simon, WAMPLER b. 1893 d. ~1893 sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-14]Martin->[hp4-64]David=> [hp6-1] Mary 'Mollie', WAMPLER b. 3Sep1880, Knob Noster MO d. 6Jul1980, Knob Noster MO, bur Wampler Cemetery, Johnson co MO. m. Ammi A YOST (18Oct1882-25Dec1961), 10Apr1904 n. Ammi bur. Wampler Cem. Also ch. Bernita, Leanna re. German Baptist Church n. Mollie wrote with lots of information about the family to Barbara Wampler, published in her newsletters l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-8]William=> [hp6-2] Elizabeth (Bessie), WAMPLER b. 6JuL1887, Knob Noster MO d. 1Jan1979, Mesa AZ m. Thomas Lee OLVIS (-2Jun1949), 22Feb1911 Warrensburg MO m. Will KINSEY m. James F KNIGHT ch. William Lee OLVIS, Helen, Margaret, Anna Ruth OLVIS re. First Christian Church of Knob Noster n. BSW Book 1, newspaper piece dated Aug 17, 1935 only mentions Lee Olvis as husband l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-8]William=> [hp6-3] Anna Belle, WAMPLER b. 11Mar1883, north of Knob Noster MO d. Mar1970, Knob Noster MO m. William Henry KINSEY (KINZIE) (3Aug1883-18Aug1968), 26Sep1915, Knob Noster MO ch. Paul William re. Old German Baptist Brethren n. William a farmer in Knob Noster MO for 53 years. n. Willam born in Cass County IN n. William a member of Old German Baptist Brethren sc. Knob Noster Newspaper l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-8]William=> [hp6-4] Lena Grace, WAMPLER m. James F KNIGHT n. BSW Book1, newpaper calls her Leona l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-8]William=> [hp6-5] Elmer Charles, WAMPLER b. 9Feb1901, Knob Noster MO d. 8Nov1971, Columbia MO, bur. Knob Noster Cem m. Clairbel HURT (13Oct1908-19Jan1972), 23Oct1929, Knob Noster MO n. Clairbel bur. Knob Noster Cem. o. farmer and stockman r. Knob Noster MO re. Knob Noster Christian Church n. Clairbel dau. Of James and Elizabeth HURT n. BSW Book 1, newspaper article of Aug 17, 1935 says Elmer married living on fathers homeplace (grandfather Edward's) l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-8]William=> [hp6-6] Alberta Mae, WAMPLER b. 14Apr1898, Knob Noster, Johnson Co., MO d. 11Dec1980, Modesto, Stanislaus Co., CA m. Charles Edward LONG (6Feb1895-27Aug1990), 22Dec1930 (1929?) Knob Noster, MO n. Charles from Lafayette, IN ch. Mary Helen (5Jan1932), Russell Eldon, Dale Henry, Marlene Marie, Charlene Mae sc. Knob Noster MO newspaper {db} and Bob Manning's web site (see note below) n. more information on Charles Long at Bob Manning's Site l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-8]William=> [hp6-7] George E, WAMPLER b. 11Dec1893, Knob Noster MO d. 25Apr1975, Knob Noster, bur. Knob Noster Cem. m. Verona COLLIER r. Knob Noster MO l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-8]William=> [hp6-8] Russell, WAMPLER r. LaPorte IN l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-8]William=> [hp6-9] Katie, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-4]David-> [hp5-19]John=> [hp6-10] David C, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-4]David-> [hp5-19]John=> [hp6-11] Ada, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-4]David-> [hp5-19]John=> [hp6-12] E. O., WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-4]David-> [hp5-19]John=> [hp6-13] Susie, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-4]David-> [hp5-19]John=> [hp6-14] Oliver Nelson, WAMPLER b. 9Nov1884, Jasper Co, MO d. 4Jul1964, Webb City MO m. Gertrude Ellen COBBS, 18Sep1907 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-8]John-> [hp5-38]Wilson=> [hp6-15] Clarence Ernest, WAMPLER b. 23Oct1888, Jasper Co MO d. 6Jan1947, Denver CO m. Coral RIX, 19Jun1915 n. Obit say wife is Cora o. Attorney sc. Obit in Joplin News Herald (7Jan1947) l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-8]John-> [hp5-38]Wilson=> [hp6-16] Annie Agnes, WAMPLER m. C. E. (Arnie) HOLMES r. Tonasket WA n. census lists Anna M at 19 years in 1900 b. 1880, MO d. 1960 n. living with father in 1900 census l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-8]John-> [hp5-39]Daniel=> [hp6-17] Rhea M, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-13]John-> [hp5-62]Joseph=> [hp6-18] Catherine, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-13]John-> [hp5-64]Charles=>1) [hp6-20] Virginia Pleasant, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-24]Benjamin-> [hp5-84]David=> [hp6-122] Clarence Benjamin, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-24]Benjamin-> [hp5-84]David=> [hp6-21] Clark Ivan, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-24]Benjamin-> [hp5-85]Joseph=> [hp6-22] Guy Edgar, WAMPLER b. 16Feb1902, Weyers Cave VA m. Ruby Kathryn OELLIG (1901-); 16Jun1931 n. Ruby from Greencastle PA e. Bridgewater College, Bethany Bible School o. pastor r. PA, VA re. Church of the Brethren sc. {bsw-j}2 p2 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-24]Benjamin-> [hp5-86]Solomon=> [hp6-23] Earle Lester, WAMPLER b. 14Oct1905; Weyers Cave VA d. 10Oct1968 m. 10Oct1968 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-24]Benjamin-> [hp5-86]Solomon=> [hp6-24] Reba Adaline, WAMPLER b. 24Jan1907; North River VA d. 5Jul1927 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-24]Benjamin-> [hp5-86]Solomon=> [hp6-25] Mabel Elizabeth, WAMPLER b. 4Oct1909; North River VA l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-24]Benjamin-> [hp5-86]Solomon=> [hp6-26] Merle Sanger, WAMPLER b. 27Jan1906 m. Irvin Grove CLINE (10Sep1898-29Nov1965) ch. Carolyn Byrd (1Nov1935) sc. BSW #3 p6 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-24]Benjamin-> [hp5-88]Walter=> [hp6-27] Rollin Horace, WAMPLER b. 16Oct1910 m. Ruth Elizabeth LAYMAN (26Oct1910); 9Jun1937 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-24]Benjamin-> [hp5-88]Walter=> [hp6-28] Florence Cline, WAMPLER b. 1887 d. 1956 m. Benjamine F. GARBER (1885) n. Benjamine son Peter GARBER and Emma Cline r. Weyers Cave VA ch. Verma, Calvin W E (1916), Alda Ethyl (1918) sc. All data except name {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-95]William=> [hp6-29] Frank Wilbur, WAMPLER b. 17Sep1889 d. 19Dec1965 m. Ada Catherine HOLLAR (1895) r. Weyers Cave VA sc. {mas}, {bsw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-95]William=> [hp6-30] Edith Barbara, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-95]William=> [hp6-31] Everett Lee, WAMPLER b. 1894 {mas} d. 1975 {mas} m. Mary Julia GARBER (1896-1988) r. Mt Sidney VA {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-95]William=> [hp6-32] Minnie Lydia, WAMPLER b. 1896 d. 1985 m. Walter A SHEETS (1892) r. Penn Laird, VA sc. All data but name {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-95]William=> [hp6-33] Byron Joseph, WAMPLER b. 9Sep1898 d. 1Dec1964 m. Anna Belle CUPP (1900-1936) r. New Hope VA {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-95]William=> [hp6-34] Olive Mae, WAMPLER b. 1900 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-95]William=> [hp6-35] Ethyl Virginia, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-95]William=> [hp6-36] Eva Rebecca, WAMPLER b. 1907 m. Guy STUMP (1902) r. Waynesboro VA ch. Gerald W (1939) sc. All but name {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-95]William=> [hp6-37] Bessie Gertrude, WAMPLER b. 5Nov1885 d. 5Nov1964 m. John Clarence JARRELLS (27Jul1890-10Jan1968) ch. Clarence, Harold Wampler (23Feb1913), Charles sc. {tw} {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-97]Jacob=> [hp6-38] Maude Clara, WAMPLER b. 28Nov1884; Fauquier Co. VA d. 12Mar1967; Harrisonburg VA m. John William Enoch DIEHL (26Feb1886-3Jan1951); 15Jan1908 ch. Ethel Marie (9May1909-21Feb1984), Oliver Vernon (29Aug1910-24Mar1996), Mabel W (9Nov1911-2Jan2000), ch. Virginia Faye (28Oct1914-24Aug1984), Leona May (10May1919-11Sep1997) sc. {tw} {dfw} and {kfs} Kline Family site l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John=> [hp6-39] Mollie Vernala, WAMPLER b. 8Jul1886 m. 1) John William MARTZ m. 2) George KENNY m. 3) William Irvin SMITH ch. Marvel (13Sep1908), Raymond (11Mar1910-26Sep1992), Carlton (30Oct1912), Everett (15May1916), John (18Jan1919), Galen n. died at Keezletown VA {BSW #9} sc. {tw} {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John=> [hp6-40] Whitfield Early, WAMPLER b. 28Nov1888; Goods Mill VA d. 12Mar1967 n. {dfw} say d. 25May1967 r. Goodsmill, VA; Spring City, RD 1922 (near Heistand's Store); Pottstown PA 1928 o. farmer and farm manager, Federal Land Bank worker, insurance agent n. in RD managed large farm for Virginians Arey and Sanger n. bought fram neawr Kenilworth, Pottstown RD in 1928 (the old Klink farm) n. retired to stone house at end of farm lane which he and Nora built re. Church of the Brethren m. Nora Bell RIDDLE (4Mar1891-21Feb1975): 4Aug1908 n. Barbara Wampler Newsletter #9, p. 5: gives wife as Nellie Bell RIDDLE, daughter of Lewis G. Riddle & Lucy Virginia sc. {tw} {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John=> [hp6-41] Lillie Pearl, WAMPLER b. 1Oct1891 d. 25Nov1895 sc. {tw} {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John=> [hp6-42] Nina E, WAMPLER b. 25Apr1895 d. 22Mar1969 m. Ernest (Edward) MARTZ (30Aug1888-24Mar1944) ch. Kathryn (19Oct1914) n. Kathryn married Leo WAMPLER (1Jan1906-3Nov1986) sc. {tw} {dfw} {BSW #9} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John=> [hp6-43] Fleta Mabel, WAMPLER b. 3Aug1897 m. Roy Franklin CLINE (KLINE) (22Jan1894-1980); 24May1925 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John=> [hp6-44] Charles Marvin, WAMPLER b. 1Nov1899 d. 27Mar1925; Lebanon Hospital in Lebanon Co. PA n. died of Typhoid fever l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John=> [hp6-45] Alfred Raymond, WAMPLER b. 27Sep1903 n. BSW #9 says never married; Kline Web site say b. 3Sep1903 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John=> [hp6-46] Eula Kathryn, WAMPLER b. 5Dec1905 m. 1) Benjamine YEIGH m. 2)Kirmet MINDLER n. BSW #9 says died in Reading PA l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John=> [hp6-47] Mary Ethyl, WAMPLER b. 24Dec1881 m. Harrison BOWERS n. correction to birth date (1872) BSW #1 p10 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-29]Jacob-> [hp5-109]John=> [hp6-48] Hester Lee, WAMPLER b. 24Dec1887 m. Robert DOWNS l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-29]Jacob-> [hp5-109]John=> [hp6-49] John Jacob, WAMPLER b. 26Jul1889 d. 26Jul1889 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-29]Jacob-> [hp5-109]John=> [hp6-50] Goldie Irene, WAMPLER b. 28Aug1891 m. Daniel HOECHST l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-29]Jacob-> [hp5-109]John=> [hp6-51] Leona Rose Etta, WAMPLER b. 24May1893 m. Arthur CLEMENTS l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-29]Jacob-> [hp5-109]John=> [hp6-52] Verna Lucille, WAMPLER b. 28Jan1896 d. 26Aug1898 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-29]Jacob-> [hp5-109]John=> [hp6-53] Mabel Millington, WAMPLER b. 19Jul1898 d. 28Jun1952 m. Ernest HOECHST l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-29]Jacob-> [hp5-109]John=> [hp6-54] Bessie Lee, WAMPLER b. 1Jun1891 m. 1)Glen J SAMUEL m. 2) - NORMAN sc. BSW bk4 p36 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-29]Jacob-> [hp5-111]Michael=> [hp6-55] David Clifton, WAMPLER b. 5Nov1892, Rushville NE m. Ida Mae SHIPLEY sc. BSW bk4 p36 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-29]Jacob-> [hp5-111]Michael=> [hp6-56] Raymond Gladstone, WAMPLER b. 8Jul1894; near Bosworth MO m. Hatie GROSS sc. BSW bk4 p36 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-29]Jacob-> [hp5-111]Michael=> [hp6-57] Edna May, WAMPLER b. 20Feb1896; near Hale MO m. 1)Jesse CORNELIUS m. 2) - ALEXANDER sc. BSW bk4 p36 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-29]Jacob-> [hp5-111]Michael=> [hp6-58] Lawrence Daniel, WAMPLER b. 31Dec1898; near Hale MO m. Beatrice H SHELDON sc. BSW bk4 p36 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-29]Jacob-> [hp5-111]Michael=> [hp6-59] Virgil Benjamin, WAMPLER b. 25Jan1901; near Hale MO sc. BSW bk4 p36 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-29]Jacob-> [hp5-111]Michael=> [hp6-60] Arthur Michael, WAMPLER b. 15Feb1903; near Hale MO sc. BSW bk4 p36 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-29]Jacob-> [hp5-111]Michael=> [hp6-61] Frank Bryan, WAMPLER b. 18May1908; Walton OK m. Florence KING sc. BSW bk4 p36 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-29]Jacob-> [hp5-111]Michael=> [hp6-62] Clarence Earl, WAMPLER b. 1895; MO l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-29]Jacob-> [hp5-113]Lewis=> [hp6-63] Clyde E, WAMPLER b. 1898; MO l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-29]Jacob-> [hp5-113]Lewis=> [hp6-64] Everett L, WAMPLER b. 1901; MO l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-29]Jacob-> [hp5-113]Lewis=> [hp6-65] Fred M, WAMPLER b. 4Jul1905; MO m. Opal B SOLLARS l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-29]Jacob-> [hp5-113]Lewis=> [hp6-66] Allene R, WAMPLER b. 1907; MO l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-29]Jacob-> [hp5-113]Lewis=> [hp6-67] Carl C, WAMPLER b. 1910; MO l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-29]Jacob-> [hp5-113]Lewis=> [hp6-68] Nalie Ellsworth, WAMPLER b. 2May1892 d. 17Mar1955 m. Ethyl GRISBY l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-29]Jacob-> [hp5-115]Jacob=> [hp6-69] Rutha Lou, WAMPLER b. 4Feb1894 d. 23Oct1960 m. Carl Walter ROSE sc. BSW bk4 p 36 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-29]Jacob-> [hp5-115]Jacob=> [hp6-70] Letha Alice, WAMPLER b. 9Sep1896 m. Virgil WELCHON; 1943 sc. BSW bk4 p 36 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-29]Jacob-> [hp5-115]Jacob=> [hp6-71] Verna May, WAMPLER b. 21Aug1898 m. Jesse Dell FRANKUM; 1920 sc. BSW bk4 p 36 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-29]Jacob-> [hp5-115]Jacob=> [hp6-72] Orvilee James, WAMPLER b. 13Aug1900 d. 22Nov1972 m. Verona Ann PARKINS sc. BSW bk4 p 36 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-29]Jacob-> [hp5-115]Jacob=> [hp6-73] Norma Jean, WAMPLER b. 5May1903 m. Dorsey JOHNSON; 1923 sc. BSW bk4 p 36 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-29]Jacob-> [hp5-115]Jacob=> [hp6-74] Edgar, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-21]Joseph-> [hp5-137]John=> [hp6-75] Arthur, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-21]Joseph-> [hp5-137]John=> [hp6-76] Emma, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-21]Joseph-> [hp5-137]John=> [hp6-77] Lewis F, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-21]Joseph-> [hp5-137]John=> [hp6-78] Margaret, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-21]Joseph-> [hp5-140]George=> [hp6-79] Robert, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-21]Joseph-> [hp5-140]George=> [hp6-80] Ward, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-21]Joseph-> [hp5-140]George=> [hp6-81] Janet M, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-13]John-> [hp5-60]Federick=> [hp6-82] Mary R, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-13]John-> [hp5-60]Federick=> [hp6-83] John B, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-13]John-> [hp5-62]Joseph=> [hp6-84] Jacob W, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-13]John-> [hp5-62]Joseph=> [hp6-85] Joseph G, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-13]John-> [hp5-62]Joseph=> [hp6-86] Eva P, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-13]John-> [hp5-62]Joseph=> [hp6-87] Edna, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-13]John-> [hp5-62]Joseph=> [hp6-88] Irene, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-13]John-> [hp5-62]Joseph=> [hp6-89] Elizabeth M, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-13]John-> [hp5-64]Charles=>1) [hp6-90] Sarah Ruth, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-13]John-> [hp5-64]Charles=>1) [hp6-91] Charles W, II, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-13]John-> [hp5-64]Charles=>1) [hp6-92] Edna Frances, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-13]John-> [hp5-64]Charles=>1) [hp6-93] Margaret, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-13]John-> [hp5-64]Charles=>1) [hp6-94] Zola H, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-13]John-> [hp5-64]Charles=>2) [hp6-95] William D, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-13]John-> [hp5-64]Charles=>2) [hp6-96] Donald H, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-13]John-> [hp5-64]Charles=>2) [hp6-97] Ray S, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-13]John-> [hp5-67]Daniel=> [hp6-98] Mary K, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-13]John-> [hp5-67]Daniel=> [hp6-99] Anna R, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-13]John-> [hp5-67]Daniel=> [hp6-100] Joseph Carson, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-13]John-> [hp5-67]Daniel=> [hp6-101] Truman, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-13]John-> [hp5-67]Daniel=> [hp6-102] J. Galen, WAMPLER b. 2Apr1899 d. 17May1966 re. Church of the Brethren r. Greenmount VA, Damascus VA, other VA l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-22]Frederick-> [hp5-68]Joseph=> [hp6-103] M. Elmer, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-22]Frederick-> [hp5-68]Joseph=> [hp6-104] Edna, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-22]Frederick-> [hp5-68]Joseph=> [hp6-105] Effie, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-22]Frederick-> [hp5-68]Joseph=> [hp6-106] Sarah Ann, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-22]Frederick-> [hp5-77]Ernest=>1) [hp6-107] Ernest Joseph, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-22]Frederick-> [hp5-77]Ernest=>2) [hp6-108] D. Eugene, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-22]Frederick-> [hp5-77]Ernest=>2) [hp6-109] Nelie Florence (Nellie), WAMPLER b. 28Jan1877, Wyers Cave VA d. 11Feb1970 m. Unmarried ch. raised 7 motherless children e. Bridgewater College o. home missionary, teacher re. Church of the Brethren sc. Brethren Encyclopedia, p. 1317 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-91]Joseph=>1) [hp6-110] Anna Elizabeth, WAMPLER m. ? HUFFMAN l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-91]Joseph=>1) [hp6-111] Barbara Ellen, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-91]Joseph=>1) [hp6-112] Signora Virina, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-91]Joseph=>1) [hp6-113] Charles Homer, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-91]Joseph=>1) [hp6-114] Sallie Rebecca, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-91]Joseph=>1) [hp6-115] Dora C, WAMPLER n. is this Dora that married John W. BELL in July 1888 (see Joplin Daily Herald, 4Jul1888) l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-91]Joseph=>2) [hp6-116] Elsie V, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-91]Joseph=>2) [hp6-117] Henry Benjamin, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-91]Joseph=>2) [hp6-118] Rosa Sellers, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-91]Joseph=>2) [hp6-119] Pearl Mae, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-91]Joseph=>2) [hp6-120] Mary Arlene, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-91]Joseph=>2) [hp6-121] Louise Belle, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-91]Joseph=>2) [hp6-123] Lillian Virginia, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-24]Benjamin-> [hp5-85]Joseph=> [hp6-124] Eva Barbara, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-24]Benjamin-> [hp5-85]Joseph=> [hp6-125] Ruth Elizabeth, WAMPLER m. Jacob WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-24]Benjamin-> [hp5-85]Joseph=> [hp6-126] Thelma Wright, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-24]Benjamin-> [hp5-85]Joseph=> [hp6-127] Edna Rebecca, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-24]Benjamin-> [hp5-85]Joseph=> [hp6-128] Benjamin Franklin, WAMPLER b. 1875 d. 1946 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-40]Benjamin-> [hp5-143]David=> [hp6-129] Emma, WAMPLER b. 1876 d. 1959 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-40]Benjamin-> [hp5-143]David=> [hp6-130] Jacob Racy, WAMPLER b. 1877 d. 1951 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-40]Benjamin-> [hp5-143]David=> [hp6-131] Nora Frances, WAMPLER b. 1883 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-40]Benjamin-> [hp5-143]David=> [hp6-132] Anna Catherine, WAMPLER b. 1879 d. 1938 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-40]Benjamin-> [hp5-143]David=> [hp6-134] Mary Susan, WAMPLER b. 1884 d. 1949 m. Unmarried l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-40]Benjamin-> [hp5-143]David=> [hp6-135] Lera Rebecca, WAMPLER b. 1885 d. 1964 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-40]Benjamin-> [hp5-143]David=> [hp6-136] Lewis David, WAMPLER b. 1887 d. 20Jul1962 m. 1) Grace R COX (-2Jul1964) m. 2) Delphie Susan (-15Oct1966) r. Annville Township, Lebanon Co PA n. note differences in childrens names in the two references below n. in #2p9 children of 1) Connie L; of 2) Alda, Margaret Kreider, William D., Effie Ebersole, Naomi Martzel, Harry M n. Paul H, Harrold E, Warren F, Arnold G and Esther M (SMITH). sc. BSW #3 p5; {bsw-n}2p9 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-40]Benjamin-> [hp5-143]David=> [hp6-137] Issac Samuel, WAMPLER b. 1892 d. 1962 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-40]Benjamin-> [hp5-143]David=> [hp6-138] Joseph Saylor, WAMPLER b. 1898 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-40]Benjamin-> [hp5-143]David=> [hp6-139] Edna Ann, WAMPLER b. 1898 m. Roy H MASON, 23Aug1923 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-41]Samuel-> [hp5-154]William=> [hp6-154] Galen, WAMPLER m. Eva HILLYARD l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-41]Samuel-> [hp5-154]William=> [hp6-140] Hobert Johnson, WAMPLER b. 31Mar1908 m. Ruth HIGGS, 9Apr?? l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-41]Samuel-> [hp5-156]Joshua=> [hp6-141] Leonard Farney, WAMPLER b. 5Oct1892 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-41]Samuel-> [hp5-156]Joshua=> [hp6-142] Mary Catherine, WAMPLER b. 25Oct1905 d. 22Jun1922 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-41]Samuel-> [hp5-156]Joshua=> [hp6-143] Cora Ellen, WAMPLER b. 3Nov1907 d. 24Jun1908 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-41]Samuel-> [hp5-156]Joshua=> [hp6-144] Dora Susan, WAMPLER b. 3Nov1907 d. 27Jun1908 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-41]Samuel-> [hp5-156]Joshua=> [hp6-145] Virginia Margaret, WAMPLER b. 7Jul1909 m. Hugh FLICK, 22Dec?? ch. Howard Joseph, Hugh Franklin, Robert Elwood, Donald Edward, ch. Nelson Eugene, Everette Lee, Raymond, Ellen Josephine l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-41]Samuel-> [hp5-156]Joshua=> [hp6-146] Ward Edward, Sr, WAMPLER b. 27Mar1889, Hollister MO d. 10Sep1958, Affton MO; bur. Ozark Memorial Park cem. Joplin (service in St. Louis) n. Rev. Otto C. Seymour, D. D., pastor of First Presbyterian chruch, Joplin, officiated at funeral n. (original name: Joseph Edward and we don't think it was legally changed) n. story is he didn't like Joseph, was called "Wardie" by friends and family, so rearrange middle name to Ward Ed or Ward E. which then became Ward Edward later m. 1) Della Viola EAKINS (Sep1893-1Jan1941), 26Oct1916 m. 2) Eleanor BLAKE (-18Apr1965) n. Eleanor widow of Ross BLAKE, worked for Kansas Exporation, manager in Joplin) n. Eleanor buried Ozark Memorial Park cem, Joplin, next of first husband, death date from cem. Records n. no children by Eleanor n. Farm with horse near St. Genevieve MO (had small stream) n. Last worked managing insurance claims for Zinc Company n. Liked to sing o. Clerk and company cashier, manager of company Insurance Dept. (American Zinc Co., Neyhart, Montana; Ouray, CO; Mascot, TN; St. Louis, MO); total 47 years with company l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-4]Philip=> [hp6-147] Archie Ernest, WAMPLER b. 1 Feb1894, Prosperity, Jasper Co MO d. 23 Aug 1986 (bur. Carthage MO) l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-4]Philip=> [hp6-148] Edna Pearl, WAMPLER b. 27Dec1879 m. Charlie SOURS, 19 Dec 1900 ch. Charleen (Oct1910), Niva Leah (21Jan1906), baby (12Apr1903-12Apr1903) l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-4]Philip=> [hp6-149] Bessy Lovelia, WAMPLER b. 3 Sep 1882 d. 14 May 1969 m. Frank BOYD, 8Jun1902 ch. Lila (9Nov1907), Philip Howard (4Jul1915), Daisy Jewel (30Mar1908), ch. Ralph (28Aug1905) n. son Philip married Fay (who painted Don Wampler) - son Donald Edward BOYD (12Jan1933) n. Jewel married Basil BUTERBAUGH (7Jun1898-Nov1937), 4Mar1922 n. Jewel & Basil' children: Basil Elwood (1Apr1926), Richard Boyd (13Jan1933) n. Ralph Boyd had two children (1942) l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-4]Philip=> [hp6-150] Lydia Belle, WAMPLER b. 13Sep1885 d. 7Oct1956, Tulsa OK, bur. Tulsa n. Lydia suffered a stroke 3 weeks before death in hospital m. George Albert LEVI (d. wwI), 24Jan1904 ch. Archie Ward (28Jun1905-22Nov1967) n. Archie Ward Levi married Anna Mary ? n. Archie Ward was killed in 22Nov67 (Thanksgiving eve in car wreck) l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-4]Philip=> [hp6-151] Howard, WAMPLER d. ~ age 8 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-4]Philip=> [hp6-152] William Roy, WAMPLER b. 5Feb1891 d. 15Feb1891 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-4]Philip=> [hp6-153] Annie Lou, WAMPLER b. 15Jul1877 d. 24Feb1879 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-4]Philip=> [hp6-155] Luther David, WAMPLER sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-97]Jacob=> [hp6-156] Homer Jacob, WAMPLER b. 28Aug1881; Rockingham Co VA d. 14Jul1954; Good Samaritan Hospital in Lebonon Co PA, bur South Annville Cem. Church of Brethren m. Delfie Susan HALE (13May1886-15Oct1966); 29Sep1907 sc. {dfw} {bsw-j}1p26 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-97]Jacob=> [hp6-157] Elsie Frances, WAMPLER m. Walter HARTMAN ch. Russell, Galen, Alma, Jodie, Omega, Sandy, Rayburn, Francis, Issac sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-97]Jacob=> [hp6-158] Sadie, WAMPLER m. Perry LISKEY ch. Theron, Alvin, Pauline, Wilmar, Cletus, Ethel, Ringold, Marvin ch. Lucy, De Ray, Cleo sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-97]Jacob=> [hp6-159] Clyde, WAMPLER sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-97]Jacob=> [hp6-160] Lester, WAMPLER sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-97]Jacob=> [hp6-161] Ernest, WAMPLER sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-97]Jacob=> [hp6-162] Russell, WAMPLER sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-97]Jacob=> [hp6-163] Nelia (Nellie) M, WAMPLER b. 22Aug1881 d. 27Dec1970 m. Solomon C HARTMAN (8Jul1879-25May1914) ch. Reba (12Aug1910), Cecil (13Jul1912) sc. {dfw} & {kfs} Kline Family website l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-98]David=> [hp6-164] Mayme (Mamie) Elizabeth, WAMPLER b. 23Feb1884 d. 20Oct1956 m. George Conrad RODEFFER (18Sep1885-9Sep1967) ch. Leah Catherine (21Aug1910-18Dec1992), Lord, William Howard (22Dec1912), Dorothy Francis (4Aug1918), David sc. {dfw} and {kfs} Kline Family site l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-98]David=> [hp6-165] Leticia Josephine, WAMPLER m. Charles MUNDAY ch. Theodore (10Feb1907-8Jul1973), Nellie Wampler, Dee, Avix Swartz sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-98]David=> [hp6-166] Hattie Beatrice, WAMPLER b. 30Oct1889 d. 26Nov1936 sc. {dfw} and {kfs} Kline Family Site l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-98]David=> [hp6-167] Leonard Silvanus, WAMPLER b. 20Mar1892 d. 23Oct1954 m. Thelma J (26Nov1887-4Jan1969) sc. {dfw} and {kfs} Kline Family site l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-98]David=> [hp6-168] Clinton Isaac, WAMPLER b. 13Jan1895 d. 13May1994 m. Lillian Elizabeth GARBER (16Aug1898-12Dec1963) sc. {dfw} and {kfs} Kline Family Site l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-98]David=> [hp6-169] Clarence Samuel, WAMPLER b. 9Feb1897 d. 15Apr1959 m. Willie I BOND (28May1899-30May1986) sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-98]David=> [hp6-170] Jessie Alberta, WAMPLER m. Reuben MYERS ch. Richard sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-106]William=>1) [hp6-171] Eula, WAMPLER m. Charles WHITMORE ch. William, Leon Robert, Charles, Bernard, Dorothy, Bettie, Caroll, Priscilla sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-106]William=>1) [hp6-172] Carlton Miller, WAMPLER sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-106]William=>1) [hp6-173] Robert Jennings, WAMPLER sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-106]William=>2) [hp6-174] Harold Brown, WAMPLER sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-106]William=>2) [hp6-175] William Woodrow, WAMPLER sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-106]William=>2) [hp6-176] Everett Neil, WAMPLER sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-106]William=>2) [hp6-177] Joseph Earl, WAMPLER sc. Joseph F. Tobias {jt} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-2]Ezra=> [hp6-178] Charles Arthur, WAMPLER o. Hotel business; hardware dealer r. Knob Noster MO, New York, Shippan, Conn., Miami FL n. owned Knob Noster hardware store sc. Father's obiturary, Knob Noster paper l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-9]Joseph-> [hp5-48]Amos=>1) [hp6-179] Henry Franklin, WAMPLER o. farmer r. Knob Noster MO, McPherson Kasas sc. Father's obituary, Knob Noster paper l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-9]Joseph-> [hp5-48]Amos=>1) [hp6-180] George Frederick, WAMPLER b. 10Feb1888, Knob Noster MO d. 4Feb1972, Fredonia Kansas o. Farmer, also public official in Wilson co. r. Fredona, Kansas sc. Father's obituary, Knob Noster paper l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-9]Joseph-> [hp5-48]Amos=>1) [hp6-181] Rowena Belle, WAMPLER m. C. C. KESSLER r. Casstown OH sc. Father's obituary, Knob Noster paper l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-9]Joseph-> [hp5-48]Amos=>1) [hp6-182] Ephriam A, WAMPLER n. Ephriam baptised (adult) in Brethren Church Warrensburg MO r. Warrensburg MO sc. Father's obituary, Knob Noster paper; BSW #8 p2 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-9]Joseph-> [hp5-48]Amos=>2) [hp6-183] Laura, WAMPLER b. 12Feb1920 d. 17Feb1989, bur. Wampler Cem, Johnson co MO m. 1)Donald EBERSOLE m. 2) WALSNER r. Jefferson Township, MO; Winsor MO sc. Father's obituary, Knob Noster paper and grave stone; BSW #8 p2 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-9]Joseph-> [hp5-48]Amos=>2) [hp6-184] Florence Etta, WAMPLER b. 24Aug1892, Knob Noster MO d. 8Apr1990, Sedalia MO m. Robert H. THOMPSON (20Oct1887-16Apr1971), 29Dec1910 Knob Noster MO ch. Chester, Earl, Gene Dale, Delmer o. farmer and stockman n. Robert son of Elmer E and Mary van Natta n. Robert member of Knob Noster Christian Church sc. Knob Noster Mo Newspaper l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-9]Joseph-> [hp5-49]Jacob=>1) [hp6-185] Maurine, WAMPLER b. 20Mar1900, Knob Noster MO d. 30May1992, Woodward OK m. Ralph G HOUSE, 16Nov1922 ch. Kenneth, Phyllis Jean, Ronald Gerald, Donald r. Wakita OK re. Christian Church n. Her obit says parents were Jake and Lydia? sc. Knob Noster Mo Newspaper l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-9]Joseph-> [hp5-49]Jacob=>2) [hp6-186] Charles W, WAMPLER b. 21Sep1867, Knob Noster MO n. Brethren Encyclopedia says born 21Sep1857 d. 22Apr1937, Whittier CA m. Nannie HARTER r. Olathe KS, Whittier CA (left Knob Noster at 16) o. Minister of Church of Brethren Olathe KS (1897), Faculty member, McPherson Kansas College, rancher Whittier CA n. Nannie had daugher Sadie by previous marriage to Harter (based on names in Knob Noster paper) l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-3]Isaiah=> [hp6-187] Phillip, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-3]Isaiah=> [hp6-188] Sam, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-3]Isaiah=> [hp6-189] Iziah, WAMPLER n. If this is Isa, son of Isa Barbary, died 21Mar1936 in California. l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-3]Isaiah=> [hp6-190] Susie, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-3]Isaiah=> [hp6-191] Rosa Lee (Rosie), WAMPLER b. 22Feb1885 d. 10Dec1964, bur Wampler Cem. Johnson co MO m. Authur BALDWIN(-20Nov1918) r. Warrensburg MO n. Authur born and raised Valley City MO n. Died of influenza (wife and daughter were also sick) sc. Knob Noster newspaper obiturary l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-9]Joseph-> [hp5-47]Ephriam=> [hp6-192] Vina B, WAMPLER m. James MINIX (MINICK) (19Jan1876-1935), 23Nov1911 ch. Grace, Herschel r. Valley City, MO; home two miles east of Warrensburg sc. Lineage from Helen Knaus Franklin; details from Knob Noster Newpaper obit l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-9]Joseph-> [hp5-47]Ephriam=> [hp6-193] Nettie, WAMPLER m. Robert J. ROGERS r. Kansas City, MO l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-9]Joseph-> [hp5-47]Ephriam=> [hp6-194] Rowena, WAMPLER m. Matthew HARMER r. Edgerton MO l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-9]Joseph-> [hp5-56]John=> [hp6-195] Ruth, WAMPLER m. Howard BARBEE r. Aluquerque, NM sc. Knob Noster obit of Galen B.; Mrs Helen Knaus Franklin l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-9]Joseph-> [hp5-56]John=> [hp6-196] Galen B, WAMPLER d. 18May1988, Menorah Hospital, Kansas City MO m. Helen r. Knob Noster (born), Warrensburg MO, Detroit MI, Mission Kansas (1955-1974), Greenfield MO re. Immanuel Lutheran Church, Lockwood MO o. Federal meat inspector for Department of Agriculture (42 years) sc. Knob Noster obit of Galen B.; Mrs Helen Knaus Franklin l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-9]Joseph-> [hp5-56]John=> [hp6-197] John J, Jr, WAMPLER n. baptised 27Oc1926 (adult) Warrensburg Brethren Church l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-9]Joseph-> [hp5-56]John=> [hp6-198] Earl, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-9]Joseph-> [hp5-49]Jacob=>1) [hp6-199] Mamie, WAMPLER m. R. C. AMSDEN r. Maplewood MO n. birth records in Webb City gaive female born 26Oct1883, Jasper Co MO, Marion Twp, could be Mamie, Elizabeth or Edna sc. Judy Wampler {juw}, wife of Gary Lee [hp8-44] l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-8]John-> [hp5-36]Benjamin=> [hp6-200] John Elmer, WAMPLER b. 16Jun1881, Carthage MO d. 23Aug1972, McCune-Brooks Hospital, Carthage MO, bur. Park Cemetery m. Maude (-28May1967) o. farmer re. Grace Episcopal Church n. birth record in Webb City gives male born 9Nov1889, Jasper Co, MO, could be any of brothers sc. Obituary (Carthage Press, 8/24/72) l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-8]John-> [hp5-36]Benjamin=> [hp6-201] Charles M, WAMPLER b. 28Sep1878, MO d. 24Jul1906, bur. Paradise Cem. Jasper Co MO n. living with father in 1900 census l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-8]John-> [hp5-39]Daniel=> [hp6-202] Grace L, WAMPLER b.24Nov1883, Jasper Co MO m. G. P. CAMPBELL r. Jasper MO n. living with father in 1900 census n. birth of 3rd child, female, recorded date above but not name l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-8]John-> [hp5-39]Daniel=> [hp6-203] Homer D, WAMPLER b. 25Nov1890, Jasper Co MO d. 21Jul1982, Jasper Co, MO; bur. Paradise Cemetery, Jasper Co MO m. Myrtle B. LUKENS (4Oct1892-4Oct1991), 24Mar1912 Carthage MO o. farmer r. Rt 1. Jasper Co. MO re. Jasper Methodist Church n. living with father in 1900 census sc. Obit in Carthage Press (July 22, 1982) l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-8]John-> [hp5-39]Daniel=> [hp6-204] Elizabeth, WAMPLER n. never married, see note on birthdate on hp6-199 r. Carthage MO sc. See hp6-199 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-8]John-> [hp5-36]Benjamin=> [hp6-205] George, WAMPLER r. 530 Oak St., Carthage MO n. never married, see note on birthdate on hp6-200 sc. See hp6-199 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-8]John-> [hp5-36]Benjamin=> [hp6-206] male, WAMPLER n. infant death? sc. See hp6-199 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-8]John-> [hp5-36]Benjamin=> [hp6-207] Frank B, WAMPLER m. Ethel TURNER r. Rt 2, Carthage MO sc. See hp6-199 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-8]John-> [hp5-36]Benjamin=> [hp6-208] Edna, WAMPLER r. Carthage MO n. never married sc. See hp6-199 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-8]John-> [hp5-36]Benjamin=> [hp6-209] William Jacob, WAMPLER d. 31May1896 n. died at 11 years, injured while hunting l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-8]William=> [hp6-210] Daniel E, WAMPLER b. Feb1896 d. 15Mar1896 n. died in infancy n. headstone in Wampler Cem, Johnson Co MO says age 21 days l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-8]William=> [hp6-211] Claude Daniel, WAMPLER b. 1Dec1892; Greely Center, Greely Co, NB m. Twila Margret BOBBITT; 3Aub1920 sc. {bsw-n}1 p 12 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-43]Daniel-> [hp5-181]Jacob=> [hp6-212] Mary, WAMPLER n. Only lived to 2 or 3 ; buried Greely Co sc. {bsw-n}1 p 12 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-43]Daniel-> [hp5-181]Jacob=> [hp6-213] William Deffen, WAMPLER b. 15Apr1906 m. Helen r. Ellettsville IN sc {bsw-j}1p7 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-29]Jacob-> [hp5-114]William=> [hp6-214] Maymie Crismore, WAMPLER sc {bsw-j}1p7 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-29]Jacob-> [hp5-114]William=> [hp6-215] Zana, WAMPLER b. ~1885 r. possibly Nebraska sc. Mason {mas}; {jw-n11} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-16]Daniel->[hp4-50]John-> [hp5-195]Joseph=>1) [hp6-216] Mary, WAMPLER b. ~1887 m. SESEMAN r. possibly Nebraska sc. Mason {mas}; {jw-n11} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-16]Daniel->[hp4-50]John-> [hp5-195]Joseph=>1) [hp6-217] Barney Edward, WAMPLER b. 16Nov1886, Omaha, Douglas co. NE m. Trua Fae SOUTH (1894) o. owned resturant in Indianaolis, IN r. Nebraska; Indianapolis, Marion co IN n. Western News Democrat (Valentine NE) in 1899 reports Barney, 12, fell in well 50 ft deep, broke leg above knee sc. Mason {mas}; {jw-n11} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-16]Daniel->[hp4-50]John-> [hp5-195]Joseph=>1) [hp6-218] John Earl, WAMPLER b. 1896 d. 1963 m. Gladys Eliza COINER o. Farmer, Fire Warden r. New Hope VA re. Presbyterian sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-16]Daniel->[hp4-50]John-> [hp5-200]Levi=> [hp6-219] Hugh William, WAMPLER b. 1898 d. 1966 r. Mt Solon, VA sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-16]Daniel->[hp4-50]John-> [hp5-200]Levi=> [hp6-220] Raymond E, WAMPLER b. 1901 d. 1952 m. Corine GILLESPIE (-1969) r. Wilmington, DE sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-16]Daniel->[hp4-50]John-> [hp5-200]Levi=> [hp6-221] Levi Paul, WAMPLER b. 1905 r. Mt Solon, VA sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-16]Daniel->[hp4-50]John-> [hp5-200]Levi=> [hp6-222] Sandy A, WAMPLER b. 1912 m. Phyllis ZIMMERMAN r. Mt Solon, VA sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-16]Daniel->[hp4-50]John-> [hp5-200]Levi=> [hp6-223] Claude, WAMPLER sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-14]Martin->[hp4-59]Issac-> [hp5-203]William=>1) [hp6-224] William Milo, WAMPLER sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-14]Martin->[hp4-59]Issac-> [hp5-203]William=>1) [hp6-225] Hattie, WAMPLER m. Charles LOUKS sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-14]Martin->[hp4-59]Issac-> [hp5-203]William=>1) [hp6-226] Cecile, WAMPLER m. Ray WILLIAMS sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-14]Martin->[hp4-59]Issac-> [hp5-203]William=>2) [hp6-227] Dakey, WAMPLER n. died young sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-14]Martin->[hp4-59]Issac-> [hp5-205]Samuel=> [hp6-228] Grace, WAMPLER m. 1) W. W. HOLLOWAY m. 2) Edward A HOFFMAN ch. Mary Helen sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-14]Martin->[hp4-59]Issac-> [hp5-207]John=> [hp6-229] Marie, WAMPLER b. 1895 d. 1924 m. Philip AUSTIN sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-14]Martin->[hp4-59]Issac-> [hp5-207]John=> [hp6-230] Gladys, WAMPLER b. 1897 d. 1964 m. James GILL ch. John sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-14]Martin->[hp4-59]Issac-> [hp5-207]John=> [hp6-231] Lorene, WAMPLER b. 1898 n. unmarried sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-14]Martin->[hp4-59]Issac-> [hp5-207]John=> [hp6-232] Bertie Ellen, WAMPLER b. 1900 m. J D KITCHENS sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-14]Martin->[hp4-59]Issac-> [hp5-207]John=> [hp6-233] John Edgar, WAMPLER b. 1905 d. 1907 sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-14]Martin->[hp4-59]Issac-> [hp5-207]John=> [hp6-234] Esta, WAMPLER b. 1908 m. 1) Herbert WALLACE m. 2) Edward TOREY sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-14]Martin->[hp4-59]Issac-> [hp5-207]John=> [hp6-235] Robert Elmo, WAMPLER b. 1911 m. Odean RHODES sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-14]Martin->[hp4-59]Issac-> [hp5-207]John=> [hp6-236] Edna G, WAMPLER b. 1908 sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-14]Martin->[hp4-61]Samuel-> [hp5-209]Noah=> [hp6-237] Refa P, WAMPLER b. 1913 sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-14]Martin->[hp4-61]Samuel-> [hp5-209]Noah=> [hp6-238] Carroll Driver, WAMPLER b. 1914 sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-14]Martin->[hp4-61]Samuel-> [hp5-211]David=>1) [hp6-239] Robert Franklin, WAMPLER b. 1922 m. Marguerite A LONG (1923) n. Marguerite dau Jacob Owen LONG and Clara AUSHERMAN o. farmer and real estate r. near Broadway VA sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-14]Martin->[hp4-61]Samuel-> [hp5-211]David=>2) [hp6-240] Eva Katherine, WAMPLER b. 1902 d. 1904 sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-14]Martin->[hp4-61]Samuel-> [hp5-208]John=> [hp6-241] Mark Raymond, WAMPLER b. 1906 d. 1994 sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-14]Martin->[hp4-61]Samuel-> [hp5-208]John=> [hp6-242] Archie, WAMPLER b. ~1900 sc. {jw-n11} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-16]Daniel->[hp4-50]John-> [hp5-195]Joseph=>2) [hp6-243] Grenlard, WAMPLER b. ~1902 sc. {jw-n11} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-16]Daniel->[hp4-50]John-> [hp5-195]Joseph=>2) [hp6-244] Cecil D, WAMPLER b. ~1908 sc. {jw-n11} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-16]Daniel->[hp4-50]John-> [hp5-195]Joseph=>2) [hp6-245] Oakla Lola, WAMPLER b. ~1911 sc. {jw-n11} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-16]Daniel->[hp4-50]John-> [hp5-195]Joseph=>2) [hp7-1] Oliver Nelson, Jr, WAMPLER b. 9Oct1911 m. Margaret Ruth BENSON, 20Aug1945 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-8]John-> [hp5-38]Wilson->[hp6-14]Oliver=> [hp7-2] Mary Ellen, WAMPLER b. 28Oct1918 m. Alonzo MCKINNEY, 18Sep1941 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-8]John-> [hp5-38]Wilson->[hp6-14]Oliver=> [hp7-3] Joseph Paul, WAMPLER b. 22May1933 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-24]Benjamin-> [hp5-86]Solomon->[hp6-22]Guy=> [hp7-4] Guy Edgar, WAMPLER b. 19Apr1935 o. Pastor re. Church of the Brethren r. Ephrata PA, Mt Hermon VA, York PA, Ft. Wayne IN l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-24]Benjamin-> [hp5-86]Solomon->[hp6-22]Guy=> [hp7-5] Lula Margaret, WAMPLER b. 27Apr1937 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-24]Benjamin-> [hp5-86]Solomon->[hp6-22]Guy=> [hp7-6] Jeffrey Randolph, WAMPLER b. 25Aug1942 m. Rebecca Anne BOOZE (4Aug1944); 16Jul1966 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-24]Benjamin-> [hp5-88]Walter->[hp6-27]Rollin=> [hp7-7] Gretchen Martha, WAMPLER b. 25Aug1944 m. George Clark WELCH Jr (17Aug1940); 26Nov1966 sc. BSW #3 p 6 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-24]Benjamin-> [hp5-88]Walter->[hp6-27]Rollin=> [hp7-8] Byron Joseph, Jr, WAMPLER b. 17May1922 m. Mary MILLER re. elder in Church of Brethren r. Pleasant View VA, other VA, Jonesboro TN, Johnson CIty TN, Longmeadow MD r. Limstone TN. l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-95]William->[hp6-33]Byron=> [hp7-9] Claude Leroy, WAMPLER b. 17Feb1929 m. Janet SIPE l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-95]William->[hp6-33]Byron=> [hp7-10] John William, WAMPLER b. 5May1936 m. Doris TOLLEY l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-95]William->[hp6-33]Byron=> [hp7-11] Lillian Naomi, WAMPLER b. 5Jul1909 d. 20Nov1909 sc. {tw} {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John->[hp6-40]Whitfield=> [hp7-12] Francis Marion (Marian), WAMPLER b. 6Oct1910; Port Republic VA d. 25Oct1982 m. Grace Loretta BEALER (16Apr1914-1981): 3Aug1932 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John->[hp6-40]Whitfield=> [hp7-13] Dee Franklin, WAMPLER b. 25Mar1912; Harrisonburg VA m. Clairis Grace MILLER (3Mar1915): 9Aug1932 sc. {tw} {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John->[hp6-40]Whitfield=> [hp7-14] Mildred Lee Anna (Leona), WAMPLER b. 21Oct1916; Rockingham Co. VA m. George Raymond WATSON (17Sep1912): 11Jun1938 ch. G. Raymond (3Feb1940), Susan Lee (12Apr1944), Sally Lyn (12Oct1948) sc. {tw} {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John->[hp6-40]Whitfield=> [hp7-15] Lucille Susan, WAMPLER b. 6Jul1919 d. 7Mar2001 m. Jay Oakley STRADLEY (8May1917): 9Mar1942 n. divorced 30Mar1979, BSW says birthdate 5Jul1919 ch. Noranna (30Oct1949), Jay Oakley Jr. (19Sep1954) sc. {tw} {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John->[hp6-40]Whitfield=> [hp7-16] Whitfield Early, Jr., WAMPLER b. 23Jun1924 m. Evelyn Mae PEIFFER (8Oct1925): 19May1945 n. BSW #9 says married May 19, 1942, but subject submitted {dfw} data un-corrected sc. {tw} {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John->[hp6-40]Whitfield=> [hp7-17] David, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-40]Benjamin-> [hp5-143]David->[hp6-130]Jacob=> [hp7-18] Walter, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-40]Benjamin-> [hp5-143]David->[hp6-130]Jacob=> [hp7-19] Anna, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-40]Benjamin-> [hp5-143]David->[hp6-130]Jacob=> [hp7-20] Everette, WAMPLER m. Unmarried l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-41]Samuel-> [hp5-154]William->[hp6-154]Galen=> [hp7-21] Ward Edward, Jr, WAMPLER b. May 1, 1918, Carthage, MO d. Aug. 25, 1993, Knoxville, TN l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-4]Philip->[hp6-146]Ward=> [hp7-22] Harold Ray, WAMPLER b. 30Jan1920, Carthage MO m. Oileen KUCHLIN (14Nov1918-8Mar2007), 3Jan1942 Congregational Church, Bonne Terre, MO n. Oileen was an Artist and studied in Amarillo Dumas, Texas. n. Oileen member First and Calvary Presbyterian Church, Springfield MO o. Oileen born Bonne Terra MO o. Started with Am zinc in 1941. Plant manager Hillsboro and Dumas TX. Assistant Vice President in 1967, then Vice President in charge of manufacturing, American Zinc Co. mi. ROTC commission in Corps of Engineers, Europe and Philipines (G4 on discharge) e. Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy, Rolla, MO sc. Oileen's obituary, News-Leader, Springfield Mo. l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-4]Philip->[hp6-146]Ward=> [hp7-23] Richard Earl, WAMPLER b. 2 Jan 1922, Carterville MO d. 18Mar2001, Knoxville, TN mi. Lt. JG in Navy during World War II, Pacific Theater, Japanese Occupation e. Mousouri School of Mines, Mining Engineering o. Blasting engineer, Atlas Powder l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-4]Philip->[hp6-146]Ward=> [hp7-24] John Philip, WAMPLER b. 7May1924, Neihart, Cascade County Montana o. Pharmaceutical representative, salesman & restauranteur mi. Naval, hospital corpsman 3rd class, Pacific theater, on Okinawa and Guam e. BA bacteriology/zoology UT, went to Washington University School of Medicine and worked in Pharmacology Dept. under Oliver H. Lowery on isolating RNA and DNA from brain of Rabbit. Analysis of DNA quantities in single cells. Returned to UT to do graduate work in industrial psycology mi. called back for Korean war, but stayed states side (corpsman and in Bethesda MD, Psycological testing) l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-4]Philip->[hp6-146]Ward=> [hp7-25] Donald Leroy, WAMPLER b. 27May1917, in Brookline Heights (community) near Carthage, MO e. Business course at Joiner School of Commerce mi. Apr1943-Sept 1946 US Army, stateside, last rank Staff Sargent l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-4]Philip->[hp6-147]Archie=> [hp7-26] (Archie) Eugene, WAMPLER b. 28May1919, in Brooklin Heights (community) near Carthage MO d. 6Dec2000, St. Louis MO (bur. Carthage MO) mi. 1942-46, US Army, Clerical Worker, European Theater, Last rank Sargent n. Gene came home from Germany on Oct 4, 1945 on the Queen Elizabeth n. never married l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-4]Philip->[hp6-147]Archie=> [hp7-27] Ruth, WAMPLER sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-97]Jacob->[hp6-155]Luther=> [hp7-28] Peter, WAMPLER sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-97]Jacob->[hp6-155]Luther=> [hp7-29] Carl, WAMPLER sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-97]Jacob->[hp6-155]Luther=> [hp7-30] Mae, WAMPLER sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-97]Jacob->[hp6-155]Luther=> [hp7-31] Eva, WAMPLER m. ? CLINE sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-97]Jacob->[hp6-155]Luther=> [hp7-32] Frederick, WAMPLER sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-97]Jacob->[hp6-155]Luther=> [hp7-33] Alda May, WAMPLER sc. {dfw} {bsw-j}1p26 b. 13May1908 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-97]Jacob->[hp6-156]Homer=> [hp7-34] Margaret, WAMPLER n. {bsw-j}1p26 does not list Margaret, does list Mary Magdalene (see below) -data from Sister sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-97]Jacob->[hp6-156]Homer=> [hp7-35] William Dee, WAMPLER b. 10Apr1911 sc. {dfw}; {bsw-j}1p26 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-97]Jacob->[hp6-156]Homer=> [hp7-36] Effie Virginia, WAMPLER b. 2Dec1912; Rockingham Co VA m. Harry M EBERSOLE; 24Jun1950, Palmyra PA, Lebanon CO n. info in {bsw-j}1p26 is from Effie n referring to {bsw-j}1p27, Effie may have son Richard C WAMPLER (r. Joliet IL -1977) sc. {dfw}; Carol L. Wampler {clw}; {bsw-j}1p26 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-97]Jacob->[hp6-156]Homer=> [hp7-37] Naomi Hale, WAMPLER b. 8Aug1914 sc. {dfw}{bsw-j}1p26 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-97]Jacob->[hp6-156]Homer=> [hp7-38] Harry Newton Michael, WAMPLER b. 30Apr1916 sc. {dfw}{bsw-j}1p26 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-97]Jacob->[hp6-156]Homer=> [hp7-39] Paul Harshbarger, WAMPLER b. 31Jan1918 sc. {dfw}{bsw-j}1p26 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-97]Jacob->[hp6-156]Homer=> [hp7-40] Mary Magdalene, WAMPLER b. 5Jan1920 n. d < 1977 sc. {dfw}{bsw-j}1p26 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-97]Jacob->[hp6-156]Homer=> [hp7-41] Issac Jacob, WAMPLER b. 27Dec1921 sc. {dfw};{bsw-j}1p26 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-97]Jacob->[hp6-156]Homer=> [hp7-42] Harold Early, WAMPLER b. 22Aug1923 sc. {dfw}; {bsw-j}1p26 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-97]Jacob->[hp6-156]Homer=> [hp7-43] Arnold Garber, WAMPLER b. 22Aug1923 sc. {dfw}; {bsw-j}1p26 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-97]Jacob->[hp6-156]Homer=> [hp7-44] Warren Franklin, WAMPLER b. 25Mar1925 sc. {dfw}; {bsw-j}1p26 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-97]Jacob->[hp6-156]Homer=> [hp7-45] Esther Marie, WAMPLER b. 14Jul1928 sc. {dfw}; {bsw-j}1p26 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-97]Jacob->[hp6-156]Homer=> [hp7-46] Jacob Harold, WAMPLER b. 2Feb1913 d. 11???1982 sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-97]Jacob->[hp6-159]Clyde=> [hp7-47] Eva, WAMPLER m. ? MUNDY sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-97]Jacob->[hp6-159]Clyde=> [hp7-48] Jodie, WAMPLER m. ? WELDON sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-97]Jacob->[hp6-159]Clyde=> [hp7-49] Norman, WAMPLER sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-98]David->[hp6-167]Leonard=> [hp7-50] Leonard, WAMPLER m. Elizabeth R (8Jun1924-4Dec1991) sc. {dfw} and {kfs} Kline Family site l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-98]David->[hp6-167]Leonard=> [hp7-51] Stanley June, WAMPLER b. 1917 d. 1995 m. Lillian Kathleen MCKEE (1910-1972) sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-98]David->[hp6-168]Clinton=> [hp7-52] Julius Evermond, WAMPLER b. 26Mar1922 d. 14Dec1998 m. Irene Frances SHIFFLETT (13Aug1921) n. Kline site list as Julius Evermont sc. {dfw} & {kfs} Kline Family site l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-98]David->[hp6-168]Clinton=> [hp7-53] Dyerle Bell, WAMPLER b. 1924 d. 1989 m. Lucille BROWN sc. {dfw} and {kfs} Kline Family site l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-98]David->[hp6-168]Clinton=> [hp7-54] Gene, WAMPLER sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-98]David->[hp6-168]Clinton=> [hp7-55] Richard, WAMPLER sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-98]David->[hp6-169]Clarence=> [hp7-56] Bonnie, WAMPLER sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-106]William->[hp6-172]Carlton=> [hp7-57] Kathryn, WAMPLER m. - CRAUN sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-106]William->[hp6-172]Carlton=> [hp7-58] Eddie, WAMPLER sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-106]William->[hp6-172]Carlton=> [hp7-59] Carolyn, WAMPLER sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-106]William->[hp6-172]Carlton=> [hp7-60] Gertrude, WAMPLER sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-106]William->[hp6-176]Everett=> [hp7-61] Thomas, WAMPLER sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-106]William->[hp6-176]Everett=> [hp7-62] Mary, WAMPLER sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-106]William->[hp6-176]Everett=> [hp7-63] James, WAMPLER sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-106]William->[hp6-176]Everett=> [hp7-64] David, WAMPLER m. Molly EISEN sc. David l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-10]John->[hp4-22]Frederick-> [hp5-77]Ernest->[hp6-107]Ernest=> [hp7-65] Pauline E, WAMPLER m. Samuel Franklin TOBIAS ch. S Thomas, Joseph F (23Aug1948) sc. Joseph F. Tobias {jt} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-2]Ezra->[hp6-177]Joseph=> [hp7-66] Elvin L, WAMPLER sc. Knob Noster newspaper May 1937 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-3]Isaiah->[hp6-186]Charles=> [hp7-69] Peggy Charlene, WAMPLER b. 4Nov1930; Knob Noster, Johnson Co. MO d. 22Aug2003; Warrensburg, Johnson Co. MO; bur. Knob Noster Cemetery m. William Richard ZINK, 22Aug1948 Knob Noster MO re. Knob Noster Christian Church ch. Rick, Teresa sc. Knob Noster newspaper, obituary Daily Democrat, Clinton MO, Aug 22, 2003 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-8]William->[hp6-5]Elmer=> [hp7-70] Donna Ann, WAMPLER b. 22Apr1935; Knob Noster, Johnson Co. MO d. 19Jul2011 m. E. Dale WHARTON (14Dec1934-2May1962); 6Sep1959 ch. Jeff n. Dale born and died in Knob Noster MO; son of Ermile Napoleon (1911-1984) and Lucille Ines SIEGFRIED WHARTON (1912-2008); bur Knob Noster Cemetery re. First Christian Church of Knob Noster sc. Obituary, The Daily Star-Journal, Warrenssburg, MO, Sept 25, 2011 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-8]William->[hp6-5]Elmer=> [hp7-73] Treva, WAMPLER m. Edgar Joseph LUKE Jr, 22May1937 Greenwich, Conneticut r. Knob Noster MO, New York NY sc. Knob Noster newspaper item l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-9]Joseph-> [hp5-48]Amos->[hp6-178]Charles=> [hp7-74] Collier, WAMPLER r. Sun City, AZ l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-8]William->[hp6-7]George=> [hp7-75] Rick, WAMPLER r. Lee's Summit, MO l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-9]Joseph-> [hp5-56]John->[hp6-196]Galen=> [hp7-76] Kay, WAMPLER r. Mission Kansas l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-9]Joseph-> [hp5-56]John->[hp6-196]Galen=> [hp7-77] Gladys, WAMPLER b. 1910 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-40]Benjamin-> [hp5-143]David->[hp6-136]Lewis=> [hp7-78] Paul, WAMPLER b. 1911 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-40]Benjamin-> [hp5-143]David->[hp6-136]Lewis=> [hp7-79] Mark, WAMPLER b. 1913 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-40]Benjamin-> [hp5-143]David->[hp6-136]Lewis=> [hp7-80] James, WAMPLER b. 1915 d. 1921 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-40]Benjamin-> [hp5-143]David->[hp6-136]Lewis=> [hp7-81] Lera, WAMPLER b. 1917 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-40]Benjamin-> [hp5-143]David->[hp6-136]Lewis=> [hp7-82] Lena, WAMPLER b. 1917 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-40]Benjamin-> [hp5-143]David->[hp6-136]Lewis=> [hp7-83] Sylvia, WAMPLER b. 1919 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-40]Benjamin-> [hp5-143]David->[hp6-136]Lewis=> [hp7-84] Connie L, WAMPLER b. 1921 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-40]Benjamin-> [hp5-143]David->[hp6-136]Lewis=> [hp7-85] Carrie, WAMPLER b. 1921 d. 1921 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-40]Benjamin-> [hp5-143]David->[hp6-136]Lewis=> [hp7-86] Marvin, WAMPLER b. 1925 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-40]Benjamin-> [hp5-143]David->[hp6-136]Lewis=> [hp7-87] Minnie, WAMPLER b. 1925 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-8]Samuel->[hp4-40]Benjamin-> [hp5-143]David->[hp6-136]Lewis=> [hp7-88] Charles Russell, WAMPLER m. Margorie MOORE (25Dec1920-10Apr1985), 11Sep1942, Carthage MO n. Margorie dau of Ellsworth MOORE, mem Fairview Christian Church, bur Oak Hill Cem sc. See hp6-199 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-8]John-> [hp5-36]Benjamin->[hp6-207]Frank=> [hp7-89] William Wayne, WAMPLER r. Florida l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-8]William->[hp6-7]George=> [hp7-90] William Keith, WAMPLER b. 2Nov1932 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-8]William->[hp6-8]Russell=> [hp7-91] Deffen Norman, WAMPLER sc. {bsw-j}1p7 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-29]Jacob-> [hp5-114]William->[hp6-213]William=> [hp7-92] Rose Chestnut, WAMPLER sc. {bsw-j}1p7 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-29]Jacob-> [hp5-114]William->[hp6-213]William=> [hp7-93] Vera Parrish, WAMPLER sc. {bsw-j}1p7 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-18]Jonas->[hp4-29]Jacob-> [hp5-114]William->[hp6-213]William=> [hp7-94] Homer D, WAMPLER, Jr r. Springfield sc. Father's obit l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-8]John-> [hp5-39]Daniel->[hp6-203]Homer=> [hp7-95] Harold L, WAMPLER r. Rt. 1, Jasper Co MO sc. Father's obit l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-8]John-> [hp5-39]Daniel->[hp6-203]Homer=> [hp7-96] Daniel William, WAMPLER d. 26Feb1985, cremated n. either 64 or 67 at time of death m. Lois SHOEMAKER, 6Mar1939, Springfield MO n. Lois dau. C. M. Shoemaker, Montrose MO re. Methodist r. Lebanon MO o. Owner, Justice Furniture Co, Lebanon e. Jasper High School sc. Father's obit & his own (Carthage Press, Feb 27, 1985) l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-8]John-> [hp5-39]Daniel->[hp6-203]Homer=> [hp7-97] Mary L, WAMPLER m. Carol IRWIN r. Rt 5, Carthage, MO sc. Father's & Brother's obit l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-8]John-> [hp5-39]Daniel->[hp6-203]Homer=> [hp7-98] Rachel, WAMPLER m. Lee MAXWELL r. Arlington VA sc. Father's & Brother's obit l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-8]John-> [hp5-39]Daniel->[hp6-203]Homer=> [hp7-99] Paul A, WAMPLER b. 21Dec1905, nw of Carthage MO d. 4Jan1991; St Luke's Nursing Center, Carthage MO m. 1) Georgie MILLER, 13May1926 m. 2) Violet MOSS, 27Nov1945 Columbus, Kansas e. Carthage High School (1924) o. Construction; owned G. W. Miller Construction from 1948-1978 n. served two terms on Carthage City Council; member Rotary Club; president of Carthage Little League r. 832 River St, Carthage MO re. St. Michael's Reformed Episcopal Church, Joplin MO n. newspaper article on Grandfather's 50th anniversary mentions daughter Dorine sc. Father's obit; his own obit (Carthage Press, 1/8/91) l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-8]John-> [hp5-36]Benjamin->[hp6-200]John=> [hp7-100] Clarence (Turk), WAMPLER d. 30Jun1970, Jackson MS n. died at Baptist Memorial Hospital, Jackson MS m. Alice M. HEAD (20Sep1905-28Apr1983), 2Jul1926, Birmingham AL n. Alice dau. William HEAD, b. Carbon Hill AL r. St. Louis MO sc. Father's obit; her obit, Apr 28, 1983, Carthage MO l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-8]John-> [hp5-36]Benjamin->[hp6-200]John=> [hp7-101] Ben, WAMPLER o. Professor, Michigan State, Lansing MI sc. Fathers Obit l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-8]John-> [hp5-38]Wilson->[hp6-15]Clarence=> [hp7-102] Wilson, WAMPLER mi. Army sc. Fathers Obit l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-8]John-> [hp5-38]Wilson->[hp6-15]Clarence=> [hp7-103] Martha Jean, WAMPLER sc. Fathers Obit l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-8]John-> [hp5-38]Wilson->[hp6-15]Clarence=> [hp7-104] Mildred, WAMPLER b. 1916 m. Ray C ANDES (1915) ch. Carolyn Ray (1943), Wayne Maurice (1944), Roger (1947) sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-95]William->[hp6-29]Frank=> [hp7-105] Frances, WAMPLER b. 1917 m. William S HEDDINGS (1915) n. William son Roy A HEDDINGS and Edna R ANDES o. Rural carrier and diary farmer re. Zoar Baptist r. Catlett VA ch. Infant son (1942-1942), Jerry William (1942), Winna J (1944), Royce Leo (1948), Garland Jay (1951), Berle Lynn (1955 ch. Charles Wampler (1957), Yvonne Elaine (1959) sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-95]William->[hp6-29]Frank=> [hp7-106] Ray Elwood, WAMPLER b. 1923 m. Marie HEDDINGS (1928) sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-95]William->[hp6-29]Frank=> [hp7-107] Leonard, WAMPLER b. 1925 m. Elizabeth R THORNTON (1924) sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-95]William->[hp6-29]Frank=> [hp7-108] Melvin Lee, WAMPLER b. 1931 m. Eula Catherine PROPHET (1930) sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-95]William->[hp6-29]Frank=> [hp7-109] Garland Joseph, WAMPLER b. 1934 m. Glenna HAWBAKER (1937) n. Glenna dau Ezra Joseph HAWBAKER and Agnes Louise ETTER n. divorced, re. COB o. Medical doctor r. Staunton VA sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-95]William->[hp6-29]Frank=> [hp7-110] Gaynelle, WAMPLER b. 1924 m. John Earl SAYRE (1925) n. John COB pastor r. Timberville VA ch. Steven Earl (1952), Philip John (1960), Barbara Gay (1966) sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-95]William->[hp6-31]Everette=> [hp7-111] Glenn, WAMPLER b. 1926 m. Dorothy Lee WRIGHT (1929) n. Dorothy dau Paul WRIGHT and Leta CLINE sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-95]William->[hp6-31]Everette=> [hp7-112] Harold W, WAMPLER b. 16Oct1927, VA d. 3Sep2011, Mount Sidney, AUGUSTA, Virginia m. Lois Elizabeth SHICKEL (1931); 14Jun1952 n. active in the Mount Sidney Ruritan Club o. dairy farmer re. Member and deacon, Pleasant Valley Church of the Brethren n. Lois dau John Adam SHICKEL and Fleta C CLINE sc. Mason {mas}, {jw-n11} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-95]William->[hp6-31]Everette=> [hp7-113] Mary, WAMPLER b. 1932 m. Martin O L SPANGLER (1928) n. Martin son Horace SPANGLER and Ruth WEBSTER n. Martin Professor of Chemistry, Elizabethton College, PA re. COB ch. Nancy Rebecca (1958); Julia Ann (1959), John Martin (1960), Susan Ruth (1966) sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-95]William->[hp6-31]Everette=> [hp7-114] Byron Joseph, WAMPLER b. 1922 m. Mary Virginia MILLER (1921) n. Mary dau Joel A. MILLER and Virgie Lee MCAVOY o. COB Pastor, district executive secretary, administrator of the John M. Reed Home (TN) re. COB r. Bridgewater VA sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-95]William->[hp6-33]Byron=> {hp7-115] Claude LeRoy, WAMPLER b. 1929 m. Janet P SIPE (1932) sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-95]William->[hp6-33]Byron=> [hp7-116] John William, WAMPLER b. 1936 m. Doris E TOLLEY (1938) sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-95]William->[hp6-33]Byron=> [hp7-117] Betty Barnhart, WAMPLER b. 1924 m. Joseph Vern FAIRCHILDS r. Richmond VA ch. Joseph V (1946), Charles Wampler (1948), Betty Karol (1953) sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-16]Daniel->[hp4-50]John-> [hp5-200]Levi->[hp6-218]John=> [hp7-118] John Earl, WAMPLER, Jr b. 1926 m. Clare BOWMAN r. Stuarts Draft, VA sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-16]Daniel->[hp4-50]John-> [hp5-200]Levi->[hp6-218]John=> [hp7-119] David Wayland, WAMPLER b. 1927 m. Mary Margaret MOSES r. Crimora, VA sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-16]Daniel->[hp4-50]John-> [hp5-200]Levi->[hp6-218]John=> [hp7-120] Richard Clarence, WAMPLER b. 1930 m. Ruth WOOD r. New Hope VA sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-16]Daniel->[hp4-50]John-> [hp5-200]Levi->[hp6-218]John=> [hp7-121] Patsy Izona, WAMPLER b. 1934 m. Raymond SHULL r. Staunton VA ch. Clinda Raye (1953), Timothy Ray (1958), Kent Wampler (1961) sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-16]Daniel->[hp4-50]John-> [hp5-200]Levi->[hp6-218]John=> [hp7-122] Gladys Elizabeth, WAMPLER b. 1936 m. Freddie Ray STONE r. Fishersville, VA ch. Freddie Ray Jr. (1955), Jan Elizabeth (1956), Jill Rolston (1959), Joseph Eric (1961) sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-16]Daniel->[hp4-50]John-> [hp5-200]Levi->[hp6-218]John=> [hp7-123] Frances Ellen, WAMPLER b. 1956 n. Frances, a foster child l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-16]Daniel->[hp4-50]John-> [hp5-200]Levi->[hp6-222]Sandy=> [hp7-124] Jerry M, WAMPLER b. 1937 m. Janet SCRUGGS o. school administrator r. Bridgewater VA sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-14]Martin->[hp4-61]Samuel-> [hp5-208]John->[hp6-241]Mark=> [hp7-125] Louise Muriel, WAMPLER b. 1944 m. Brydon M DEWITT (1943) re. COB ch. Brydon Mark sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-14]Martin->[hp4-61]Samuel-> [hp5-208]John->[hp6-241]Mark=> [hp7-126] Claranell, WAMPLER b. 1945 m. 1) Philip BRANNER n. Philip son Eddie BRANNER and Rebecca WAMPLER m. 2) John ROBIN sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-14]Martin->[hp4-61]Samuel-> [hp5-211]David->[hp6-239]Robert=> [hp7-127] Caroline, WAMPLER b. 1947 m. T. Greg SNOW (1948) n. T. Greg son Posey Lee SNOW and Julia Bruce MOORE l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-14]Martin->[hp4-61]Samuel-> [hp5-211]David->[hp6-239]Robert=> [hp7-128] Martin Edward, WAMPLER, Sr b. 5Jul1914, Plattsmouth co NE d. 15Nov1968, Baylor Hospital, Dallas TX, bur Rockwall Cemetery, Rockwall TX o. salesman sc. {jw-n11} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-16]Daniel->[hp4-50]John-> [hp5-195]Joseph->[hp6-217]Barney=> [hp8-1] Paul Christopher, WAMPLER b. 18Aug1969; Washington DC m. Cathleen CLIFFORD (8Jun1971); 20Jul1996, Madison WI sc. Paul Wampler {pcw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-24]Benjamin-> [hp5-88]Walter->[hp6-27]Rollin->[hp7-6]Jeffrey=> [hp8-2] Anne Alphin, WAMPLER b. 26Feb1972 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-24]Benjamin-> [hp5-88]Walter->[hp6-27]Rollin->[hp7-6]Jeffrey=> [hp8-3] Mary Rollin, WAMPLER b. 12May1976 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-24]Benjamin-> [hp5-88]Walter->[hp6-27]Rollin->[hp7-6]Jeffrey=> [hp8-4] Marilyn Jo, WAMPLER b. 1949 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-95]William->[hp6-33]Byron->[hp7-8]Byron=> [hp8-5] David Lee, WAMPLER b. 25Feb1953 m. Robyn TOITT l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-95]William->[hp6-33]Byron->[hp7-8]Byron=> [hp8-6] Kelly Wayne, WAMPLER b. 1957 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-95]William->[hp6-33]Byron->[hp7-9]Claude=> [hp8-7] Janna, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-95]William->[hp6-33]Byron->[hp7-9]Claude=> [hp8-8] Diane, WAMPLER b. 11Mar1962 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-95]William->[hp6-33]Byron->[hp7-10]John=> [hp8-11] Mary Gail, WAMPLER b. 2May1948, Ouray CO ch. Jennifer Alice (30Jul1973), Charlotte NC l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-4]Philip->[hp6-146]Ward->[hp7-21]Ward=> [hp8-12] John Edward, WAMPLER b. 9Sep1944, Knoxville TN l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-4]Philip->[hp6-146]Ward->[hp7-21]Ward=> [hp8-13] Harold Ray, Jr, WAMPLER b. Feb1944, St. Louis m. 1) Patsy KESSLER, San Angelo TX m. 2) Paula FRENCH (Nov1985), 11Oct1986 Springfield r. Ottawa IL sc. Oileen Wampler's obituary, News-Leader, Springfield Mo. l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-4]Philip->[hp6-146]Ward->[hp7-22]Harold=> [hp8-14] Richard Earl, Jr, WAMPLER b. 26Apr1945, Knoxville TN l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-4]Philip->[hp6-146]Ward->[hp7-23]Richard=> [hp8-15] Ronald Alexander, WAMPLER b. 4May1948, Norton VA l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-4]Philip->[hp6-146]Ward->[hp7-23]Richard=> [hp8-16] Lawrence Edward, WAMPLER b. 8Oct1950, Norton VA l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-4]Philip->[hp6-146]Ward->[hp7-23]Richard=> [hp8-17] Lydia Ann, WAMPLER b. 28Apr1954, Spartenburg SC l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-4]Philip->[hp6-146]Ward->[hp7-23]Richard=> [hp8-18] Ward Edward, II, WAMPLER b. 30Apr1957, Little Rock, Polaski Count AR l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-4]Philip->[hp6-146]Ward->[hp7-24]John=> [hp8-19] Marc Stevens, WAMPLER b. 15Sep1958, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County OK l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-4]Philip->[hp6-146]Ward->[hp7-24]John=> [hp8-20] Cole Lanier, WAMPLER b. 5Feb1960, New Orleans, Orleans Parish LA l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-4]Philip->[hp6-146]Ward->[hp7-24]John=> [hp8-21] Steven, WAMPLER b. 17Oct1949 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-4]Philip->[hp6-146]Archie->[hp7-25]Donald=> [hp8-22] Philip L, WAMPLER b. 1Nov1942, St. Louis, MO l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-4]Philip->[hp6-146]Archie->[hp7-25]Donald=> [hp8-23] Karen, WAMPLER b. 12Nov1951 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-4]Philip->[hp6-146]Archie->[hp7-25]Donald=> [hp8-24] Cecil Lee, WAMPLER b. 25Jun1939 d. 17Sep1993 m. ?: 7Sep1963; sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-97]Jacob->[hp6-159]Clyde->[hp7-46]Jacob=> [hp8-25] Janet Marie, WAMPLER sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-97]Jacob->[hp6-159]Clyde->[hp7-46]Jacob=> [hp8-26] Wilda Mae, WAMPLER sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-97]Jacob->[hp6-159]Clyde->[hp7-46]Jacob=> [hp8-27] Joseph Wayne, WAMPLER sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-97]Jacob->[hp6-159]Clyde->[hp7-46]Jacob=> [hp8-28] Francis Marion, Jr, WAMPLER b. 29Mar1933 m. June LAVERTY (8Sep1933): 3Sep1955 sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John->[hp6-40]Whitfield->[hp7-12]Francis=> [hp8-29] William Gordon, WAMPLER b. 24Dec1934 m. Jane E SHANER (29Aug1934): 3Jul1954 sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John->[hp6-40]Whitfield->[hp7-12]Francis=> [hp8-30] Loretta Faye, WAMPLER b. 13Aug1939 m. Harold Mervin SCHWEITZER (4Apr1938): 3Nov1956 ch. Harold M. Jr, Robert Rodney, Dale Edwin sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John->[hp6-40]Whitfield->[hp7-12]Francis=> [hp8-31] Dolores Ann, WAMPLER b. 17Feb1933 m. Thomas R. BISHOP (9Oct1934): 6Jul1954 n. 1 child sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John->[hp6-40]Whitfield->[hp7-13]Dee=> [hp8-32] Richard Dee, WAMPLER b. 14Jan1936 n. another {dfw} list give b. 2Feb1934, I.e. not twin of Kenneth ? m. Dorothy Ann SIMMONS (24Aug19??): 20Jul1956 sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John->[hp6-40]Whitfield->[hp7-13]Dee=> [hp8-33] Kenneth Early, WAMPLER b. 14Jan1936 m. Marlene FIZZ (25Apr1939): 24Mar1962 sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John->[hp6-40]Whitfield->[hp7-13]Dee=> [hp8-34] Brent Lee, WAMPLER b. 7Mar1937 d. 1Jun1999 m. Carol Ann HADDOCK (14Nov1935): 12May1956 sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John->[hp6-40]Whitfield->[hp7-13]Dee=> [hp8-35] Gary Robert, WAMPLER b. 7Nov1938 m. Claire NOURY (21Oct1939): 23Apr1960 sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John->[hp6-40]Whitfield->[hp7-13]Dee=> [hp8-36] Jeffrey Arthur, WAMPLER b. 30Mar1946 d. 23Aug1997 m. Sandra Jean BIANCHINI (9Nov1946): 27Mar1965 sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John->[hp6-40]Whitfield->[hp7-13]Dee=> [hp8-37] James Scott, WAMPLER b. 17Aug1949 m. Daria Lynn ZIRLES (17Apr1949-): 19Jun1976; sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John->[hp6-40]Whitfield->[hp7-16]Whitfield=> [hp8-38] Barry Dale, WAMPLER b. 18May1951 m. 1)Janelle Lee SERRICCA (10Oct1953-): 13Jun1973; n. Barry & Janelle divorced m. 2)Cindy BRIDENBACH, 21Jun1991 sc. {dfw}, Kathy Ann and Whitfield E Jr. l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John->[hp6-40]Whitfield->[hp7-16]Whitfield=> [hp8-39] Kathy Ann, WAMPLER b. 22Feb1954 m. 1) James Gary KLANG (15Jan1952-): 12Feb1977; m. 2) Garret Kirk KANE; 16Jun1991 n. divorced from James sc. {dfw}, Kathy Ann and Whitfield E Jr. l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John->[hp6-40]Whitfield->[hp7-16]Whitfield=> [hp8-40] Sharon Lynn, WAMPLER b. 20Sep1966 sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John->[hp6-40]Whitfield->[hp7-16]Whitfield=> [hp8-41] Richard Carl, WAMPLER b. 1938, Lebanon PA m. Carole LOFGREN (1935) n. Carole born in Aurora IL sc. Carole L. Wampler {clw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-97]Jacob->[hp6-156]Homer->[hp7-36]Effie=> [hp8-42] Daniel Wayne, WAMPLER r. Texas l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-98]David->[hp6-168]Clinton->[hp7-52]Julius=> [hp8-43] Charles Keith, WAMPLER r. 1635 Baker Blvd, Carthage MO sc. See hp6-199 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-8]John-> [hp5-36]Benjamin->[hp6-207]Frank->[hp7-88]Charles=> [hp8-44] Gary Lee, WAMPLER m. Judy GAYDOU r. Rt 2, Carthage MO n. bought, remodeled and lived in Benjamine Wampler homeplace n. also own Elmer Wampler farm sc. See hp6-199 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-8]John-> [hp5-36]Benjamin->[hp6-207]Frank->[hp7-88]Charles=> [hp8-45] Janice Christine, WAMPLER m. ALUMBAUGH r. Rt 5, Carthage MO sc. See hp6-199 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-8]John-> [hp5-36]Benjamin->[hp6-207]Frank->[hp7-88]Charles=> [hp8-46] Stanley June Jr, WAMPLER sc. {kfs} Kline Family web site l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-98]David->[hp6-168]Clinton->[hp7-51]Stanley=> [hp8-47] Eleanor Marguuerite, WAMPLER sc. {kfs} Kline Family web site l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-98]David->[hp6-168]Clinton->[hp7-51]Stanley=> [hp8-48] Elizabeth Ann, WAMPLER sc. {kfs} Kline Family web site l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-98]David->[hp6-168]Clinton->[hp7-51]Stanley=> [hp8-49] Kenneth Eugene, WAMPLER b. 1945 d. 1995 m. Gloria LUCAS sc. {kfs} Kline Family web site l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-98]David->[hp6-168]Clinton->[hp7-51]Stanley=> [hp8-50] Betty Jo, WAMPLER sc. {kfs} Kline Family web site l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-98]David->[hp6-168]Clinton->[hp7-52]Julius=> [hp8-51] Rebecca, WAMPLER sc. {kfs} Kline Family web site l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-98]David->[hp6-168]Clinton->[hp7-53]Dyerle=> [hp8-52] Garold B, WAMPLER sc. {kfs} Kline Family web site l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-98]David->[hp6-168]Clinton->[hp7-53]Dyerle=> [hp8-53] James M, WAMPLER sc. {kfs} Kline Family web site l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-98]David->[hp6-168]Clinton->[hp7-53]Dyerle=> [hp8-54] Sherry, WAMPLER m. BEVAN r. Shawnee Mission, Kansas sc. Mother's OBIT (Carthage Press, 28Apr1983) l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-8]John-> [hp5-36]Benjamin->[hp6-200]John->[hp7-100]Clarence=> [hp8-55] Alice, WAMPLER m. MCBRIDE r. Tulsa OK sc. Mother's OBIT (Carthage Press, 28Apr1983) l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-8]John-> [hp5-36]Benjamin->[hp6-200]John->[hp7-100]Clarence=> [hp8-56] John, WAMPLER r. Fulton MO sc. Father's obit l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-8]John-> [hp5-36]Benjamin->[hp6-200]John->[hp7-99]Paul=> [hp8-57] Stephen, WAMPLER r. 1228 E. Highland Ave, Carthage (or Joplin) MO sc. Father's obit l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-8]John-> [hp5-36]Benjamin->[hp6-200]John->[hp7-99]Paul=> [hp8-58] Polly, WAMPLER m. RUNGE r. Bettendorf, IA sc. Father's obit l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-8]John-> [hp5-36]Benjamin->[hp6-200]John->[hp7-99]Paul=> [hp8-59] Carolyn Sue, WAMPLER m. Cody Joe JENKINS, 4Mar1950 First Methodist Church, Huntsville AR n. Cody son of Raymond JENKINS r. Shell Knob MO sc. Father's obit l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-8]John-> [hp5-36]Benjamin->[hp6-200]John->[hp7-99]Paul=> [hp8-60] Roland Edward, WAMPLER b. 1948 sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-95]William->[hp6-29]Frank->[hp7-106]Ray=> [hp8-61] Juanita Maria, WAMPLER b. 1951 sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-95]William->[hp6-29]Frank->[hp7-106]Ray=> [hp8-62] Danny Ray, WAMPLER b. 1952 sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-95]William->[hp6-29]Frank->[hp7-106]Ray=> [hp8-63] Melody Kaye, WAMPLER b. 1963 sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-95]William->[hp6-29]Frank->[hp7-106]Ray=> [hp8-64] Mae Catherine, WAMPLER b. 1945 m. Paul WARNER ch. Elizabeth Ann (1966) sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-95]William->[hp6-29]Frank->[hp7-107]Leonard=> [hp8-65] Dennis Franklin, WAMPLER b. 1951 sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-95]William->[hp6-29]Frank->[hp7-107]Leonard=> [hp8-66] Gary Wayne, WAMPLER b. 1953 n. Gary adopted sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-95]William->[hp6-29]Frank->[hp7-108]Melvin=> [hp8-67] Anna Marie, WAMPLER b. 1965 n. Anna adopted sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-95]William->[hp6-29]Frank->[hp7-108]Melvin=> [hp8-68] Wanda Lee, WAMPLER b. 1966 n. Wanda adopted sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-95]William->[hp6-29]Frank->[hp7-108]Melvin=> [hp8-69] Neal Frankline, WAMPLER b. 1966 m. Donna CAMPBELL o. Construction sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-95]William->[hp6-31]Everette->[hp7-109]Garland=> [hp8-70] Emily Sue, WAMPLER b. 1968 sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-95]William->[hp6-31]Everette->[hp7-109]Garland=> [hp8-71] Joseph Garland, WAMPLER b. 1973 sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-95]William->[hp6-31]Everette->[hp7-109]Garland=> [hp8-72] Daniel Lee, WAMPLER b. 1953 sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-95]William->[hp6-31]Everette->[hp7-111]Glenn=> [hp8-73] Kenneth Lynn, WAMPLER b. 1958 sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-95]William->[hp6-31]Everette->[hp7-111]Glenn=> [hp8-74] Harold W, WAMPLER, II b. 5May1953 sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-95]William->[hp6-31]Everette->[hp7-112]Harold=> [hp8-75] Keith Shickel, WAMPLER b. 14Jun1955 sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-95]William->[hp6-31]Everette->[hp7-112]Harold=> [hp8-76] David Earl, WAMPLER b. 3Aug1956 sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-95]William->[hp6-31]Everette->[hp7-112]Harold=> [hp8-77] Marilyn Jo, WAMPLER b. 1949 m. Jeffery Howard JOHNSON (1943) n. Jeffery son Howard JOHNSON and MCCLURE n. Jeffery iis COB minister o. school teacher r. Greenville, TN ch. Alexander David (1975), Reuben Joel (1982), Marcus Eric (1983), Peter Lynn (1987-1990), Ingrid Marie (1989) sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-95]William->[hp6-33]Byron->[hp7-114]Byron=> [hp8-78] David Lee, WAMPLER b. 1953 m. Robyn Eloise TROITT (1954) n. Robyn dau Clair Sylvester TRITT and Mary Alice ROHRER o. Medical doctor r. Gardners PA re. COB sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-95]William->[hp6-33]Byron->[hp7-114]Byron=> [hp8-79] Kelly Wayne, WAMPLER b. 1957 sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-95]William->[hp6-33]Byron->[hp7-115]Claude=> [hp8-80] Janna Renee, WAMPLER b. 1964 n. Janna adopted sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-95]William->[hp6-33]Byron->[hp7-115]Claude=> [hp8-81] Diane Marie, WAMPLER b. 1962 sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-95]William->[hp6-33]Byron->[hp7-116]John=> [hp8-82] Earl Steven, WAMPLER b. 1948 m. Teresa MILLER sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-16]Daniel->[hp4-50]John-> [hp5-200]Levi->[hp6-218]John->[hp7-118]John=> [hp8-83] Rebecca Claire, WAMPLER b. 1952 sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-16]Daniel->[hp4-50]John-> [hp5-200]Levi->[hp6-218]John->[hp7-118]John=> [hp8-84] Westley Bowman, WAMPLER b. 1958 sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-16]Daniel->[hp4-50]John-> [hp5-200]Levi->[hp6-218]John->[hp7-118]John=> [hp8-85] Jeffrey David, WAMPLER sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-16]Daniel->[hp4-50]John-> [hp5-200]Levi->[hp6-218]John->[hp7-119]David=> [hp8-86] Diane Margaret, WAMPLER b. 1958 sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-16]Daniel->[hp4-50]John-> [hp5-200]Levi->[hp6-218]John->[hp7-119]David=> [hp8-87] Pamela Lee, WAMPLER b. 1953 m. Roy KNOPP r. Staunton VA sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-16]Daniel->[hp4-50]John-> [hp5-200]Levi->[hp6-218]John->[hp7-120]Richard=> [hp8-88] Ruth Ann, WAMPLER b. 1954 sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-16]Daniel->[hp4-50]John-> [hp5-200]Levi->[hp6-218]John->[hp7-120]Richard=> [hp8-89] Vickie Jo, WAMPLER b. 1957 sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-16]Daniel->[hp4-50]John-> [hp5-200]Levi->[hp6-218]John->[hp7-120]Richard=> [hp8-90] Tersa Wood, WAMPLER b. 1959 sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-16]Daniel->[hp4-50]John-> [hp5-200]Levi->[hp6-218]John->[hp7-120]Richard=> [hp8-91] Richard C, WAMPLER b. 1963 sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-16]Daniel->[hp4-50]John-> [hp5-200]Levi->[hp6-218]John->[hp7-120]Richard=> [hp8-92] Sherrie Kimberly, WAMPLER b. 1963 m. Guy Benjamin WAMPLER n. Guy son Joseph Paul WAMPLER and Crystal DRIVER sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-14]Martin->[hp4-61]Samuel-> [hp5-208]John->[hp6-241]Mark->[hp7-124]Jerry=> [hp8-93] Jay Michael, WAMPLER b. 1967 sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-14]Martin->[hp4-61]Samuel-> [hp5-208]John->[hp6-241]Mark->[hp7-124]Jerry=> [hp8-94] Martin Edward, WAMPLER, Jr b. TX sc. {jw-n11} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-16]Daniel->[hp4-50]John-> [hp5-195]Joseph->[hp6-217]Barney->[hp7-128]Martin=> [hp9-1] Gina Lynn, WAMPLER b. 24Oct1965 sc. {dfw} n. This lineage has been questioned (to start with Homer J hp6-156) l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-97]Jacob->[hp6-159]Clyde->[hp7-46]Jacob->[hp8-24]Cecil=> [hp9-2] Shannon Marie, WAMPLER b. 28Dec1976 sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John->[hp6-40]Whitfield->[hp7-16]Whitfield-> [hp8-38]Barry=> [hp9-3] Laura Kristen, WAMPLER b. 30Nov1978 sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John->[hp6-40]Whitfield->[hp7-16]Whitfield-> [hp8-38]Barry=> [hp9-4] Francis Marion, III, WAMPLER b. 10Nov1957 m. 1)Karman BARROW m. 2)Suzie WEN n. Both Karman and Suzie divorced from Francis sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John->[hp6-40]Whitfield->[hp7-12]Francis-> [hp8-28]Francis=> [hp9-5] Paul Kevin, WAMPLER b. 12Mar1961 m. 1)Connie BORONSKI, 10Apr1982 m. 2)Kathleen PENNELL n. Connie & Paul divorced sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John->[hp6-40]Whitfield->[hp7-12]Francis-> [hp8-28]Francis=> [hp9-6] William Gordon, Jr, WAMPLER b. 29Oct1955 d. 8May2000 m. 1) Lisa Jane CADMAS: 31Dec1976; m. 2) Donna Marie SEREGELY (28Sep), Jan1979 m. 3) Josephine Fannie KERKOW n. Divorced from Lisa and Donna sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John->[hp6-40]Whitfield->[hp7-12]Francis-> [hp8-29]William=> [hp9-7] George Gilbert, WAMPLER b. 10Mar1958 m. Vickie MILLER (31Jul1958), 4Oct1980 sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John->[hp6-40]Whitfield->[hp7-12]Francis-> [hp8-29]William=> [hp9-8] Gregory Scott, WAMPLER b. 20Jun1966 m. Lori GOMBORDI n. Gregory & Lori divorced sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John->[hp6-40]Whitfield->[hp7-12]Francis-> [hp8-29]William=> [hp9-9] Renee Ann, WAMPLER b. 6Jun1959 m. Chris KONELL: 29Sep1979; ch. Taylor R (4Nov1989), Meili n. Meili adopted sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John->[hp6-40]Whitfield->[hp7-13]Dee->[hp8-32]Richard=> [hp9-10] Michelle Ann, WAMPLER b. 18Feb1966 sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John->[hp6-40]Whitfield->[hp7-13]Dee->[hp8-32]Richard=> [hp9-11] Nichole Ann, WAMPLER b. 19Feb1969 d. 27Jun1969 sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John->[hp6-40]Whitfield->[hp7-13]Dee->[hp8-32]Richard=> [hp9-12] Gregory Scott, WAMPLER b. 13Oct1962 sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John->[hp6-40]Whitfield->[hp7-13]Dee->[hp8-33]Kenneth=> [hp9-13] Lee Ann, WAMPLER b. 6Oct1957 m. Robert LOCKER: 22Mar1980 ch. Jennifer Lee (18Oct1981), Christopher (17Aug1985), Adam (5Nov1986) sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John->[hp6-40]Whitfield->[hp7-13]Dee->[hp8-34]Brent=> [hp9-14] Pamela Dee, WAMPLER b. 23Nov1961 m. Jeffrey McALLISTER: 1977 ch. Danyele Christian (9Nov1977) sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John->[hp6-40]Whitfield->[hp7-13]Dee->[hp8-34]Brent=> [hp9-15] Todd William, WAMPLER b. 31Jan1963 m. Larissa MAMANOFF sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John->[hp6-40]Whitfield->[hp7-13]Dee->[hp8-34]Brent=> [hp9-16] Shawn Whitfield, WAMPLER b. 20Jun1974 sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John->[hp6-40]Whitfield->[hp7-13]Dee->[hp8-34]Brent=> [hp9-17] Cheri Lynn, WAMPLER b. 20Feb1961 m. Robert MCMANUS ch. Jacob (6Mar1989), Samuel (18Nov1993), Benjamin (7Oct1998) sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John->[hp6-40]Whitfield->[hp7-13]Dee->[hp8-35]Gary=> [hp9-18] Tracy Lee, WAMPLER b. 9Feb1962 m. Jeffrey WYMAN sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John->[hp6-40]Whitfield->[hp7-13]Dee->[hp8-35]Gary=> [hp9-19] Amy Marie, WAMPLER b. 5Jul1964 m. Dennis KUHL ch. Alexander (19Jun1989) sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John->[hp6-40]Whitfield->[hp7-13]Dee->[hp8-35]Gary=> [hp9-20] Laurie Ann, WAMPLER b. 27Sep1965 m. David HUGGARD ch. Lauren E (14Dec1987), Matthew (4Sep1989), Jessica (20Jun1994) sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John->[hp6-40]Whitfield->[hp7-13]Dee->[hp8-36]Jeffrey=> [hp9-21] Jeffrey Scott, WAMPLER b. 5Nov1968 sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John->[hp6-40]Whitfield->[hp7-13]Dee->[hp8-36]Jeffrey=> [hp9-22] Sandra Jean, WAMPLER b. 18Dec1972, Athens GA l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-4]Philip->[hp6-146]Ward->[hp7-21]Ward->[hp8-12]John=> [hp9-23] Amy Elaine, WAMPLER b. 6Nov1974, Murfreesburo TN l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-4]Philip->[hp6-146]Ward->[hp7-23]Richard->[hp8-14]Richard=> [hp9-24] Brandon James, WAMPLER b. 9Nov1977, Cedar Falls IW l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-4]Philip->[hp6-146]Ward->[hp7-23]Richard->[hp8-14]Richard=> [hp9-25] Ronald A., Jr, WAMPLER b. 3Sep1971, Ft. Jackson SC l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-4]Philip->[hp6-146]Ward->[hp7-23]Richard->[hp8-15]Ronald=> [hp9-26] Melissa Margaret, WAMPLER b. 5Oct1972, Ft Jackson SC l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-4]Philip->[hp6-146]Ward->[hp7-23]Richard->[hp8-15]Ronald=> [hp9-27] Megan Susan, WAMPLER b. 6Sep1975, Jacksonville FL l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-4]Philip->[hp6-146]Ward->[hp7-23]Richard->[hp8-15]Ronald=> [hp9-28] Richard Jennings, WAMPLER b. 25Jan1978, Toms River VA l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-4]Philip->[hp6-146]Ward->[hp7-23]Richard->[hp8-15]Ronald=> [hp9-29] Barbara Nickole, WAMPLER b. 2Apr1983, Murfreesboro TN l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-4]Philip->[hp6-146]Ward->[hp7-23]Richard->[hp8-16]Lawrence=> [hp9-30] Eric Ted Lawson, WAMPLER b. 22Apr1988, Murfreesboro TN l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-4]Philip->[hp6-146]Ward->[hp7-23]Richard->[hp8-16]Lawrence=> [hp9-31] Amy Kristen, WAMPLER sc. See hp6-199 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-8]John-> [hp5-36]Benjamin->[hp6-207]Frank->[hp7-88]Charles->[hp8-44]Gary=> [hp9-32] Erin, WAMPLER sc. See hp6-199 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-8]John-> [hp5-36]Benjamin->[hp6-207]Frank->[hp7-88]Charles->[hp8-44]Gary=> [hp9-33] Bryan, WAMPLER b. 15Mar1983 sc. See hp4-27 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John->[hp6-40]Whitfield->[hp7-16]Whitfield-> [hp8-37]James=> [hp9-34] Kimberly, WAMPLER b. 11Dec1985 sc. See hp4-27 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John->[hp6-40]Whitfield->[hp7-16]Whitfield-> [hp8-37]James=> [hp9-35] Shannon Marie, WAMPLER b. 28Dec1976 sc. See hp4-27 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John->[hp6-40]Whitfield->[hp7-16]Whitfield-> [hp8-38]Barry=> [hp9-36] Laura Kristen, WAMPLER b. 30Nov1978 sc. See hp4-27 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John->[hp6-40]Whitfield->[hp7-16]Whitfield-> [hp8-38]Barry=> [hp9-37] Jullie Elizabeth, WAMPLER m. Bryan BELT, 22Jul1995 TN r. Clarksville, TN ch. Katie; Sam sc. Oileen Wampler's obituary, News-Leader, Springfield Mo. l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-4]Philip->[hp6-146]Ward->[hp7-22]Harold->[hp8-13]Harold=> [hp9-38] Dale Adamson, WAMPLER b. 11Oct1974 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-4]Philip->[hp6-146]Archie->[hp7-25]Donald->[hp8-22]Philip=> [hp9-39] Mathew Leroy, WAMPLER b. 27May1978 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-4]Philip->[hp6-146]Archie->[hp7-25]Donald->[hp8-21]Steve=> [hp9-40] Sarah Kay, WAMPLER b. 9Feb1981 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-4]Philip->[hp6-146]Archie->[hp7-25]Donald->[hp8-21]Steve=> [hp9-41] Mark Edward, WAMPLER m. Tammy: 13Oct2001 r. Nashville Tennessee sc. Oileen's obituary, News-Leader, Springfield Mo. l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-4]Philip->[hp6-146]Ward->[hp7-22]Harold->[hp8-13]Harold=> [hp9-42] Mac C, WAMPLER b. 22Jun2000 sc. Paul Wampler {pcw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-24]Benjamin-> [hp5-88]Walter->[hp6-27]Rollin->[hp7-6]Jeffrey->[hp8-1]Paul=> [hp9-43] Christine Lynn, WAMPLER b. 1986 n. adopted sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-95]William->[hp6-33]Byron->[hp7-114]Byron->[hp8-78]David=> [hp9-44] Rachel Elizabeth, WAMPLER b. 1990 n. adopted sc. Mason {mas} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-26]John-> [hp5-95]William->[hp6-33]Byron->[hp7-114]Byron->[hp8-78]David=> [hp10-1] Jennifer Lynn, WAMPLER b. 24Jun1979 sc. {dfw} l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John->[hp6-40]Whitfield->[hp7-12]Francis-> [hp8-29]William->[hp9-6]William=>2) [hp10-2] Jermey Scott, WAMPLER sc. See hp4-27 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John->[hp6-40]Whitfield->[hp7-12]Francis-> [hp8-29]William->[hp9-7]George=> [hp10-3] Mallory Rae, WAMPLER b. 18Nov1987 sc. See hp4-27 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John->[hp6-40]Whitfield->[hp7-12]Francis-> [hp8-28]Francis->[hp9-4]Francis=>1) [hp10-4] Ariel J, WAMPLER b. 10Dec1993 sc. See hp4-27 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John->[hp6-40]Whitfield->[hp7-12]Francis-> [hp8-28]Francis->[hp9-4]Francis=>2) [hp10-5] Rhett, WAMPLER b. 14Apr1995 sc. See hp4-27 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John->[hp6-40]Whitfield->[hp7-12]Francis-> [hp8-28]Francis->[hp9-4]Francis=>2) [hp10-6] Joshua Kevin, WAMPLER b. 11Feb1983 sc. See hp4-27 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John->[hp6-40]Whitfield->[hp7-12]Francis-> [hp8-28]Francis->[hp9-5]Paul=>1) [hp10-7] Colleen Michele, WAMPLER b. 20Feb1989 sc. See hp4-27 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John->[hp6-40]Whitfield->[hp7-12]Francis-> [hp8-28]Francis->[hp9-5]Paul=>2) [hp10-8] Paul Christopher, WAMPLER b. 2Feb1993 sc. See hp4-27 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John->[hp6-40]Whitfield->[hp7-12]Francis-> [hp8-28]Francis->[hp9-5]Paul=>2) [hp10-9] Jennifer Lynn, WAMPLER b. 24Jun1979 m. David CLISTER n. Jennifer & David divorced ch. Emily Jane (18Jul1995) sc. See hp4-27 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John->[hp6-40]Whitfield->[hp7-12]Francis-> [hp8-29]William->[hp9-6]William=> [hp10-10] Jeremy Scott, WAMPLER b. 11Jan1982 sc. See hp4-27 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John->[hp6-40]Whitfield->[hp7-12]Francis-> [hp8-29]William->[hp9-7]George=> [hp10-10] Jarod Gilbert, WAMPLER b. 5Jul1983 sc. See hp4-27 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John->[hp6-40]Whitfield->[hp7-12]Francis-> [hp8-29]William->[hp9-7]George=> [hp10-11] Justin Scott, WAMPLER b. 26Oct1991 sc. See hp4-27 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John->[hp6-40]Whitfield->[hp7-12]Francis-> [hp8-29]William->[hp9-8]Gregory=> [hp10-12] Brent, WAMPLER b. 18Oct1989 sc. See hp4-27 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John->[hp6-40]Whitfield->[hp7-13]Dee->[hp8-34]Brent-> [hp9-15]Todd=> [hp10-13] Gregory, WAMPLER n. Gregory adopted sc. See hp4-27 l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-9]John->[hp3-13]David->[hp4-27]Samuel-> [hp5-101]John->[hp6-40]Whitfield->[hp7-13]Dee->[hp8-34]Brent-> [hp9-15]Todd=> [hp10-14] Tristen, WAMPLER l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-4]Philip->[hp6-146]Ward->[hp7-23]Richard->[hp8-15]Ronald-> [hp9-28]Richard=> [hp10-15] Owen, WAMPLER sc. Oileen Wampler's obituary, News-Leader, Springfield Mo. l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-4]Philip->[hp6-146]Ward->[hp7-22]Harold->[hp8-13]Harold-> [hp9-41]Mark=> [hp10-16] Wren, WAMPLER sc. Oileen Wampler's obituary, News-Leader, Springfield Mo. l. [he1-2]Hans->[hp2-7]David->[hp3-1]Philip->[hp4-2]Edward-> [hp5-4]Philip->[hp6-146]Ward->[hp7-22]Harold->[hp8-13]Harold-> [hp9-41]Mark=>